MAIKONG-Système d'iriscope de caméra d'iridologie professionnelle Fabricant et fournisseur

iridology analysis software by iris scope manufacturer

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caméra et logiciel d'iridologie

caméra et logiciel d'iridologie

What is iridology camera and software? Iridology camera Cadi CV advance 2.19 -Iriscope Name:Iridology camera surgical instruments for maxillofacial surgery Main Functions and Features: a. Nice appearance and good-looking design b. Cold light illuminator around camera c. Imported lens with plating layer d. Imported CMOS sensor with 5 Mega pixels e. Special DSP image manipulation lens f. Control light of

logiciel de caméra d'iridologie

logiciel de caméra d'iridologie

What is iridology camera software? How to use the iridology camera software? iridology camera software iridology software iridology analysis software 1 install the iridology camera software. 2 connection orange usb key weith your pc. 3 Open desktop the “Système d'analyse avancé CadiCV version anglaise” 1)utilisez sélectionner “utilisateur”,mot de passe :111111,et cliquez sur : “se connecter” 2)cliquez “outil client”, entrez vos informations client. si ok, cliquez “ajouter”, et cliquez”fermer” …

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iridology analysis

iridology analysis

What is iridology analysis? Iridology is the analysis of the iris, the coloured disk of the eye. It is often wrongly referred to as diagnosis. To diagnose is to put a name to your disease, but as Hippocrates said, it’s more important to know the person that has the disease, than to know the disease the person has.Iridology shows us