iridology chart left eye

کاٻي اک جي آسضن لاء INDIOLOALAGE چارٽ ڪيترن ئي آئيڊولوجيز زون جي تفصيل بيان ڪئي وئي آهي ته اهو ڏيکارڻ لاء ته oridology Tissoss کي ڪيئن تعلق رکي ٿو & انساني جسم جا عضوا
ارڊولوجي چارٽ هيٺ ڏنل دستاويزن جي کاٻي پاسي واري آئي آئي آئي آئي ايس آرين زنارڊ زنارڊ زنارڊ جينرز جي زنجسن جي زنجيرن سان لاڳاپيل آهن. اسان جو ارڊولوجسٽ جيڪو ڊاڪٽر جينسن جي تحت پڙهايو ويو آهي، جسم جي جسمن ۽ عضون ۾ ممڪن ڪمزورين جي نشاندهي ڪرڻ لاء ارڊولوجي جي چارت کي استعمال ڪري ٿو.

Iridology: Beneficial For Life
Iridology is beneficial for life because it allows you to know the possibilities for your genetic predispositions. In iridology, the eye is mapped like a clock on the wall. Look at the 6:00 position on the eye to the left. Notice the two tiny black spots. Now, look at the 10:00 position. See the larger oval dark blue area. These areas can indicate damage to organs due to lifestyle choices. The picture beside it has these areas circled in red. The third picture has an iridology chart laid over the eye. This chart allows the iridologist to see which organs are located at the 6:00 and 10:00 positions that may be stressing in some way as indicated by the black spots and dark blue oval at those locations. Using this process, iridology can be very beneficial as it can make you aware of opportunities to strengthen organs that may have been damaged by life style choices such as smoking, pharmaceutical drugs and not drinking enough water.
You can use the knowledge gained from iridology to make life style choices that will build strength in your body instead of feeding into possible genetic predisposition.