Výrobcovia digitálnych iriskopických analyzátorov MAIKONG v Číne
What Is MAIKONG Digital Iriscope Analyzer?
MAIKONG digital iriscope analyzer is sophisticated tool design iridology, practice that evaluates iris gain insights into person’s health. Our device captures high-resolution images of iris, allowe users detect patterns, colors, and structures that may indicate various health conditions.
We focus on quality, precision, and ease of use, ensure analyzer meets needs of both professionals and enthusiasts in holistic health.
![Čínski výrobcovia digitálnych iriskopických analyzátorovacturers 5 China Digital Iriscope Analyzer Manufacturers]()
História analyzátora Iriscope
Iridology began in 19th century, with practitioners linke specific parts of iris organs and systems in body. Initially, process relied on manual observation, but technological advancements brought tools like iriscope, which greatly enhanced accuracy.
MAIKONG CO.LTD has been at forefront of this evolution. With over 21 years of expertise in health equipment manufacture, we’ve built reputation delivere reliable and innovative iris analysis devices globally.
How Does MAIKONG Digital Iriscope Analyzer Work?
Our digital iriscope analyzer integrates advanced hardware with intuitive software provide seamless analysis:
- Zachytiť: device’s high-resolution camera captures clear and detailed images of iris.
- Analyzovať: Use proprietary iridology software, images are analyzed, and iridology chart is applied mappe.
- tlmočiť: Patterns, spots, and colors are interpreted assess potential imbalances in organs and systems.
This process is quick, non-invasive, and easy perform, make it ideal various users.
Who Needs MAIKONG Digital Iriscope Analyzer?
analyzer serves wide audience, include:
- Holistickí lekári: Naturopaths and iridologists rely on it detailed diagnostics.
- Pedagógovia: Institutions teache natural medicine use it as practical traine tool.
- Zdravotní nadšenci: Individuals interested in monitore their health through iridology benefit from its simplicity.
- Distribútori: Businesses looke high-demand health devices their product lines.
Podporované počítačové systémy
Our iriscope analyzer is design compatibility with multiple operate systems:
Operačný systém | Podporované |
Windows XP | ✅ |
Windows 7 | ✅ |
Windows Vista | ✅ |
Windows 8 | ✅ |
Windows 10 | ✅ |
Windows 11 | ✅ |
macOS | ✅ |
Technické parametre
Funkcia | Špecifikácia |
Rozlíšenie fotoaparátu | 5 Megapixels |
Maximálne rozlíšenie | 2560 × 1920 |
Optimálne rozlíšenie | 1024 × 768 |
Objektív | Nastaviteľný makro objektív s presným obrazom clony |
Svetlo | LED re light konzistentné osvetlenie |
Analyzované orgány | Over 190 |
Hmotnosť | Prenosný a ľahký |
Konektivita | USB 2.0 |
Verzia softvéru
Our iridology software is continually updated enhance functionality. current version includes:
- Vylepšené rozhranie jednoduchosť používania
- Vylepšené funkcie reporte
- Podpora viacerých jazykov
- Rýchlejšie spracovanie obrazu
Podporované jazyky
software supports 12 languages, ensure global usability:
Jazyk | Podporované |
Zjednodušená čínština | ✅ |
Tradičná čínština | ✅ |
angličtina | ✅ |
nemecký | ✅ |
španielčina | ✅ |
perzský | ✅ |
francúzsky | ✅ |
malajčina | ✅ |
japončina | ✅ |
kórejský | ✅ |
portugalčina | ✅ |
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Vrátane príslušenstva
Every package includes essential tools immediate use:
Doplnok | Zahrnuté |
Slúchadlo | ✅ |
Kalibračné nástroje | ✅ |
Ochranné puzdro na prenášanie | ✅ |
USB kábel | ✅ |
Sprievodca inštaláciou softvéru | ✅ |
Iridologická tabuľka | ✅ |
![Čínski výrobcovia digitálnych iriskopických analyzátorovacturers 5 China Digital Iriscope Analyzer Manufacturers]()
Why Choose MAIKONG Digital Iriscope Analyzer?
- Presnosť: High-definition image ensures accuracy in every assessment.
- Užívateľsky prívetivý: Our intuitive software simplifies process beginners and experts alike.
- Globálna použiteľnosť: With multi-language support, it caters users worldwide.
- Prispôsobiteľné: OEM/ODM services allow full customization, from package software brande.
- Dôveryhodný výrobca: With 21 years of experience, MAIKONG CO.LTD is reliable partner health solutions.
Our digital iriscope analyzer is ideal for:
- Klinická diagnostika: Assists practitioners in holistic health evaluations.
- Vzdelávací výcvik: Used in schools and colleges teache iridology and naturopathy.
- Maloobchod & Distribúcia: sought-after product health-focused businesses.
- Osobný monitor zdravia: Perfect individuals interested in alternative health methods.
What Is Price? (Contact MAIKONG VIP Price)
price details, include wholesale and distributor rates, kontaktujte nás. We offer competitive prices, bulk discounts, and exclusive deals partners.
![Digitálny iriskopgital Iriscope Analyzer Manufacturers 10 Digital Iriscope]()
Our device uses advanced optics and software ensure highly accurate image and analysis.
2. What is included in package?
package includes handset, calibration tools, protective case, USB cable, software guide, and iridology chart.
3. Does it work with macOS?
Yes, analyzer is fully compatible with macOS, in addition Windows systems.
4. Can I customize device my brand?
Absolutely! We offer OEM/ODM options brande, package, and software interfaces.
5. How long does shippe take?
Orders are processed within 3-7 days, with delivery take 7-9 days via UPS, DHL, or FedEx.
6. How many languages does software support?
software supports 12 languages, include English, German, Spanish, and Chinese.
7. Is traine required use analyzer?
Basic iridology knowledge is recommended, but our software is design simplify process all users.
more details or place order, Kontaktujte nás MAIKONG CO.LTD today!