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Iridology is defined as the science and study of the color and structure of the iris to determine tissue weakness and the body’s predisposition to weakness. The science of Iridology is NOT used for diagnosis. It is a tool used as a means of assessment for conditions and levels of health. The beginnings of Iridology have been cited from many areas of the world and date back to the time of the early Chaldeans (1000 B.C.) The first documented reference to iris analysis can be credited to the physician Philippus Meyens, who wrote a book called “Chiromatica Medica”, published in 1670, which described the reflexive features of the iris. In 1786, Christaen Haertels published his “De Oculo et Signo” translated meaning ‘the eye and its signs” and with this the significance of eye signs was gaining credence. The eye has been examined for diagnostic purposes for centuries. There are a number of references to the significance of bloodshot eyes in the Hippocratic writings, for instance, and the general color and brightness of the eyes have always been taken into account in orthodox examinations of sick patients. The theory that the iris can give more precise information about disease was first independently propounded about a century ago by a Hungarian, Ignatz von Peczely, and a Swede, Nils Liljequist. In 1881 von Peczely published a book on the Iris of the eye called “Discovery in the Realm of Nature and the Art of Healing”. Liljequist, also a discoverer of the rolle of the iris and its marking, published a two-volume work which was translated into Engilsh and called “Diagnosis from the Eye”. Other Iridologists such as Dr. J. Kritzer is known for his work, “Iris Diagnosis and Guide in Treatment”, and Peter Theil, of Germany, was recognized as the greatest Iridologist of his day. Dr. Henry Lahn, one of Lilequist’s students, brought the practice of Iridology to America near the turn of the century. In America, a chiropractor, Dr. Bernard Jensen, is hailed as the most accomplished Iridologist of recent years and is known for his healing philosophy and writings in the area of Iridology. A German Iridologist, Joseph Deck, has witten two full-color volumes, “Principles of Iris Diagnosis”, and Differentiation of Iris Marking”, both translated into English, complete with some of the most significant photo analysis. Physicians in Russia, Germany and France are more acquainted with iridological technique than those who practice in North America. In terms of science, the experimentation in iris evaluation is relatively new and should not be used in isolation but as a comprehensive system coupled with a medical history and other findings.
How ridology work?-Иридология – это изучение радужной оболочки глаза как связанной с заболеванием. Ирис’ of the eye, is the most complex tissue structure in the human anatomy, which is the exposed nerve endings that makes up the colored part of the eye. From the time we are conceived the iris and all its fibers are formed along with the brain before any other organ is developed, making the eyes an extension of the brain endowed with thousands of nerve endings, microscopic blood vessels, muscle and other tissues. The iris is connected to the tissue of the body by way of the brain and nervous system. The branched nerve fibers (such as dendrites) receive their impulses by their connections to the optic nerve and spinal cord. Nerve fibers in the iris respond to changes in body tissues by manifesting a reflex physiology that corresponds to specific tissue changes and locations, by way of line patterns, fiber structure and color changes in the iris. By this means the body’s inherited and/or acquired state of health sends neural reflexes to the fibers within the iris causing groups of fibers to change by way of line patterns, characteristics, shapes, structures, forms and color in the iris and that is what an Iridologist studies.
The basic concept of iridology has existed for centuries. The medical school of the University of Salerno in Italy offered training in iris diagnosis. A book published by Philippus Meyers in 1670, called Chiromatica medica, noted that signs in the iris indicate diseases. Dr. Ignatz von Peczely, however, is generally considered the father of iridology, with the date of his discovery given as 1861. Von Peczely was a Hungarian physician. As a child, he accidentally broke an owl’s leg. He observed that a black line formed in the owl’s lower iris at the time of the injury. After the owl’s leg healed, the young von Peczely noted that the black streak had changed appearance. As a physician, he treated a patient with a broken leg in whose eye he observed a black streak in the same location as on the injured owl’s iris. Von Peczely became intrigued by the possibility of a connection between diseases and eye markings. Through observing his patients’ eyes, he became convinced of this connection and developed a chart that mapped iris-body correlations. After several decades of comparative study, von Peczely mapped organs across zones identified by hours and minutes on a clock face superimposed over drawings of the eyes. In 1881, he published his theories in a book called Discoveries in the Field of Natural Science and Medicine: Instruction in the Study of Diagnosis from the Eye.
A Swedish pastor and homeopath named Nils Liljequist also developed the concept of iris-body correlations at roughly the same time but independently of von Peczely’s work. He was the first iridologist to identify the effects of such drugs as iodine and quinine on the iris. Liljequist based his initial observations on changes in his own irises after illnesses and injuries, publishing writings and eye drawings during the late nineteenth century. One of his students, Dr. Henry Lahn, brought the practice of iridology to the United States. A variety of practitioners, primarily European, have sought to popularize iridology since these early works. Dr. Bernard Jensen, a chiropractor, is the best-known contemporary American advocate of iridology.