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iridology right iris

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8 iridology chart right eye

8 iridology chart right eye

iridology chart right eye iridology right eye iridology right eye map iridology chart right iridology right iridology chart right eye How to rea the iridology chart right eye? 3 main “конституционные типы” of iridology color: The blue eyed constitution (“лимфатический тип”), чей “присущие тенденции” включать: “Re-activity of the lymphatic system (adenoid and tonsil irritations; splenitis; swollen lymph nodes; irritated appendix;

What is iridology chart right eye?

What is iridology chart right eye?

What is iridology chart right eye? What is iridology chart right eye?-Iridology chart on this page shows the right eye iris zones as they relate to specific tissues & organs in the body from Dr. Jenson’s Iridology charting studies-The Iridology Chart below documents the right eye Iris zones related to tissues and organs in the body from Dr. Bernard