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What can you tell from Iridology
Ein qualifizierter Iridologe kann durch die Bewertung der IRIS beider Augen gleichzeitig Informationen über alle Körperteile erhalten. Die Iris enthüllt unsere ererbte gesundheitliche Disposition, unsere Tendenz zu gesundheitlichen Bedenken oder Problemen. Es hilft uns, unsere potenziellen Risikofaktoren zu verstehen, wenn wir nicht auf uns selbst aufpassen. Dies ist ein starkes Wissen und kann uns helfen, uns um unseren Körper zu kümmern, damit diese Tendenzen nicht in der Realität werden. Eine frühzeitige Erkennung von gesundheitlichen Ungleichgewichten und eine schnelle Korrektur ist von entscheidender Bedeutung. Die Iridologie ist ein hervorragendes Bewertungsinstrument für die aktuellen Bedingungen und die vorbeugende Gesundheitsversorgung.
Client symptoms may indicate that something is not right in the body, but not necessarily reveal why. When one understands that symptoms are an end result of many influences and processes taking place in the body, it becomes clear how important it is to identify these contributing factors. Iridology can often help in this regard by identifying the underlying process or foundation of these symptoms. In this way, Iridology is great for preventive healthcare.
There are three basic constitutional types of irises by color: Lymphatic (or blue); Biliary (or mixed); and Hematogenic (or brown). Each of these types by color tell us a number of things about the person’s health and potential issues. The structure, and the markings seen in the iris, tell us further information based on their location, shape and a variety of other factors. An Iridologist looks at these and several other factors in the iris in order to provide an assessment (iris analysis).

What is iridology examination?
Although the study of the eye can be traced back to ancient civilizations, clinical iridology was introduced in the late nineteenth century by Ignatz von Peczely, a Hungarian doctor. Von Peczely designed his first iris chart after he noticed a correlation between streaks or markers in a patient’s iris and corresponding physical ailments. Since the creation of his iris chart, modern day iridologists use this tool to determine changes in the iris that give clues to physical changes within the body, including inflammation, toxicity, congested lymph nodes and hardening of the arteries. Although iridology cannot reveal specific diseases or ailments, it can alert the patient of potential health issues. An iridology exam is a painless, non-invasive procedure that includes a health questionnaire on your medical history and lifestyle, and an examination of the iris using an instrument called the iridiscope (a magnifying glass with a light). A special camera called an iridocamera may also be used to take a picture of the iris, which is then downloaded into a computer for analyzing.
Controversy surrounding iridology has mounted due to the misconception that the alternative therapy can accurately diagnose chronic and potentially fatal diseases. This viral misconception has been propagated by iridologists misusing their practice of the alternative technique.
“Iridology is the study of the iris, or the colored part of the eye. Iridology is not a diagnostic tool; rather it is a screening tool that gives us a glimpse into the genetic road map one is born with,” explains Trixie Clark, RN, ND, IIPA certified comprehensive iridologist (CCI) and vice president of the International Iridology Practitioners Association. “We inherit tendencies from our parents and grandparents that can affect our health. With iridology, we can inform someone of these tendencies based on the eye color and various markings that are seen. Again, we cannot diagnose diseases, like cancer or anemia, from the iris.”