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Educazione all'iridologia
The organization of eyeball (iridlolgy) Human�� eyes are like ball, located in eye socket. The fore-and-aft eyeball diameter of adult is 24mm averagely while up-and-down is 23mm. Eyeball is protected by eyelid, the eyeball includes exophthalmoses, intracavity and content of eyes, nerves, blood vessels and so on. Exophthalmoses consist of 3 parts, inside, middle, and outside. Outside chain is made of cornea and sclera��the …
The application and development of iridology observation (1) Bernard Jensen (1908-2001) is outstanding in iridology. MD Bernard Jensen is Natural physician, nutritionist, massage therapy doctor, philosopher and researcher and author of iridology. He extended iridology to different world. His book described the details of iridology without any equipment and gathers a lot of experience on confirming disease situation. The main …
In 1790 Portugal University, Europe published books and established iridology. In 1786 Hettingen University presented a essay ��De Ocolo Et Signo������Eyes And Signs����. In 1831 Viennese doctor Y.Beer mentioned the Relation of iris and organs in his book about eye disease. In old and middle ages, scientists mainly took attention to the structure of iris and changes of color while …
The application and development of iridology observation (1) According to the history, 3000 thousand years ago China and India researched and investigated on the reaction of sense organs. Eyes and changes of iris were the researched target. In the grave of Pharaoh Tutankhamen (King of Old Egypt, BC 1392-1400), a silver plate with imagine of iris was discovered by G. …
The toxic in body and the changes of iris�� performance The toxic in body could be defined as internal toxic and external toxic. Internal toxic means the harmful matters in body. In the process of metabolize for sugar, protein, fat, the wastes are being produced constantly, like Lactic Acid, ketonic acid, uric acid, free radical and so on. In addition, …