Maikong-Professional Iridology Camera Iriscope Výrobca a dodávateľ

iridológia Vzdelávanie

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iridológia Vzdelávanie

iridológia Vzdelávanie

  • can you analyzer my iridology pic?

    can you analyzer my iridology pic COQ 10 would be very beneficial. Perhaps maybe try a shot from the very front. It is a little hard to tell with shadows and glare. We could tell you more.

  • How do they get such good pics of the eye .

    How do they get such good pics of the eye . What pops out at me is the nervous system needs fatty acids, thyroid and adrenal need help and clean up the lymphatic system and colon, plus on would for sure address the acid condition. Constitution Lymphatic , Neurogenic disposition , Hydrogenoide diathesis or exudative diathesis : lymph drainage, poor

  • Hello, I would like to learn iridolgy, can anybody recommend a good place to start.

    I have been a natural therapist for 14 years, I am certified in reiki, bodytalk, eft and access consciousness. These are all energy modalities. Some places I have looked you need to be an acupuncturist, nutritionist to be able to train in this field. It has been recommended that this will be good for me to learn, and would like

  • Hello! would any of you wise souls mind reading my mother’s eyes?

    Hello! would any of you wise souls mind reading my mother’s eyes? Hello! would any of you wise souls mind reading my mother’s eyes? I would appreciate it a lot! I got 2 pics of each right and left just because she wasn’t able to open an eye completely smile emoticon It was the same story with me, the

  • Hi guys would love some feedback on my eyes

    I had wondered because I’ve never seen amber eyes in person. They’re quite beautiful. We can discuss this as such for entertainment purposes. Otherwise, please consult with a qualified health practitioner you trust for a diagnosis and recommendations. I am a naturopath student have completed iridology, just wanting different perspectives

  • I’ve had people ask to read their eyes when they’ve done many tests to find out what they needed to focus on.

    I’ve had people ask to read their eyes when they’ve done many tests to find out what they needed to focus on. What have been some of your interesting eye reading? One individual had a very suppressed immune system-green overall color. It was later that they discovered they had Lymes disease. Any hypothesis in links to different commonalities? Following Andrejka