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What is iridology zones dark spot Psora Spots? Location: Any location of the iris; Appearance: Various shades of brown or black spots; Symptoms: It indicates accumulations of toxins and is often an inherited weakness. How to read iridology color? Blue-Eyed Type (German: Lymphatic) Description-White collaret (autonomic nerve wreath), solid blue or gray/blue color with no discoloration or psora (pigments). Related …
How to read iridology zones dark spot kidney? what is the mean iridology zones dark spot kidney sora Spots ? Location: Any location of the iris; Appearance: Various shades of brown or black spots; Symptoms: It indicates accumulations of toxins and is often an inherited weakness. What is iridology eye Lymphatic and Circulatory Systems Ciliary Zone? Location: Tiny ring …
definition of iridology! Here’s what I learned What is iridology? Iridology (also known as iridodiagnosis or iridiagnosis) is an alternative medicine technique whose proponents claim that patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris can be examined to determine information about a patient’s systemic health. Practitioners match their observations to iris charts, which divide the iris into zones that correspond …
Whot is integrated iridology? “Integrated Iridology”® is a cohesive blend of American, Australian and European models based on the writings of many leading authorities proven with over thirty five years of continuing clinical practice. It embodies the physical, mental and emotional aspects of signs in the eye. The “Integrated Iridology” range of products continues to grow. These superior quality Australian …
What is iridology analysis? Iridology is the analysis of the iris, the coloured disk of the eye. It is often wrongly referred to as diagnosis. To diagnose is to put a name to your disease, but as Hippocrates said, it’s more important to know the person that has the disease, than to know the disease the person has.Iridology shows us …