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Iridology Online Classes

September 13, 2017

Iridology Online Classes

iridology books

Study Integrated Iridology® online with Toni Miller ND DHM MMII CCII

Australia’s most experienced Iridology education specialist. Voted IIPA Iridologist of the year 2014 E Iridology Instructor of the Year 2014

The College of IRIS – founded in 1995, remains the only one specializing in Iridology education in the southern hemisphere.

Earn a ‘Certificate of Advanced Iridology’ or a ‘Post Graduate Diploma of Integrated Iridology’.

Start with Essentials. This is the foundation on which to add other layers of understanding. Forty foundational teachings with necessary revisions of Classical Iridology. You will be able to use this material on your family and friends on completion. You will know whether or not you want to take this subject to a professional level.

IRIS 1 – Physical Iridology. This is comprised of five subjects: Constitutional Iridology, the Collarette, the Pupil and its Border, Sclera signs and European Concepts.

IRIS 2 – Emotional Aspects of the Physical Signs. Four subjects in this section include “Emotional interpretation of Physical Signs”, “Using the Iris to Determine Personality” and “The Effects of Gender and Sibling Sequence”.

IRIS 3 – Practical Iridology. This unit includes “Differential Diagnosis using Physiography” (interpretation of various body signs) and “Remedy Selection based on Integrated Iridology”.

CERTIFICATION: Certificate of Attendance with CPE points PLUS a Certificate of Attainment on completion of each subject.

Complete Essentials plus IRIS 1 to apply for a “Certificate of Iridology” This level of study will also make you eligible for professional membership to IIPA (International Iridology Practitioners Assoc) – the largest Iridology association in the world.

Students who complete all subjects can apply for a “Certificate of Advanced Iridology” OR

Submit your Academic Transcript and apply for a “Diploma of Integrated Iridology”

Not sure? – “Integrated Iridology – a reliable asset in clinical practice.” This will introduce you to Toni’s teaching style and format. If you like this module, you will love Iridology Essentials – recommended for everyone; especially post graduates. Learn this unit in eight modules with our super learning method – developed over 30 year’s continuous teaching.

Sample certificate

About your teacher: Toni Miller ND DHM Int Irid

Toni began studying Iridology in 1980 and started teaching in 1984. Her teachers include some of the world’s most influential including Bernard Jensen, Dorothy Hall, Robert Lucy, Joseph Angerer, Josef Deck, and many others. In 1995, Toni founded the College of IRIS – the only one specializing in iris education in the southern hemisphere. She produces a range of superior quality charts, flash cards and other resources for students and professionals. Her award winning book “Integrated Iridology Textbook” has become the primary resource for most Australian and New Zealand colleges.

Who can enroll in Integrated Iridology® Classes?

A large variety of students of all ages comes from three main groups:

Post Graduates: Practitioners who want more confidence or who feel like they need a refresher.

Professionals: GPs, nurses, Optometrists, Chiropractors, Pharmacists, Kinesiologists, Reflexologists, Masseurs, Naturopaths, Herbalists, Homeopaths, Bowen therapists and anyone wanting a career change.

General Interest people: Pharmacy and Health food store employees, teachers, home makers or anyone wanting interested in learning more about Iridology.

The College of IRIS – founded in 1995, remains the only one specializing in Iridology education in the southern hemisphere.


2 Wild Rose College of Natural Healing – Iridology

Imagine being able to look into someone’s eyes and see a whole new world . . .

nerve rings iridology Examples

How far can you take your career if you could add on this incredible new skill of investigating a client or patient’s health based on what is showing up in their eyes? Dr. Terry Willard takes you into an incredible world of health, history and biology in this course. Filled with anecdotal stories, humor and fun, you will very quickly immerse yourself in these videos, and emerge with a whole new skill you can use with your family, friends, community and career.

Course required for Certification by the International Iridology Practitioners Association

Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D.Sc., CCII

This is a complete course in Comprehensive Iridology filmed live in the classroom with Dr. Ellen Tart-Jensen. It covers Level I and Level II required for IIPA Certification. Included in this course of study are Iris Signs, Iris Constitutions, Lacuna Types, Pigments, Pupil Tonus, Collarette Signs, Contraction Furrow Signs, Sclera Signs, and Syndromes. Colorful iris photographs with examples of each iris sign are shown. Dr. Bernard Jensen visits the classroom and gives a talk on the value of iridology as well. This is the perfect course for students who cannot travel to a live seminar and desire to learn iridology and become certified through IIPA at home. It is also a great program for those who wish to continue to review iridology after they have attended an iridology seminar.


