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Benefits of an Iridology Consultation

May 8, 2015

ne of the benefits is to think of your visit as a well care check up. They can tell you about your overall health and find the signs of possibly developing problems. It is a preventive medicine which can save you thousands down the road if you know what you need to do to keep yourself healthy. One of the drawbacks is that American iridologists are inadequately trained, according to European iridologists, and one would be inclined to agree, as most American iridologists have taken courses only lasting a weekend, resulting in a certification. It is recommended, therefore, that should you choose to seek out an iridologist, you should try and choose one that has been trained in Europe.

Beware of marketing companies that offer trainings to their distributors. If your iridologist finds several problems and insists that you treat them using only their products, get a second opinion.

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