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September 17, 2019

free iridology chart

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Iridology Chart of the Right Eye Iris

Iridology chart on this page shows the right eye iris zones as they relate to specific tissues & organs in the body from Dr. Jenson’s Iridology charting studies

Graficul de iridologie below documents the right eye Iris zones related to tissues and organs in the body from Dr. Bernard Jenson’s charting of Iridology zones. Our Iridologist who studied under Dr. Jensen utilizes the iridology charts to identify possible weaknesses in tissues and organs of the body.

Right Iris

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Iridology Chart of the Left Eye Iris

Iridology chart for the iris of the left eye defines the many iridology zone details charted to show how iridology relates to tissues & Organe ale corpului uman

Graficul de iridologie Mai jos documentează zonele irisului pentru ochi stângi legate de țesuturi și organe din corp din graficul Dr. Bernard Jenson al zonelor de iridologie. Iridologul nostru care a studiat sub Dr. Jensen folosește graficul de iridologie pentru a identifica posibilele puncte slabe ale țesuturilor și organelor corpului.

Left Iris

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