Camera de iridologie mai Profesională Producătorul și furnizorul iriscope Producător și furnizor

aparat de fotografiat pentru iridologie

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Cameră și software pentru iridologie

Iridology Camera and Software Iridology Camera and Software Iridology Camera and Software

The Working Principle of Iridology Camera and Software

Iridology camera and software work on the principle that the iris of the eye reflects the health condition of the body’s organs and tissues. The camera captures high-resolution images of the iris, which the software analyzes to identify potential health issues. This enables practitioners to carry out a non-invasive, accurate health analysis for their clients.

The Advantages of Iridology Camera and Software

1. Non-invasive: Iridology camera and software provide a non-invasive way to analyze a person’s health without the use of needles or blood tests.

2. Quick and accurate: The software quickly and accurately analyzes the iris images to identify potential health issues.

3. Early detection: The tool can detect potential health issues before they manifest as symptoms, allowing for early intervention and treatment.

4. Personalized approach: Iridology camera and software provide a personalized approach to health analysis, taking into account a person’s unique genetic makeup and lifestyle.

Iridology Camera and Software

How to use the iridology software(Video+WORD)?

2023 iridology skin hair 3 in 1 software video teaching

Before you open the software,you much connect the iridology camera and blue use key with your pc.

1) add the client

or select the client

2) Captrue iris images.

3) Manual analyzer

you and add the recommend for client.

4) Auto analyzer

5) reoports

6) samples

7) compare report

8) compare eys

9) import the pictrue and dele the pictrue

10) skin

11) hair


Corelația de iridologie între anxietate și inele de tensiune

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Diagrama de iridologie

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Who Needs Iridology Camera and Software?

1. Holistic health practitioners: Iridology camera and software provide holistic health practitioners with a powerful tool for analyzing their client’s health.

2. Naturopaths: Naturopaths can use the tool to identify potential health issues and recommend natural remedies without the use of pharmaceutical drugs.

3. Chiropractors: Chiropractors can incorporate iridology analysis into their overall health assessment process.

4. Personal trainers: Personal trainers can use iridology analysis to create personalized fitness and diet plans for their clients based on their unique health needs.

5. Individuals concerned about their health: Anyone with an interest in maintaining good health can benefit from iridology analysis.

Application Industries of Iridology Camera and Software

1. Holistic health industry: Iridology camera and software are widely used in the holistic health industry for health analysis and treatment recommendations.

2. Spa and wellness industry: Spas and wellness centers can use iridology analysis as part of their overall wellness programs.

3. Fitness industry: The tool can be used by personal trainers and fitness professionals to create personalized fitness plans for their clients.

4. Medical industry: Some medical practitioners are beginning to incorporate iridology analysis into their overall health assessment process. In conclusion, iridology camera and software are a revolutionary tool for health analysis. With their non-invasive, quick, and accurate approach, they provide a personalized approach to health analysis that is suitable for a wide range of individuals and industries.




Locul de origineGuangdong, China
garanție1 an
Serviciu post-vânzareSuport tehnic video
Tipcameră pentru iridologie, iridoscop
CaracteristicăAnaliza pigmentării, analiza ridurilor pielii, detectarea umidității pielii
AplicațiePentru uz casnic
Nume de marcăMAIKO
Numărul de modelMK-9822U
Limbăengleză / spaniolă
SistemWindows XP, WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win 10, Win 11, Apple MAC OS
Rezoluția senzorului CCD5.0MP
Detalii de ambalareCarton de export
Perioada de graţie5-7 zile (în funcție de cantitate)
Capacitatea de aprovizionare10000 bucăți/bucați pe lună
Dimensiunea pachetului unic33X28X12 cm
Greutate brută unică2.500 kg

diagramă de iridologie diagramă de iridologie Descărcare gratuită de diagrame iridologie Colț grafic Iridologie


MAIKONG IRIDOLOGY SOFTWARE Instalare și exploatare


Certificate de companie

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