What is Iridology? Iridology is a holistic health practice that examines the iris—the colored part of the eye—to evaluate a person’s health. Practitioners use an iridology chart to connect specific parts of the iris with corresponding organs or systems in the body. The right iris reflects the right side of the body, while the left mirrors the left side. How …
What Is Iridology Analysis? Iridology analysis is a natural health assessment technique that involves examining the iris, the coloured part of the eye, to gain insights into a person’s health. This non-invasive method is based on the belief that the iris reflects the body’s health condition and can reveal imbalances, weaknesses, and even early signs of disease. Practitioners use iridology …
Cos'è l'analisi dell'iridologia? L'iridologia è l'analisi dell'iride, il disco colorato dell'occhio. Viene spesso erroneamente indicato come diagnosi. Diagnosticare è mettere un nome alla tua malattia, ma come ha detto Ippocrate, è più importante conoscere la persona che ha la malattia, che conoscere la malattia che ha la persona. …