Cos'è Maikong Bernard Jensen Iriscope Vintage? Maikong Bernard Jensen Iriscope Vintage è un dispositivo specializzato utilizzato in Iridologia, Studio delle Iris Valuta le condizioni di salute. Ispirato al lavoro PionEere del Dr. Bernard Jensen, questo Iriscope consente ai professionisti di catturare immagini dettagliate dell'iride, aiutante nelle valutazioni della salute. Storia di Bernard Jensen Iriscope Dr. Bernard Jensen, figura di spicco in iridologia, ha sviluppato uno dei primi …
What is PEY PT in the Jensen Iridology Chart? Jensen Iridology Chart is a widely used tool in iridology, created by Dr. Bernard Jensen, one of the most respected figures in the field. This chart is designed to help iridologists identify health issues by mapping the iris in detail, showing various “zones” of the eye that correspond to different organs …
Accredited iridology courses,jensen iridology chart,how do you look at an eye for iridology Jensen iridology chart
Jensen iridology chart Here’s a Quick Way to Get iridology Research & general acceptance Rita M. Holl, RN, PhD, states that “Within Western medicine, iridology is coAnsidered a controversial science at best and medical fraud at worst.” Proponents of iridology argue that the practice is time-tested with proven results. Although critics acknowledge that certain symptoms of non-ocular disease …
Who is dr jensen iridology? Bernard Jensen-One of the greatest healers the world has ever known.Bernard Jensen Dr. Jensen spent over 60 years as a pioneer in the holistic health field, helping to pave the way for the alternative health revolution that we are now experiencing.Dr. Jensen began his career at the West Coast Chiropractic College where Bernard became the …