![A Vision For Iridology 1 Imagine... Iridology as a profession with status and respect. Iridology with legal stature. Iridology appointments covered by insurance. Iridology easily accessible to the population as a significant part of health maintenance and disease prevention programs. Iridologists respected for their knowledge and practicing quality research-based work. This is the vison for iridology. --- Quote from Iridology A Handbook compiled by Kianna Smith]()
Imagine… Iridology as a profession with status and respect. Iridology with legal stature. Iridology appointments covered by insurance. Iridology easily accessible to the population as a significant part of health maintenance and disease prevention programs. Iridologists respected for their knowledge and practicing quality research-based work. This is the vison for iridology.
— Quote from Iridology A Handbook compiled by Kianna Smith
Imagine… Iridology as a profession with status and respect. Iridology with legal stature. Iridology appointments covered by insurance. Iridology easily accessible to the population as a significant part of health maintenance and disease prevention programs. Iridologists respected for their knowledge and practicing quality research-based work. This is the vison for iridology.
— Quote from Iridology A Handbook compiled by Kianna Smith