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Iridology combined with Rayid method is a specialized extensive health and behavioral analysis using this scientific method through the intricate fiber structures in the iris of the eyes by way of the optic nerve, to determine certain states of emotional and physical health. Iridology identifies specific acute, sub-acute, pre-chronic, chronic, degenerative and genetic conditions. This supports in witnessing inflammation, inherent and physical weaknesses, the activity and condition of each body system and organ revealing nutritional deficiencies and other abnormalities, such as: circulatory, respiratory, nervous, urinary, pancreatic, digestive, anemia, nerve tensions, toxemia, glandular disorders, allergens, pathogens, immune and auto-immune disorders, chemical imbalance, congestion, and the body’s unique power of recovery.
Because emotions originate in both the mind and the body, evidence can be witnessed with the combination of Rayid and iridology. This analytical combination offers a more complex interpretation of information simultaneously through bilateral links of mind-body correlations, such as psychosomatic feedback. Through this application, experts can identify psychosomatic disorders, such as and the origin of your physical and emotional conditions. The Rayid aspect of Iridology reveals the psychology, genetic behavior, personality traits, relationship tendencies and behavioral patterns of the individual, and is suggestive of relationship compatibilities, such as its strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, the practice of Rayid-iridology indicates how to create balance and understanding of oneself, our genetic heritage and relationship interactions.
Like a fingerprint, no two eyes are alike, but as unique as the individual. Utilizing today’s state-of-the-art digital iriscope equipment that displays pictures of each iris on a computer screen or projector gives the Iridologist accurate analysis meanwhile allowing the patient to view or witness areas of weaknesses for themselves. Later, allowing ability to upload new iris photo’s for a comparison during follow-up visits that provides a way for the Iridologist and patient to view and evaluate any progress and healing, or otherwise stressed tissue and body systems that are still in need of healing and correction.
One simple example to observe change is a brown discoloration in the colon area, marking indications of a toxic colon. When proper measures of healing, cleansing and detoxification procedures are taken; obvious indications are evident. This is marked by a reduction or disappearance of the brownish discoloration.
Iridologist Kimberley Fournier says, “As an iridologist in the Wholistic Science field for over 20 years, I’ve studied and analyzed many irises and recorded many findings. The fibers hold the history of our body’s state of wellbeing. The changes are gradual and over time but they do change. Now there is technology that substantiates the science and practice of iridology. Today we can take pictures of the iris and compare before and after; seeing firsthand the changes that take place within the fibers of the iris.
Iridology complements all therapeutic sciences because it provides vital information needed in order to establish the root cause of ailments, revealing the appropriate treatments required. Iridology is a safe, non-invasive analytical science, which can be integrated with both orthodox and complementary medicine.
Iridology has a great use of showing up weak tissue and revealing where and what kind of nutrition is needed for specific correction. Iridology helps the patient learn about their strengths and weaknesses and become more aware of what they can do to help themselves. Attempting to correct a chronic condition is difficult and takes perseverance and dedication to shift into healthier patterns and habits of living. It is much easier to maintain good health than to regain what is lost. The Iridologist will guide the patient as to the best ways of reversing existing conditions and managing genetic weaknesses.
Interpreting iris signs into terms of meaningful information takes skill and practice. Knowledge of the body is respect to its anatomy, physiology, and biochemical activities. Every cell, tissue and organ of the body has nutritional requirements. When this is not provided, certain elements become depleted and the body begins to suffer illness and disease. The iris reflects these needs and the skilled Iridologist can identify them. Dr. Bernard Jensen pioneered the Science of Iridology in the United States. He has completed 50 years of practice and developed one of the most comprehensive iris charts that are still the most accurate chart available today.
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Presented by Jason Eldridge certified Rayid Teacher & Rayid Practitioner
Rayid is a healing art that deeply and accurately identifies the individual. Rayid provides you with powerful tools for physical and emotional self-healing, to nurture your soul and its destiny.
Learn all about:
The iris: the lessons and gifts of all of the iris positions, iris rings + much more
Birth Order & Family Tree Healing
Experience profound and moving meditations
The vibrations of glands, organs & body systems
Growth through ‘Shadow Work’
Live in class case studies
Evolve your consciousness and make the world a much more beautiful place!
Why Rayid iridology ?
Unlike other esoteric readings, Rayid is a healing art that deeply and accurately identifies you as an individual. And what’s more, Rayid provides you with powerful tools for physical and emotional self-healing, to nurture your soul and its destiny.
You will discover the genetic origins of any illness or significant life event, learn how to heal it and bring light and love to yourself, your children and future generations.
By understanding the patterns in your iris, the influence of your birth order position, and the ever presence of ancestors, you are able to grow and evolve in remarkable ways.
You have the power to make a significant difference in your life, family and, ultimately, in the world. By applying the Rayid Model, you awaken new potentials and possibilities in your life.
1. Identify your unique blueprint to your soul. Experience a Rayid consultation today – it will change your life!
2. Get your biochemistry right with a naturopathic treatment.
3. You can make it happen with powerful tools to heal and evolve.
Ryid Irdology Chart