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Iridology is a practice that involves examining the iris of the eye to assess a person’s health. Proponents of iridology believe that the iris can provide information about a person’s physical and emotional well-being, and that certain patterns and changes in the iris can indicate the presence of specific health conditions. It is not uncommon for iridologists to observe differences …
“Ciencia y Practica de la Iridologia Bernard Jensen” is a book written by Bernard Jensen, an American chiropractor who was a proponent of iridology. As I mentioned earlier, iridology is a form of alternative medicine that involves the examination of the iris of the eye to diagnose medical conditions. Iridología
Cos'è l'iridologia? “L'Iride, la Sclera e la Pupilla dell'occhio mostrano il velo che l'anima ha creato, attraverso la coscienza (o l'oblio), che riflette l'illusione che prepara l'anima a raggiungere la realtà della piena illuminazione.” ~David J. Pesek, Ph.D., September 1988 Eyes have long been referred to as the “Le finestre dell'anima.” But few people are aware …