portContrary to popular belief, human parasites are very common in the United States. In fact over 85% of Americans are living with some type of parasite.

As an Iridologist, I am able to see if people are good hosts for parasites by looking for specific markings in the iris. Parasites are not visible in the iris per say, however if radials (as seen below) are detected in the iris, this is a good indication of parasitic invasion. Parasites tend to thrive in those who are in a constant state of fight or flight. Therefore, parasites prey on the weak, sick and dying. In addition, parasites steal the nutrients from our food and our blood which in turn lowers our immune system. As a result, we end up with a myriad of health-related disorders all due to these highly intelligent, destructive creatures.

Radials, which appear like spokes on a wheel, indicate the likelihood of parasitic invasion in the body.

Parasites tend to live in the gastrointestinal tract mainly along the lining of the intestines, however, parasites can essentially be found in any organ, even the brain. Watch this shocking video of a Doctor in Phoenix who attempts to remove what appears to be a brain tumor but is actually a live worm.


Parasitic invasion can go unnoticed for a very long time unless you familiarize yourself with the signs and symptoms. Below is an extensive list of signs and symptoms of parasitic invasion, however, some people experience no noticeable symptoms which is why iridology is so crucial for preventative health.

Signs & Symptoms of Parasites

  • Sugar and/or alcohol cravings (Parasites THRIVE on sugar)
  • Brittle, dull hair (Parasites cause nutritional deficiencies)
  • Poor nail qualityweak, brittle, white specs
  • Anemia (iron deficiency)Parasites feed on blood
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Loss of appetite
  • Abdominal pain
  • Protein insufficiency
  • Mentally dull
  • Insomnia(Parasites are in full swing at midnight which can keep you up at night)
  • Cracks around mucous membranes like the nose, ears, eyes, rectum and vagina
  • Itchy around anus
  • Low immune system – (Parasites steal your nutrients which lowers your immune system)
  • Nervousness – (Toxic waste from Parasites can intensify the nervous system)
  • Feelings of crawling under the skin
  • Reoccurring sores and rashes – (Parasites secrete toxic metabolic waste affecting skin)
  • Mood swings
  • Bowel abnormalities, intestinal dysfunction, constipation, diarrhea, bloating
  • Sexual performance diminishes as vitality wanes
  • Some experience no obvious symptoms


Parasites are extremely contagious and very easily passed from animals to humans and from humans to humans. One of the most common ways parasites are passed each day is from not hand- washing after using the bathroom. Washing our hands with soap and warm water is one of the simplest things we can do to protect ourselves and our loved ones. Also, please remind young children to do the same and to keep their hands away from their mouths. In addition, children should always be reminded never share their drinks with other children. As explained in the video above, parasites can also be passed to humans from eating undercooked meat and raw fish so please choose your restaurants wisely. Domestic animals carry fleas which can result in tapeworms. Household pets should be checked routinely for fleas and should never be allowed to sleep with young children. Furthermore, practicing daily relaxation techniques such as yoga, deep breathing, meditation and tai chi are all great ways to lower stress. Finally, please ensure that you and your loved ones are achieving frequent bowel movements each day. Thousands of parasites live in the colon alone and it is essential for our health to keep the colon moving to avoid unwanted parasites.