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» خبرون » iridology



  • Dr. Jensen’s iridology chart

    Dr. Jensen’s iridology chart The woman who is running his estate? I cannot remember her name. Well Ellen Tart-Jensen is Dr. Jensen’s daughter-in-law and she is married to Art Jensen who is his son. I’ll call Lynda and see what she says about sharing it. Thank you. It was Ellen then. Thank you for checking Brenda. Of course. I don’t

  • The role of iridology on preventive medicine

    The role of iridology on preventive medicine An iridology analysis reveals genetic potentialities and weaknesses, irritated and congested areas on different systems including the digestive system. Iridology plays a very important role on preventive medicine, which is very sought by many people who want to enjoy a plenty and healthy life. According to the opinion of Chelsea Summers, who is

  • Strength and weakness revealed by iris density

    One of the main general signs that should be observed while reading the iris is the density it has; the density is the expression of texture state of the tissue of the iris. Essentially, density can be defined by the amount of iridologic signs that are found on the iris like lacunes and crypts, such signs emerge due to looser

  • Iris density and body constitution…

    Iris density providing valuable information about body constitutionMely Starslight This iris presents a Sackcloth density, it reveals weakness and deficiencies on gastrointestinal system, glandular system and irregularity on digestive processes, people with this density also have a tendency to hypoglycemia.

  • This is a group for those interested in learning more about Iridology.

    This is a group for those interested in learning more about Iridology. Please write in English so the administrator of the page can evaluate posts. Also, please refrain from posting marketing/sales materials for your equipment and classes. If you want a FB page to market your stuff, please create one. To folks attempting to sell equipment on this group, I

  • Blue Eyes Originated 10,000 Years Ago in the Black Sea Region

    A team of researchers from Copenhagen University have located a single mutation that causes the mysterious phenomenon of blue eyes. And all blue eyed people are genetically related to a person who lived in the Black Sea region sometime between 6 – 10,000 years ago. The research was published in the Journal of Human Genetics. A mutation in a gene