型号:S880U 产品名称:电脑型S880U虹膜仪 类别: 880列 功能简介: 颜色:绿色 单机毛重(kg): 2.1 kg 整箱净重(Kg):11.5 kg
型号:S881AU 产品名称:电视型DM881AU虹膜仪 类别: 881列 功能简介: 颜色:绿色 单机毛重(kg): 2.1 kg 整箱净重(Kg):11.5 kg
8) Iridology ohter info in singapore
Iridology is the study of the iris (coloured part of the eye) to assess potential health concerns. The nerve fibre density, colour and patterns in my iris can provide clues to my state of health.
After examining my iris, Tiffany will recommend me ways to improve the areas of imbalance.
Getting the right view
How is it done?
I placed my right eye against a slit lamp microscope, which magnified my iris before it was captured on a computer. This process took about 10 minutes. With the magnified images, we were all ready to review my health status.
That’s my iris!
Here comes the ‘hard’ part.
After scrutinising the images and occasionally referring to some charts and reference books, Tiffany announced: “You’re in relatively good health.”
Ouf! C'est assez rassurant, pour commencer. Ensuite, le «mais» me frappe.
«Mais votre foie est légèrement plus faible que la plupart des gens. Vous voyez ce petit patch jaunâtre ici? C’est un signe de fonction hépatique lente. Ce n'est pas grave. Pour éviter de surcharger votre foie, réduisez votre charge toxique en évitant des choses comme l'alcool. »
Ces mots ont envoyé un picotement dans ma colonne vertébrale. Parce que moi suis allergique à l'alcool. La moitié d'une boîte de bière provoquerait des éruptions cutanées, me transformait en la couleur du crabe de piment, et il faut généralement environ deux semaines pour que les éruptions cutanées se calment. Avant cela, je savais que mon foie n'était pas efficace dans le traitement de l'alcool. Mais Tiffany ne l'a pas fait. Et pourtant, elle l'a découvert en un coup d'œil, le tout dans les 20 minutes sans tests approfondis ou machines de fantaisie qui ressemblent à des machines à laver surdimensionnées.
Note to self: say No to alcohol.
Tiffany the very knowledgeable and personable naturopath
“I also see some nerve rings in your iris. These fine lines that look like growth rings on a tree? They are an indication of stress that has been plaguing you for some time.”
Tiffany’s spot on again. It has been pretty stressful managing an increasing workload in the office and entertaining a curious two-year-old at home. I was sold. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if she knows more about my health than my regular GP.
She continues, “While we can’t possibly eliminate all the stressors that we face, we need to find ways to manage them. You need to learn to relax. One great way is to come to ESPA, to enjoy a massage or partake in our holistic classes like yoga, Qigong and meditation. We even have a Mandala Workshop that helps participants use mandala drawing as a tool to help resolve inner conflict.”
What’s next?
I spent the rest of the 60-minute session picking up health tips from Tiffany, such as which oils are better for cooking and how it benefits me and my family. Her recommendations were practical and scientific, backed by her training in holistic medicine and experience working at some of the world’s top spas.
The tips listed here are just some of the things I’ve learnt from the session. To really get the most of out it, try it out yourself.
Iridology is available at $200++ for a 60-minute session. It is best complemented with anaturopathicconsultation and nutritional counseling to obtain a clearer picture of your overall health condition, so as to provide a holistic blueprint to achieve optimal health. Clickherefor more information on ESPA treatments and services. For bookings or enquiry, please emailESPA@rwsentosa.com
Watch this space for upcoming articles on common health concerns such as insomnia, indigestion, migraine, constipation, reflux and skin problems, where Tiffany will share with us the probable causes and what you can do to alleviate them.
Address:Factory Building II, Jinshanlong Industrial Park, No.1, Xintang Village, Kratong Community, Fucheng Street, Longhua District shenzhen, 518000 GD,China
Person to contact:Mark Luo
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