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caso iridologico

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caso iridologico

caso iridologico

  • Iridology Practicum in Singapore!

    A very successful and well organized iridology practicum seminar was held March 27th to 29th, 2009 at SMU (Singapore Management University) in Singapore. Special thanks goes to IAAS members (Iridology Asia Association Singapore) who organized the very professional practicum lecture facilities at SMU and the delicious vegan buffets that were offered each day! IAAS is a newly formed association in

  • iridology of Related Knowledge of Eyeballs Anatomization

    1. Basic structure of eyeball Eyeball is the mainly organs for sight, it is like ball, and it is located in eye socket. Exophthalmoses consist of 3 parts, inside, middle chain. Outside chain is made of cornea and sclera Cornea is the crystal part in the front of eyeball, it is like a plate and a concave-convex lens, the cornea

  • iridology asia Association Introduction

    iridology asia Association Introduction iridology asia Association Introduction 1. Association Introduction: Introduction of Iridology International Health Association International Iridology Health Association was registered as Hong Kong legal organization, and it has changed its name from International Iridology Association to Iridology International Health Association, it is a public association which is made up of international iridology researchers, experts and fans. 2. The brief of

  • The most accurate iridology chart at present

      The father of iridology Bernard Jensen from USA is a famous expert who stimulated the development of iridology research. He used his own positioning method to diagnose 300.000 persons, it is more accurate than any other iridology chart, and it has be accepted by iridology academician allover the world, his iridology is the widest used iridology chart in China.

  • The Source of Iridology Chart

    Iridology was started in Hungary in 1861 when Ignatz Peczely found an owl with a broken leg. He noticed a black furrow in its iris. When the owl was cured he let it back into wild. At that time the furrow has became a fine, crooked white furrow. When the boy grew up and became a doctor, he started to


    Iridology is the scientific analysis of patterns, and structures in the iris of the eye which locates areas and stages of inflammation throughout the body. The iris is the portion of the eye showing color. It reveals body constitution, inherent strengths and weaknesses, health levels, and transitions that take place in a person’s body according to their way of life.