What is Iridology diagnosis?
What is Iridology diagnosis?
Some scientists postulated that emotions originated in the body, but soon discovered that emotions are both cognitive and visceral and originate simultaneously in brain and body. Science has shown that both the gut and the physical brain receive all the same neurotransmitters, neuropeptides and their receptors. The neuropeptides in the brain not only contain their receptors in the corresponding organs, but high concentrations of almost every neuropeptide receptor exists in other anatomical locations called “nodal points”such as the back side of the spinal cord, which is the first synapse within the nervous system where all somatosensory information is processed, and is most dense in the limbic system. The limbic system is comprised of several brain structures associated with memory and emotion and was first observed by neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield (1891-1976). The limbic system is located in the inner part of the brain. The information is carried by axons and dendrites from many nerve cell bodies that are passing or making synaptic contact with each other. The science of Iridology is a good example that demonstrates the evidence of this mind-body communication network via the connection of the autonomic nervous system and the exposed nerve endings of the iris.
Ignacz von Peczely
Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine first described it, and it was rediscovered in 1860 by Ignacz von Peczely, a Hungarian Doctor who devoted his life to its study. Peczely became a great physician of his time. He published several books on Iridology and gained much notoriety, but was limited in his observations of the iris, because of the optical equipment available to him. Now we have sophisticated cameras and microscopes with powerful magnifying capabilities. This helps enormously when identifying individual nerve fibers and tiny iris markings.
As written by the Guild of Naturopathic Iridologists International; a trained Iridologist sees the exposed nerve endings as a ‘map’, revealing information about:
the body’s genetic strengths and weaknesses
levels of inflammation and toxemia
the efficiency of the eliminative systems and organs
In the hands of those who are well versed in the pathology of the pathways of disease, as well as anatomy and physiology, this provides a veritable microchip of information. Iridology can help you understand what ‘optimum health’ means for an individual person. The iris displays a unique insight into our health potential and disease dispositions. Iris patterns and pigmentation reveal the history of our inherited health. Iridology or iris diagnosis as it is often called is a method used in alternative medicine to analyze the health status of one by studying specific colors, patterns, locations, markings and signs in the iris of the eye. In one eye it is called iris; in both eyes it is termed iride (I-rid).

What is iridology camera and software?
What is iridology camera and software?
Please feel free to look at this website for our USB Digital Iriscope, Iridology camera, iris camera, eyology and sclerology USB system ccarry case T
The EyeRonec Pebble Pro Iridology camera has been created for the NON TECHNICAL Naturopath and Natural Therapist, Iridologist and Herbalist.
The EyeRonec Pebble Pro Digital Iriscope takes only a little space on the desk and is very portable, Once your MAC or PC has the software installed all you need to do is plug the camera into the USB.
The EyeRonec Iridology iris camera needs No chin-rest, No dreaded flash, No ambient light problems, No heavy cases to carry,
The EyeRonec Pebble Prp sells for less then the price of other’s “camera only” preţ.
The latest EyeRonec model Iriscameras have 8 light (for blue eyes) and 2+ side lighting LED’s for brown eyes.
The lights (white dots) are within the pupil zone ! No artifacts (white dots or streaks) in the iris so pictures are better than images taken with”open” system cameras

Iridology, is it nonsense?
Iridology, is it nonsense?
Some opponents of iridology have stated that Iridology is “non-sense” but is this really the case?
First of all let’s look at the facts, most of these critics have absolutely no education or formal training in the science of Iridology yet they have a negative opinion.
They cite several poorly designed Iridology studies that have been reported in Western scientific medical journals. These studies based their evaluations on outdated principles and in many cases, employed Iridologists who had insufficient or outdated training.
Iridology, like most sciences, is constantly evolving, as new information and studies become available this does not however mean that Iridology is invalid.
The adverse effects from these negative research studies have been very destructive to the science and practice of Iridology, especially in the United States. Researchers often find these negative studies as the only sources of information on which to base their opinions.
Often times some of the same critics that claim Iridology is “non-sense” are the ones who are still debating whether or not the use of, Herbs, Chiropractic, and Acupuncture are valid forms of health care.
Meanwhile in countries such as Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and many Asian countries, have a much greater acceptance of Iridology. In fact, the Russian Government has sponsored Iridology research and has found it to be extraordinarily accurate. Many Medical Doctor’s in these countries have been using Iridology in their practice for decades.
Those who have studied the science and given it an open and unprejudiced consideration have discovered an amazingly useful, non-invasive, analytical tool.
It is of the utmost importance that a person uses good judgment when selecting an Iridologist. They must be sure that their Iridologist is properly trained with the most up to date information by an established and reputable institution.
Used correctly, iridology gives the individual, information concerning their overall health level that is not available in any other way. An iridologist’s services are an important element in a total, holistic health care program.

Why Holistic iridology camera and software?
Why Holistic iridology camera and software?
Over the past forty plus years, there has been a growing awareness that we are much more than physical beings. Science and the awakening human consciousness both are responsible for this increased awareness. The human experience includes spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects that are intimately interactive.
Historically, over the past 3,000 years, the practice of iris analysis was done from only a physical perspective.
Holistic Iridology® is an advanced system that encompasses not only the interpretation of genetic influences on the physical (symptoms) but also on the conscious and subconscious spiritual (connection to the Divine), mental (thoughts) and emotional (feelings) aspects of the soul’s journey throughout its lifetime.
Further, it is known that unhealthy thoughts and emotions adversely affect our DNA as well as our physical health with dis-ease and disease. Getting to the root causes and healing them on all levels is the key. You are capable of reprogramming the DNA code to transmute ancestral issues that are not healthy or not for your highest good.
Holistic Iridology® is a powerful tool of analysis, not diagnosis, to help you and others on the journey of life.