Maikong-Professional Iridology Camera Iriscope Výrobca a dodávateľ


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  • What is needed to advance the state of the art in Iridology?

    To advance the state of the art, a baseline study of iris color and texture is needed, then a study of correlations between iris structure and health predispositions.

  • What direction is the Art and Science of Iridology going?

    The rigorous application of scientific and objective methodology to the theoretical beliefs and more professional standards of practice are necessary to elevate the status of iris analysis techniques to a modern position. Iridology is benefiting from the development of technology. At Miles Research we have been developing professional instrumentation and clinical software for years, and are also setting up groupware,

  • What is needed to increase the acceptance of Iridology?

    Iris analysis will eventually become an accepted and respected field of inquiry and will also see widespread clinical application in mainstream health care. This will be accelerated by the use of the iris for identification purposes. Baseline studies of individual differences in iris color (population variations) and longitudinal studies of color change, however are a prerequisite to the testing and

  • What issues have kept Iridology from receiving the visibility and recognition it deserves?

    Iridology has been used in a mostly non-technical way, and often by amateurs or those without rigorous training in health-care. As a result, orthodox medicine has not seen the redeeming value in a field cluttered with erroneous and oversimplified belief. Lack of scientific and professional conduct among some iridologists has contributed to the perception of Iridology as little more than

  • What seem to be the stumbling blocks that keep it from being used by mainstream medical personnel?

    In addition to the above-mentioned problems with professionalism, the other hurdle for the medical approach is the concept of ‘Reflexwhich is the phenomenon of information referral via autonomic nervous system, ch’i meridians and other more subtle energy pathways throughout the body. Orthodox medicine does not recognize phenomena that is too subtle to detect with instrumentation, much less the possibility

  • What mutual effort(s) could be made to make it more accepted by the mainstream medical community?

    The proof is in the puddingorif the shoe fits, wear it,so to speak, but the burden of proof by presentation of evidence to support the effectiveness, usefulness, and importance of Iridology is on the iridologist. Rigorous research protocol is necessary to be taken seriously as a field that merits scientific inquiry. The status of the field of