MAIKONG-Produttore e fornitore di sistemi iriscopici per fotocamere iridologi professionali

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    Iridology will not show or name a specific disease but provides information about the body tissues which indicate tendencies toward conditions ofdis-ease, often before symptoms appear. Iridology will not reveal surgery performed under anesthesia as nerve impulses are discontinued. Iridology cannot locate gallstones or germ life, but will indicate the presence of inflammation and toxic conditions which are a


    WHAT WILL IRIDOLOGY SHOW? A complete iris analysis will show whether a person exhibits a generally good constitution or a poor one, depending upon the density of the iris fibers, The patterns, structures, colors and degrees of lightness and darkness in the iris tell if an area of the body is inherently strong or weak. It also reveals the relative site of over-activity,


    The complex iris is composed of hundreds of thousands of nerve endings which are connected by impulses to every tissue of the body through the brain and nervous system. The nerve fibers, or trabecula, respond specifically to tissue and organ conditions with a corresponding physiological reflex manifested in the iris as lesions and color variations. The iris chart, which is


    In the 1800’s, a young boy, Ignatz Von Peczely, happened to catch an owl in his garden. The boy clearly saw a black line rising in the owl’s eye after accidentally breaking its leg during the struggle. He kept the bird until it had regained its health and then observed the appearance of crocked white lines across the black area


    Iridology is the scientific analysis of patterns and structures in the iris of the eye which locates areas and stages of inflammation throughout the body. The iris is the portion of the eye showing color. It reveals body constitution, inherent strengths and weaknesses, health levels, and transitions that take place in a person’s body according to their way of life.

  • Iridology FAQ on alternative health treatments and medical therapy using full body scan of the eye

    According to literature records, Iridology has been studied for at least 300 years, but was not structured in a systematic and detailed way until about 150 years ago. During the past century, the methodology has been used primarily by chiropractors, nutritionists, and herbalists. There are an estimated 10,000 practitioners of Iridology in the U.S. Although Iridology is given considerable scientific