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  • What can you see in my iridology ?

    What can you see in my iridology its weird that academics use the term alternative when the documented tech of readying the iris goes back over ten thousand years. and main stream medicine has been around for about a 100 years. Fermentative conditions. Kidneys taking strain. Too acid. Toxins build up in organs due to stomach not functioning optimal

  • She had seen an Iridologist about 20 years ago

    here are some pics from my mother. She had seen an Iridologist about 20 years ago and is very interested in anything someone has thoughts on! smile emoticon The left one is the left and right one is the right eye. like emoticon Also, if anyone feels like I’m kind of spamming this page, you can delete this, I don’t

  • My sister would also like some input, not to be spamming it up by the way, sorry

    My sister would also like some input, not to be spamming it up by the way, sorry Nervous system out of wack.Relax. Step back.A better diet would be helpful. June Ribaldi this is a person no older than 30..need a better picture. Some acid going on in the stomach.. nervous system out of whack..Toxic ins building of in the Lymphatic

  • Strength and weakness revealed by iris density

    One of the main general signs that should be observed while reading the iris is the density it has; the density is the expression of texture state of the tissue of the iris. Essentially, density can be defined by the amount of iridologic signs that are found on the iris like lacunes and crypts, such signs emerge due to looser

  • Iris density and body constitution…

    Iris density providing valuable information about body constitutionMely Starslight This iris presents a Sackcloth density, it reveals weakness and deficiencies on gastrointestinal system, glandular system and irregularity on digestive processes, people with this density also have a tendency to hypoglycemia.

  • Right eye. Recently went to see an Amish Iridologist

    Right eye. Recently went to see an Amish Iridologist. Please look at my eye and tell me what you all think Thanks everyone. I went to him because I have horrible migraines, I was told I am borderline diabetic and I can’t lose weight. rlene you need to watch the top holistic healer youtube videos and educate yourself on how