La scienza e la pratica dell'iridologia di Bernard Jensen uno dei più grandi guaritori del mondo. Il Dr. Jensen è stato un pioniere nel campo della salute olistica per oltre 60 anni, aprendo la strada alla rivoluzione della salute alternativa che stiamo vivendo. Il Dr. Jensen ha iniziato la sua carriera al West Coast College of Chiropractic e Bernard è diventato …
Dr. bernard jensen’s have one son (Art Jensen) and one daughter(Dr. Ellen Tart-Jensen), They still teaching the iridology in USA. Who is Bernard Jensen One of the greatest healers the world has ever known. Dr. Jensen spent over 60 years as a pioneer in the holistic health field, helping to pave the way for the alternative health revolution that …
Who bernard jensen? Bernard Jensen International is a global resource for professional Iridology, tissue cleansing, and digestive health books and products. For decades we have been the top choice of Naturopaths, Iridologists, Colon Therapists and other Holistic Health Professionals from around the world. Bernard Jensen (March 25, 1908 – February 22, 2001) was a chiropractor, entrepreneur, and the author of …