This video course is approved by University of Natural Medicine, Westbrook University, Tree of Light and International Iridology Practitioner’s Association. As an extra incentive, anyone who purchases this course will be credited with $200.00 discount toward the seminar fee because the workbook included is the same one used in the ‘Techniques in Iris AnalysisSeminar.

Included with Purchase:

9 Volume DVD Set
Techniques In Iris Analysis Workbook
4 Part CD-ROM Set which includes:
*Iris Signs, Iris Constitutions, Iris Pigments and Lacuna Types

We Have Added:

Through the Eyes of the Masters Book

CD-ROM- The Adrenal Gland & The Cortisol Connection
CD-ROM- Pre-Cancerous Signs In The Iris
CD-ROM- Using Iridology to Balance Body Chemistry
CD-ROM- Flash Cards
CD-ROM- History of Iridology


3 Iridology Training, Classes and Certification

Learn the Science Behind Iridology Diagnosis and Iridology Careers

The iris is the colored part of the eye that surrounds the pupil and controls how much light falls on the retina. Practitioners with iridology training also see the iris as a diagnostic tool that can be used to pinpoint areas of health or weakness within the body’s systems. Specific areas of the iris have been mapped to correspond to particular organs, and markings such as rings, spots and discolorations, according to iridologists, may indicate ailments or predispositions to illness.

Scientific research has not conclusively proven whether iridology is an accurate method of diagnosis, and some professionals oppose its use. However, trained iridologists favor the practice as an indicator for potential health problems, especially when used in conjunction with other alternative or traditional medical practices.

Career Overview

Some practitioners with iridology training favor a direct visual approach: inspection of the iris in person during an office visit, using light and magnification, or analysis of slides of the iris. Others use methods of computer analysis such as 3-D maze spectroscopy and dynamic overlays of the iris at different stages of health or illness. Iridology certification may be useful to traditional health care practitioners such as optometrists and ophthalmologists, as well as holistic and naturopathic health professionals.

Training and Education

What You’ll Study in Iridology School

Iridology training generally includes study of anatomy and physiology, health and nutrition, pathology, diagnostic methods, and herbal medicine. You’ll also take specific iridology classes that teach about the history of iridology, the iridology chart, eye anatomy, types of irises, how to analyze the iris, and how to formulate treatment plans.

Average Length of Study

Basic iridology training may be completed through traditionally structured programs or via intensive workshops; usually these result in practitioner-level certification and take about 15 to 25 credit hours over the course of 1 to 2 years. Doctoral degrees in iridology take about 68 credit hours to finish, over and above the time spent on basic training.

Average Tuition

Tuition for iridology certification courses may cost anywhere from $1,250 to $4,500, depending on the level of iridology training you are pursuing. A doctoral degree may cost another $2,500 or more.

Iridology Certification

Because of the disagreement in the scientific community about the effectiveness of iridology, practitioners who want to demonstrate that they have made a commitment to professional, ethical and knowledgeable practice would benefit from seeking iridology certification. The International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA), an iridologists’ trade association, approves iridology certification programs that meet their professional standards. In addition, some practitioners choose to apply for certification from other groups such as the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board.

Career Outlook

Iridology is hailed by its proponents as an important diagnostic tool in the area of preventive medicine. With preventive medicine and public health promotion taking a front seat in the ongoing changes to health care in the United States, practitioners with iridology training may see an upswing in interest from patients seeking out less invasive diagnostic methods and more holistic approaches to their health.

Iridology Salary

Once you’ve completed your iridology training, your annual salary may vary depending on your specific job title—naturopathic doctor, holistic nurse, and so on. However, most iridologists earn about $75 for an in-office iris analysis and consultation. Analysis of slides or digital images may cost more—usually between $75 and $125.

Is an Iridology Career Right for You?

Iridology traces its lineage all the way back to the late 1800s, but its potential in modern medicine has yet to be fully explored. If you’re interested in this dynamic and growing field of preventive medicine, and would like to incorporate complementary, non-invasive diagnostic techniques into your health care practice, iridology training can be a useful tool to add to your repertoire.

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