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» خبرون » iridology

have my first iridologist appointment next week with Dr. Serge jurasunas, in Portugal

May 15, 2015

Dear all. I have my first iridologist appointment next week with Dr. Serge jurasunas, in Portugal. I’m apprehensive and excited at the same time. I want to feel better and I have hope. The only worry is the cost of the medications. I don’t know whether I’ll be able to afford them for too long. I’d love to hear opinions and advice from anyone. Thank you so much.

The Iridologist should not give you medications. He should give you herbs. Very inexpensive. Homeopathic remedies, even more economical.

Hi Lucy, as far as I now, you won’t be necessarily needing expensive medicines, Iridology is intended to identify strengths and weaknesses of your body, so you can adopt a healthier lifestyle to prevent any kind of imbalance, that healthier lifestyle in general includes nutritional recomendations, and herbal remedies as it has been mentioned, and of course you will be recomended to leave harmful habits if you have any, however the main goal is to restore the balance of your body through natural steps

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