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  • How choose my iridology supplies?

    iridology supplies Iris Supplies is now selling a New Iridology Camera Stand. For anyone that has their own Handheld Iridology Camera this is could be an excellent purchase to take your Iridology to the next level. There is a lot of advantages to having a Handheld Iridology Camera, but to take consistent professional images that are sharp and centred you need an

  • 22 photos iridology before and after

    iridology before and after photos Before & After Iridology 22 Photos. 2 Years Detox A year ago I found out that Robert Morse (N.D.) was doing free iris analyses on You Tube. I sent photos of my eyes to him for an eye iridology reading, which generally is meant to reveal which organs and parts of the body are weak,

  • Here’s a Quick Way to left eye iridology chart

    Iridology Chart of the Left Eye Iris Iridology chart on this page shows the right eye iris zones as they relate to specific tissues & organs in the body from Dr. Jenson’s Iridology charting studies The Innermost Ring -The stomach The Second Ring – The small & large intestines The Third Ring – Relates to the blood & its circulation;

  • What Reasons Why iridology nyc  is a Good Idea?

    What Reasons Why iridology nyc is a Good Idea? What is iridology? Iridologists fine-tune this idea by identifying and unfolding the corresponding signs in the iris that advertise the body’s condition. The stunning parallels confirm this investigative technique as the functional equivalent of a whole-body MRI or CAT scan. While many use Iridology as a somewhat useful ‘side-tool’, there is

  • What Better Ways to iridology therapy?

    What Better Ways to iridology therapy? Therapy GuideIridology Iridology, or the study of the iristhe coloured part of the eye, is not in itself a treatment, but is used alongside other health care practices as a way of diagnosing the state of health in the body. The practice of reading the iris for medical purposes

  • iridology chart left eye

    iridology chart left eye Iridology chart for the iris of the left eye defines the many iridology zone details charted to show how iridology relates to tissues & organs of the human body The Iridology Chart below documents the left eye Iris zones related to tissues and organs in the body from Dr. Bernard Jenson’s charting of Iridology zones.