MAIKONG-Professional iridology camera iriscope system Manufacturer and supplier
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iridology camera

» iridology camera

  • Specifications

What is iridology camera software?

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

How to use the iridology camera software?

iridology camera software
iridology software
iridology analysis software

1 install the iridology camera software.
2 connection orange usb key weith your pc.
3 Open desktop theCadiCV Advance Analysis System English Version

1)use selectuser”,password:111111,and click: “login
2)clickclient tool”, enter your customer info. if ok,clickadd”,and clieckclose
3)clickcapture right eye”.–clickcapture”,
4)left eye repetition Last Step.
5)select the eye pic (right eye pic / left eye pic)
7)clickset parameterbutton.
8)clickiris analysisbutton.
Observation of symptoms and the iris color of choice in the software above the corresponding button on the symptoms and night.
For example: have crack on the iris pic and color is light.
Select button “crack” and button “light ” , move The cursor to the cracks on the iris,
Click with the mouse. Immediately reported by the analysis.
You and add your recommend or product for the customer.
add ——? Analysis——–?left (Analysis left eye)

10 save
11 report—select the report name —–?html report or report privew select the reports name(date name)
12 print
13 delete customer
14 edit customer

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software



MAIKONG IRIDOLOGY SOFTWARE Installation and operation


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We are a leading global Iridology camera iriscope factory, offering competitive prices and excellent quality. If you have any questions regarding iridology camera, please feel free to contact us.

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