Produttore e fornitore di la telecamera Iridology Maikong-Professional


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  • Windows of your Health

      Hydrogenoid diathesis can reveal lymphatic congestion on the body caused by the excess of lymph fluid, read more at his Orange color idolaters chemical in the colon and lymph. There are many spots and signs visible in this eye related to many conditions in addition to those mentioned on the article, therefore thank you for your contribution Robb

  • ‘m curious about my eyes

    Gwen Nelson‎Iridology April 19 · I’m curious about my eyes. The whites seem blue tinged and my mother and I both have greenish irises with the yellow ring around the pupil. Like · Share M Zamri likes this. View 1 more comment Lisa Kern A diet change would be beneficial for a t least a month cut out acid foods,

  • I am still discovering iridology

    I am still discovering iridology and I live in an area which has no iridologists. I have a question and I hope it doesn’t sound dumb. A while back, I had a waitress who has the most beautiful eyes. They were brigtht blue and looked like they had a silver tint. I’d never seen that before. I thought that I

  • this was 2 months ago iridology images

    Something may have happened to you at the age of 15 and also 20. It may be leaving you feel overpowered by others or upset at what someone did to you/someone else. You may feel closed in or keep much to yourself. Watch sugar intake and carbs break down into sugar, try consuming vegetables,perhaps do a detox. You can do

  • Pigmentation in the ciliary zone (The Integrated Iridology Textbook)

    Pigmentation in the ciliary zone (The Integrated Iridology Textbook)

  • Are you interested in learning about iridology?

    Are you interested in learning about iridology? I am happy to let you know thatThe Introduction to Iridologypresentation is available. It is free to all of you. Please let me know if you would like to watch it and I will give you the instructions on how to do that.