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  • A Vision For Iridology

    ImagineIridology as a profession with status and respect. Iridology with legal stature. Iridology appointments covered by insurance. Iridology easily accessible to the population as a significant part of health maintenance and disease prevention programs. Iridologists respected for their knowledge and practicing quality research-based work. This is the vison for iridology.Quote from Iridology A Handbook compiled by Kianna

  • What Is Iridology

    What Is Iridology Iridology is the evaluation/assessment of the iris (the coloured portion of the eye), as reflected by the brain. Think of it like a camera and film. The body is the subject being photographed. The brain is the mirror reflecting the message to the iris instead of to film. Each and every organ and system of the body

  • Healing With Iridology

    The perfect iris has never been seen and all individuals exhibit some degree of tissue weakness, whether it was acquired and developed from questionable health habits and environment, or from parents genetic makeup. Healing comes from the root word meaning whole. So does health and holy! Healing comes from looking after all areas of our whole self, being mind, body

  • Iridology is?

    Iridology has been practiced since history has been recorded. In ancient India, Egypt and China, doctors and priests were making health related diagnosis based on the condition of the irid. Iridology is a safe, non-invasive diagnostic technique, it requires no needles, and no anesthetic or drugs. Yet it may provide a valuable guide to health If everybody consulted a trained

  • What is “iridology?”

    Posted: Jun 17th 2007 12:58PM by Rigel Gregg Filed under: Alternative Therapies What is iridology? I’d never heard of it before now, but it’s the study of the iris to determine the overall well-being and health of person. Practitioners of iridology believe that every color, fiber, pattern, and defect in the iris of the eye is a direct reflection of

  • Iridology History

    The first published irid analysis can be credited to the physician Philippus Meyens, who, in 1670 wrote a book explaining the features of the irid called Chromatica Medica. in which he stated that the eye contained valuable information about the body. The founder of modern Iridology was Dr. Ignatz Von Peczley , a Hungarian physician known asThe Father