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iridology ڪيس

» خبرون » iridology ڪيس

iridologic Introduction

May 7, 2015

Here we explore the science and practice of Constitutional Iridodiagnosis via comparative and subjective analysis designed for research and development purposes.

The constitution represents the whole of the individuals inherited and acquired characteristics. It also portrays the reactive potential of an individual in establishing the capability for adaptation. We distinguish the constitution via the irid by its defined shade of color and the degree of its primary shade that is characteristic for that specific constitutional type.

Constitutions are genotypic and expose specific kinds of pathological processes that may occur in an individual. There is no implication that a specific disease is inherited but only the individual factors that compose a predisposition are inherited.

Constitutional types are also perpetually mixed and may be diverse thus many sub-types are covered in this book. Subtypes are inborn and exclusively modified through life. Such modifications may include certain environmental influences and external factors during the course of life acting upon the person including their reactions to such conditions (career, stress, trauma, domestic, nutrition).

The strength of an individual’s constitution is proportional to the integrity of the irid fibrous trabeculae network. irid fibrous density shows the capacity of anatomical strength that one has to counteract negative external influences. The greater density found in the irid shows a higher resistance the body has towards such external influences.

A diathesis exposes a genetic pathological temperament that is conditioned by the constitution representing a sensitivity and susceptibility to illness. A physiological disease marking represents a diathesis and is expressed by the phenomena of deposition.

The three main constitutional categories (Lymphatic, Haemotogenic and Biliary/Mixed) are furthermore divided intosub-typesandsyndromesin order to include commonly observed variations in physiological functions. We must also consider that certain pathological processes are not entirely limited to only one type of constitution and that any one type of constitution only demonstrates statistical and theoretical disadvantages toward particular health disorders.

Constitutional classification systems illustrated throughout this book primarily rely on the pioneering and research efforts of Josef Deck, Helmut.W. Schimmel, Joaquim Broy, Theodore Kriege and Rudolf Schnabels’ original development work in Constitutional Iridology.

Homeopathic therapy adapted throughout this book is supplementary towardsConstitutional Modificationresearch and development purposes exclusively. Constitutional remedies listed do not represent a complete reference to the full spectrum of medicine applied in Homeopathy and must not be used without essential consultation or guidance of a Homeopathic Physician.

Bryan K. Marcia, Ph.D.

مائڪنگ ايريڊولوجي ڪئميرا

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