iridology camera software how to use it?
1 install the software.
2 connection orange usb key weith your pc.
3 Open desktop the “CadiCV Advance Analysis System English Version”
1)use select “user”,password:111111,and click: “login”
2)click “client tool”, enter your customer info. if ok,click “add”,and clieck”close”
3)click “capture right eye”.–ڪلڪ ڪريو “capture”!
4)left eye repetition Last Step.
5)select the eye pic (right eye pic / left eye pic)
6)click “analysis”
7)click “set parameter” button.
8)click “iris analysis” button.
Observation of symptoms and the iris color of choice in the software above the corresponding button on the symptoms and night.
For example: have crack on the iris pic and color is light.
Select button “crack” and button “light ” , move The cursor to the cracks on the iris,
Click with the mouse. Immediately reported by the analysis.
You and add your recommend or product for the customer.
add ——? Analysis——–?left (Analysis left eye)
10 save
11 report—select the report name —–?html report or report privew select the reports name(date name)
12 print
13 delete customer
14 edit customer

Iridologist Job Duties
Those considering careers in iridology should note that iridology is not recognized by the mainstream medical community in the U.S. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed evidence that iridology has no therapeutic value, and most U.S. insurance companies do not cover iridology.According to the International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA), iridologists conduct close examinations of the human iris, the colored portion of the eye, using tools such as flashlights, magnifying glasses and cameras . After taking close-up images of the iris, iridologists examine factors such as eye color, spots and noticeable rings. They also look at the white portion of the eyes, known as the sclera. Iridologists then compare images of the patient’s eyes to various charts that indicate correlations between markers on the iris and sclera with potential health conditions.During consultations with patients, iridologists explain any abnormalities found on the patient’s iris or sclera. For example, certain iris colors have been linked to digestive problems or allergies. Iridologists may instruct patients on homeopathic ways of dealing with health problems, such as taking supplements, making dietary changes or increasing physical activity.
How to take your iridology images by irideology camera software?
Use your thumb to pull down your bottom eyelid, while at the same time use your index finger to lift-up your top eyelid until the entire eye is visible (the top and bottom part of your eye must be visible); if that doesn’t work, then open your eye wide enough to where the photographer can see the top and bottom part of your eye. Then Look Straight into the camera’s eye, and shine a flashlight, or pin light directly at each corner of your eye (one eye at a time). This will illuminate your iris fibers so that the camera can pick-up the iris fibers. All is needed is a photo of your iris (eye) and not your entire face .