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iridology ڪيس

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iridology ڪيس

iridology ڪيس

  • What is Iridology?

    Iridology is a quick, accurate, non-invasive, safe and painless system of health analysis through the examination of the coloured part of the eye known as the iris. Proclaimed throughout the ages as ‘windows of the soul’, the eyes are now acknowledged as mirrors of the body and likened to miniature television screens recording the condition of the various organs and

  • University in Iridology Studies

    Individuals searching for university in iridology studies found the following resources, articles, links, and information helpful. Occupation: Alternative Medicine Profession Those who have an interest in medical and health professions may want to pursue a career in alternative medicine. Alternative medicine includes naturopathic medicine, complementary medicine, acupuncture, herbal therapy, aromatherapy, holistic medicine, and many more. Basically any type of medical

  • A brief history of Iridology

    Surprisingly, iridology is one of the oldest forms of complementary medicine being over 2,000 years old. Two European men rediscovered it in the 19th century. BACK TO THE TOP

  • What is Iridology?

    The eye is the gateway to the body ~ It’s condition reflects the overall condition of the person. Iridology is the analysis of patterns and structures in the iris (the coloured part of the eye), to determine whether the person has any weaknesses in body tissue which shows itself as manifested disease or which could lead to disease in the

  • How does Iridology work?

    It represents a holistic approach to healthcare because it analyses all tissues and body organs. How can this be possible? If you know anything about reflexology, you know that most body organs can be ‘worked onby massaging the feet and hands. Just as the main circuits to every organ, gland, and nerve in your body have endings in your

  • What is Iridology used for?

    Iridology helps us to understand our weaknesses so we may strengthen and cleanse our bodies to obtain maximum health. It shows us how to get the best in our physical, mental and spiritual health.