Maikong-Professional Iridology Camera Iriscope Výrobca a dodávateľ

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» iridologická kamera

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Kategória a značky:
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Získajte cenovú ponuku
  • Špecifikácie
  • Iridologická tabuľka
  • Technical Specifications
  • Installation And Operation Video

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Iridology softare- Iridology Station 5.2

Iridology softare- Iridology Station 5.2

The Iridology Station 5.2 software is now available in Spanish!!

Works well with our SD8004 Super Digital 18.1 MP Iridology Camera System, our eyePIX 10.0 mega pixel Handheld Iridology Cameras, and pretty much any iridology camera. Can be purchased as a stand-alone iridology software program to work with 35mm cameras as well.

The worlds’ leading Iridology software takes you to the next level! Dual-mode ~ iStudio and iBrowser! Iridology Station 5.1 now brings together two powerful programs into one dual-mode instrument! iBrowser ~ Manage and view all your digital images. Browse, organize and transfer your digital images into iStudio with a single click. iStudio ~ The most up-to-date collection of powerful tools in one Iridology Studio. Patient database, Collarette maps, Grading systems, Pupil scanning, Report generation, Emailing reports, Histogram display, “One-click” Resource files, Digital camera integration, and much more.

iStudio Tools and Features include:

Chart OverlayingCollarette Scan Map to trace the collarette for accurate chart overlaying.
Iris Scanning: Identifies the colour difference within the iris to determine lighter and darker areas of the iris. This information is displayed in graph form listing body parts and systems. Use the new Collarette, Exclusion and Aspect Ratio tools for improved accuracy in iris scanning.
Patient Database: records Patient Details, Iris Signs, Suggestions and Comments
Patient Report Printouts: option to print out patient iris images, graphs, Iris Signs, Suggestions, Comments and Iris Markings
Email reporting – generate reports to email in various formats, including PDF
Customize reports in MS Word
Iris Marking recording
Image Adjustment, Graphic and Text Tools, Image Zooming Tools
“One click” Resource files: on Constitutions, Lacunaes, Pupil Distortions, Pupil Flattening, Pupil Size, Sclera, Ellipsoids, Pupil Ruffs.
Grading Systems – 1) by constitution , 2) by nutritional zone and organ zone 3) by iris structure
Pupil Scan – grades pupil size, offset, pupil collarette position
Top bottom image stitching
Multiple Reference Plug-in Support – Constitutional Iridology by Milo Milosevic; Interactive referencing that is context sensitive to image
Analytical Reference Bar – Analytical reference material with images easily accessed from quick-retrieve toolbar for rapid analysis
Histogram Display – Measures colour density in each body organ; better-than-human-eye detection; enables before and after comparisons; research potential; unique in Iridology
AVI Movie Tutorial support – Movie demonstrations of all tools!
Operates seamlessly with digital cameras – Digital integration
More intuitive & integrated functionality – tools are just one click away!
Full Ongoing Support!
Works with Windows 10

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What is Iridology?

What is Iridology?

Iridológia je štúdium farby, pigmentácií a štruktúry dúhovky alebo farebnej časti oka, pretože sa geneticky vzťahujú prostredníctvom reflexnej reakcie na silné a nedostatky telesných systémov.

Iridológia dopĺňa všetky zdravotné vedy, pretože poskytuje informácie nielen o tom, čo môže nachnúť klienta, ale aj o hlavnej príčine poruchy.

Mnoho iridológov okrem toho pozoruje hranicu žiaka, ako aj vaskulárne označenia v sklére, aby im pomohli lepšie porozumieť viac o celkovom zdraví osoby.

Sme presvedčení, že iridológia je jedným z najlepších nástrojov na hodnotenie, ktoré sú k dispozícii na zistenie, ktoré oblasti tela sú geneticky silné a ktoré sú nedostatočné. Pomocou iridológie môžeme analyzovať celkovú ústavu podľa konkrétnych farieb a označení dúhovky.

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What is Iridology?

What is Iridology?

Iridológia je štúdium farby, pigmentácií a štruktúry dúhovky alebo farebnej časti oka, pretože sa geneticky vzťahujú prostredníctvom reflexnej reakcie na silné a nedostatky telesných systémov.

Iridológia dopĺňa všetky zdravotné vedy, pretože poskytuje informácie nielen o tom, čo môže nachnúť klienta, ale aj o hlavnej príčine poruchy.

Mnoho iridológov okrem toho pozoruje hranicu žiaka, ako aj vaskulárne označenia v sklére, aby im pomohli lepšie porozumieť viac o celkovom zdraví osoby.

Sme presvedčení, že iridológia je jedným z najlepších nástrojov na hodnotenie, ktoré sú k dispozícii na zistenie, ktoré oblasti tela sú geneticky silné a ktoré sú nedostatočné. Pomocou iridológie môžeme analyzovať celkovú ústavu podľa konkrétnych farieb a označení dúhovky.

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Iridology Conclusion

Iridology Conclusion

Iridology is a safe, non-interventionary diagnostic technique, it requires no needles, and no anesthetic or drugs. Yet it may provide a valuable guide to health and disease. If every doctor’s surgery employed a trained Iridologist and diagnostician, or better yet, if every doctor studied iridology many exploratory operations would be avoided. This would save, not only financial revenue, but time and suffering on the part of the patient.

Iridology, in addition to other natural sciences is probably ahead of its time in the United States. It takes a special and futuristic practitioner to employ Iridology to its full advantage. In time, Iridology is set to establish itself as a mainstream diagnostic technique into the twenty-first century.

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Place of OriginGuangdong, China
Warranty1 Year
After-sales ServiceVideo Technical Support
Typeiridology camera,iriscope
FunkciaPigmentation Analysis, Skin Wrinkle Analysis, Detect Skin Moisture
ApplicationFor Home Use
Model NumberMK-9822U
JazykEnglish / Spanish
SystemWindows XP, WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win 10, Win 11, Apple MAC OS
CCD Sensor Resolution5.0MP
Packaging DetailsExport Carton
Lead Time5-7 Days (Depending on Quantity)
Supply Ability10000 Piece/Pieces per Month
Single Package Size33X28X12 cm
Single Gross Weight2.500 kg




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