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iridology training

August 31, 2017

iridology training

Where can iridology training?

New Eden School of Natural Health and Herbal Studies, Niebergall, Lisa, MD



Who can iridology training?

Dr. David Pesek

New Eden School of Natural Health and Herbal Studies, Niebergall, Lisa, MD

Dr. Mercedes Colburn & Dr. Elise Cohen


How to training?

1.the Internet,training by Skype,whatsapp,email,.online tools.

2)DVD, books send the dvd to you for training.

3)Face-to-face course

1)Part 1 Basic Iridology

Course Level One includes nearly 11 hours of instruction by Dr. David Pesek on high quality DVD. Materials include study book, notebook with lessons, full color handouts, charts, and information.

In this course you will learn:
This course is prerequisite to Level Two.

Learn more about Level TwoIntermediate Iridology, by clicking here.
To register for Iridology courses please click here

The holistic health model in action

Historical persepective on Iridology

Value of Iridology revealing inherent genetic weaknesses and strength

How to read aLive Eye

The interrelationship between though, emotion & health

Reflexes of the bowel affecting organs and glands

Health circulation of the 6 systems of detoxification with the body

Tissue cleansing for vitality & longevity

How eyes reveal thought and emotional aspects of personality

The integration of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing

Understanding nutritional requirements through analysis of the eyes

What the eyes can and cannot reveal

How to develop a health program using Iridology

The power of Iridology as a tool of prevention

iridology images

2)Part Intermediate Iridology

Course Level 2 includes 32 hours of instruction from Dr. David Pesek on high quality DVD. Materials include study book, notebook with lessons, full color handouts, charts, and information.

In this course you will learn:
This course is prerequisite to attending the Level 3 Iridology Seminar.

For more information on the Level 3 Iridology Seminar click here.
To register for Iridology courses please click here

Constitutional typing & related diathesis

The brain flares of Iridology & related thought/emotional patterns

Early assessment of conditions & accumulations in body tissues

Treatment of conditions & accumulations

Extensvie training in reading alive eye

Metabolic pigments (psora) and their relationship to the various organs

Understanding the iris and the zone map

Interrelationship of the organs, glands, thoughts, and emotions to a belief system

Brief introduction to sclerology (reading the white eye)

More information on natural treatments from a holistic perspective

Transversal fibers & their reflection of tissue health

Deeper aspects of how eyes reveal thought & emotional patterns of personality

Further understanding of nutritional requirements through analysis of the eyes.

3)Part 3 Advanced Iridology Seminar

Enjoy 4 days of intensive, onsite study with Dr. David Pesek. The Advanced Iridology Seminar takes place in various locations around the United States. Students who have completed Levels One and Two of the home study program will be eligible to attend. David will expand upon the knowledge previously gained through the Home Study Program, offering advanced techniques in reading a live eye, and more. Seating may be limited, but you may reserve your place at any time.

What you will learn in this course:
The seminar is generally offered once a year and is conducted by Dr. Pesek, and payment can be set up by contacting him directly.

Proficiency & confidence to practice as an Iridologist

Extensvie training & various protocols for reading alive eyeand iris photography

Various lighting techniques for live exams and iris photography

Advanced information on iris topography

Assessment of faulty conscious and subconsciousbelief systemsthat lead to degenerative conditions

Sclera indicators and their interpretation relative to thought, emotion and tissue health

Abnormalities of the iris and pupil

Techniques for building a practice of Iridology, or integration into an existing health care practice

iridology eye images




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