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Sebbene lo studio dell'occhio possa essere ricondotto alle antiche civiltà, l'iridologia clinica fu introdotta alla fine del diciannovesimo secolo da Ignatz von Peczely, un medico ungherese. Von Peczely ha progettato il suo primo grafico Iris dopo aver notato una correlazione tra strisce o marcatori nell'iride di un paziente e corrispondenti disturbi fisici. Dalla creazione del suo grafico dell'iride, i moderni iridologi usano questo strumento per determinare i cambiamenti nell'iride che danno indizi ai cambiamenti fisici all'interno del corpo, tra cui infiammazione, tossicità, linfonodi congestionati e indurimento delle arterie. Sebbene l'iridologia non possa rivelare malattie o disturbi specifici, può avvisare il paziente di potenziali problemi di salute. Un esame di iridologia è una procedura indolore e non invasiva che include un questionario sulla salute sulla tua storia e stile di vita medica e un esame dell'iride che utilizza uno strumento chiamato Iridiscope (un vetro d'ingrandimento con una luce). Una fotocamera speciale chiamata Iridocamera può anche essere utilizzata per scattare una foto dell'iride, che viene quindi scaricata in un computer per l'analisi.
Le controversie sulla circondazione dell'iridologia sono aumentate a causa dell'idea sbagliata che la terapia alternativa può diagnosticare accuratamente le malattie croniche e potenzialmente fatali. Questo malinteso virale è stato propagato dagli iridologi che abusavano della loro pratica della tecnica alternativa.
“L'iridologia è lo studio dell'iride o la parte colorata dell'occhio. L'iridologia non è uno strumento diagnostico; Piuttosto è uno strumento di screening che ci dà uno sguardo alla road map genetica con cui è nato,” Spiega Trixie Clark, RN, ND, IIPA certificato IRIDOLOGGO SETTUITO (CCI) e vicepresidente della International Iridology Practitioners Association. “Ereditiamo le tendenze dei nostri genitori e nonni che possono influire sulla nostra salute. Con l'iridologia, possiamo informare qualcuno di queste tendenze in base al colore degli occhi e a vari segni che si vedono. Ancora una volta, non possiamo diagnosticare malattie, come il cancro o l'anemia, dall'iride.”
How ridology work?-Iridology is the study of the iris as associated with disease. The ‘iris’ of the eye, is the most complex tissue structure in the human anatomy, which is the exposed nerve endings that makes up the colored part of the eye. From the time we are conceived the iris and all its fibers are formed along with the brain before any other organ is developed, making the eyes an extension of the brain endowed with thousands of nerve endings, microscopic blood vessels, muscle and other tissues. The iris is connected to the tissue of the body by way of the brain and nervous system. The branched nerve fibers (such as dendrites) receive their impulses by their connections to the optic nerve and spinal cord. Nerve fibers in the iris respond to changes in body tissues by manifesting a reflex physiology that corresponds to specific tissue changes and locations, by way of line patterns, fiber structure and color changes in the iris. By this means the body’s inherited and/or acquired state of health sends neural reflexes to the fibers within the iris causing groups of fibers to change by way of line patterns, characteristics, shapes, structures, forms and color in the iris and that is what an Iridologist studies.
Iridology takes a lot of the guesswork out of these questions. Going through life without this information is like taking a trip without a map. What are your chances of arriving at your desired destination? Will you get there efficiently, or end up taking many detours along the way? And how will you know where you are heading next?Using the road map or blueprint contained in the iris, you can find out how well you are put together (and how much abuse your body can handle), where your body will tend to get sick, (including which organ systems are at greater risk), what specific underlying reasons contribute to your symptoms (which may vary from person to person with the same symptoms), and what emotional or behavioral factors are influencing these patterns. In short, it can show you where you came from, where you are headed, what kind of body you have for a vehicle, and what type of driver you are. With this knowledge, you can more effectively approach health challenges and also identify which preventive medicine practices would be most important for you to pursue.Iridology is dealing with one of the most basic truths of the healing arts, one that the average form of analysis has not dealt with properly.The percentage of incorrect diagnosing is nearly as great now as it was back in the 1920s due to the increase in disease symptoms.
This increase, together with the combinations of reactions due to X-ray, sulfa and other drugs, and our continued use of refined and synthesized foods, makes it difficult to diagnose accurately. Changes in living habits, pollution and the increased stress of modern times also change the manifestations of the various symptoms of disease. Based upon these facts, it is obvious that symptomology alone is often inadequate in providing the diagnostician with enough information to plan proper treatment for the patient.Iridology offers a unique perspective to the concept and practice of preventive medicine. It is difficult to alert a person to the health problems that his or her particular body will experience, using orthodox methods of analysis and diagnosis. These methods rely upon the appearance of clinical symptoms. The iris, however, can indicate a problem in its earliest inception, long before disease symptoms are present. With this information, a health program can be developed which is tailored to the specific needs of the client, thus preventing the manifestation of disease.Grouping a list of symptoms into a disease name, in order to identify and administer the drug that will suppress those symptoms, is not a satisfactory solution to the problem of health care and maintenance. Iridology, in its basic philosophy, stresses the treatment of the patient, not the disease. By identifying the underlying imbalances in the body that produce symptoms, it is an invaluable asset in the formulation of remedial therapies.When one has come to fully appreciate the value of being able to determine from the outside of the body what is occurring within it, he will realize that iridology is truly a science whose time has come.
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