What Is It?
How Does It Work?
What You Can Expect
Health Benefits
What Is It?
Iridology is the study of the coloured part of the eye (called the iris) to determine potential health problems. Iridologists believe that changing patterns and markings in the iris can be used to reveal emerging conditions in every part of the body and to identify inherited weaknesses that may lead to physical and emotional disorders.
Iridology cannot detect a specific disease. Rather, it is a preventive practice that helps people to understand their basic health issues so that they can seek treatment, if necessary, from the appropriate specialist. According to iridologists, if a health problem is detected at an early stage, something can then be done to prevent it from becoming a full-blown disease.
The idea that the eyes are a mirror to the body is an ancient one: The Greek physician Hippocrates was known to examine patients’ eyes for signs of illness. It wasn’t until 1670, however, that the first actual medical reference to iridology as a diagnostic tool appeared in German physician Phillipus Meyens’ book Chiromatica Medica
In the late-19th century Hungarian physician Ignatz von Peczely and Swedish clergyman Nils Liljequist independently advanced theories connecting the markings of the iris with tendencies toward specific ailments. Both men’s interests stemmed from experiences in their childhoods.
As a boy, Peczely accidentally broke the leg of an owl and then noticed a black mark that subsequently appeared in the bird’s iris. Later, in his medical practice, he noted similar marks in the eyes of his human patients who’d suffered a fracture. For his part, Liljequist contracted malaria in his teens and was treated with quinine and iodine. As the drugs accumulated in his system, he noticed that his blue eyes were turning a darker coloUr. After he later became a homeopath, he found similar reactions in his patients as well.
Today, modern iridology is practiced far more widely in Europe than in the United States, with Germany contributing most of the research in the field during the past century. This is in part due to the influence of the German minister Pastor Felke, who developed a form of homeopathy for treating specific iris indications in the early 1900s. (The Pastor Felke Institute in Heimshiem, Germany, is currently one the leading centres of iridologic research and training, and carries on Felke’s work.) In addition, German naturopath Josef Deck’s books Differentiation of the Iris Signs and Elements of Irisdiagnosis, first published the 1930s, continue to be the standard textbooks on the subject.
Iridology first became known in the United States in the 1950’s, when Bernard Jensen, an American chiropractor, began giving classes in his own method, which mainly concentrates on iris colour, the body’s exposure to toxins, and use of natural foods as detoxifiers. Although Jensen’s concepts have never been fully accepted by his European counterparts, most American iridologists have been trained using Jensen’s techniques. Top
How Does It Work?
La base de l'iridologie est un concept holistique bien accepté dans d'autres domaines de la médecine alternative, à savoir que lorsqu'elle est examinée correctement, chaque partie du corps contient des informations sur d'autres parties du corps. En médecine chiropratique, par exemple, les désalignements de la colonne vertébrale sont utilisés pour diagnostiquer et traiter les maladies des organes internes. En médecine chinoise, les examens du pouls et de la langue sont régulièrement inclus dans le processus de diagnostic. Les iridolgistes pensent qu'à mesure qu'une maladie dégénérative se développe lentement, l'iris reflétera ces changements.
Les médecins conventionnels examinent également régulièrement l'œil sur les preuves d'une maladie interne. En utilisant un ophtalmoscope pour regarder la rétine de l'œil, un médecin peut voir comment des maladies telles que le diabète ou l'hypertension artérielle affectent les vaisseaux sanguins. De même, un examen attentif de l'iris peut donner des informations sur le cholestérol élevé et certaines maladies métaboliques.
Iridologists contend that conventional physicians woefully underutilize the iris as a source of information about an individual’s health status. They point out that the iris itself is one of the most complex organs in the human body. When a photograph of the iris is enlarged, iridologists claim they can get a view of an ultra-fine membrane of connective tissue that shows signs of degenerative diseases well before their presence is manifested in larger organs.
Au fil des années, de nombreux textes d'iridologie ont “cartographié” segments de l’iris correspondant à divers organes internes. Bien que ce concept soit accepté par la plupart des iridologues formés aux États-Unis, il continue de faire débat parmi les praticiens européens. Bien que les iridologues européens pensent que l'analyse de l'œil peut indiquer une propension à la maladie, ils soulignent le manque de preuves d'une correspondance anatomique entre des sections de l'iris et des parties spécifiques du corps.
Most American-trained iridologists, however, continue to maintain that the iris is connected to the brain and acts as a control panel, giving readouts on conditions in the various parts of the body. Because thousands of nerve endings make up the iris, they contend, the eye can indeed provide a system of connections to the rest of the body. Top
What You Can Expect
The iridologist will examine the irises of your eyes using a specially designed camera, which is connected to a computer, your eyes will be photographed and picture will be enlarged so that the iris appears about the size of a dinner plate on computer screen. (This can be a rather dramatic sight, allowing you to appreciate the complexity of the iris’s structure. With its numerous fibres and colours, the iris is as unique as your fingerprints.) The process is completely painless, safe, and non-invasive.
While examining your irises, both in-person, and later when reviewing the photographs, the iridologist will look for subtle signs of developing illness, such as symptoms of stress or a build-up of toxins. Depending on the practitioner’s training, and whether he accepts of the concept of “mapping,” eye charts may be consulted to determine problems in corresponding internal organs.
The examination and consultation typically will last about an hour. Unless your iridologist is a licensed physician, you will not be diagnosed with any specific disease. You will, however, be told about any risk factors and given preventive health-care measures to follow. Top
Health Benefits
Because iridology is not a treatment therapy, but rather a way of detecting underlying signs of developing disease, iridologists will let you know about your overall health as well as any trends you may be experiencing toward illness. In this way, their goals are similar to those of all preventive medicine–to recognize health problems at their earliest stages and to suggest ways to keep disease from developing. Top
• Iridology is generally safe, non-invasive, and painless. However, it has not been proven to be an effective health-care treatment and shouldn’t be used as a substitute for conventional treatment.
If the iridologist uncovers anything of concern, make sure you discuss these findings with your primary-care physician.