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  • What are some of the better research studies in Iridology?

    The correlation between amount of iris pigmentation and age, as shown by Velchover, et al., is a good example of a well-designed epidemiological study. The AMA-published study ‘Looking for gallstones in the irisis a good example of poorly executed research carried out to support preconceived beliefs and biased agenda.

  • What is needed to advance the state of the art in Iridology?

    To advance the state of the art, a baseline study of iris color and texture is needed, then a study of correlations between iris structure and health predispositions.

  • How Can Iridology Help You?

    How Can Iridology Help You? The iris records information about the state and functioning of every organ in the body as well as levels of inflammation and toxicity. This enables the underlying cause of the symptoms we may experience to be detected and removed. The greatest advantage of iridology over other forms of health screening is that changes appear in

  • How did Iridology develop?

    How did Iridology develop? How did Iridology develop? Reference to the eye’s value in health assessment can be traced back to numerous ancient scriptures and stone slabs found in Asia Minor depicting the body and eye connection. Clinical Iridology, however, began in the late nineteenth century with the Hungarian DoctorIgnatz von Peczely. As a young child, von Peczely was trying to

  • How does Iridology work?

    How does Iridology work? The iris is an extension of the brain endowed with many thousands of nerve endings, microscopic blood vessels, as well as muscle and connective tissue. Every organ is connected to the iris via the nervous system and the nerve fibres receiving their impulses through the optic nerve, optic thalami, and the spinal cord.

  • What Is Iridology?

    What Is Iridology? Iridology is a quick, accurate and painless system of health analysis through the examination of the colored part of the eye known as the iris. Proclaimed throughout the ages aswindows of the soul, the eyes are now acknowledged as mirrors of the body and compared to miniature television screens recording the condition of the various organs