MAIKONG-Produttore e fornitore di sistemi iriscopici per fotocamere iridologi professionali

immagini di iridologia

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immagini di iridologia

immagini di iridologia

  • please comment, I’d be interested in what input you have

    please comment, I’d be interested in what input you have Attend to the digestion and lymphatic systems. Possible inflammation. Minerals, silica required. Lymphathic Constitution- Mesenchymal dispositionAcidity Diathesis : weak point Connectif tissue ….Look for immune system ( Built )  

  • Are you talking about the white in the lower pupil?

    Glaucoma. Check with your eye doctor. Low iron. Are you talking about the white in the lower pupil? If so, I believe that is another reflection of my circular fluorescent lamp. No it looks like reflection. But glaucoma please check.As well mid -lower back pain.