Iridology History
May 7, 2015
The first published irid analysis can be credited to the physician Philippus Meyens, who, in 1670 wrote a book explaining the features of the irid called Chromatica Medica. in which he stated that the eye contained valuable information about the body. |
The founder of modern Iridology was Dr. Ignatz Von Peczley , a Hungarian physician known as “The Father of Iridology” In 1881 he published a book “Discoveries in the Field of Natural Science and Medicine, a guide to the study and diagnosis from the eye.” It was in this book that Von Peczely built up the first accurate chart of the irid. When he was a child, he was attempting to release a trapped Owl when the bird broke it’s leg. He observed a dark mark in the Owl’s irid, which gradually turned white as the leg healed. As a doctor he mapped his patients illnesses via markings in the irid. His chart was published in 1880. Peczely became a great physician of his time. He published several books on Iridology, but was limited in his observations of the irid, because of the quality of the
optical equipment available to him. Now sophisticated cameras and microscopes exist, with powerful magnifying capabilities. n 1950 an American , Dr. Bernard Jensen pioneered the science of iridology in the US. He developed one of the most comprehensive irid charts showing the location of the organs as they reflect in the irid’s of the eye. His chart is still the most accurate one available today. |
“the Mechanics” of Iridology?
By Sandy Carter
. A fiber pattern can change to reflect the state of the body
When an organ or body system is in poor health the nerve running from that body part will start to recede. When it does, it draws with it various degrees of the layers of fibers which make up the color of the irid of the eyes, leaving darkened marks called lesions
Our bodies are congregates of cells arranged as tissues, which in turn are arranged into organs which function as systems. Each system with its set function, contributes to the overall functioning of the organism. Kirlian Photography shows that an elecro-magnetic field around the body exists and this field is termed Bio-Plasma, this is thought to organize the neurology, the physiology and the biochemistry of the organism. It is this field which would seem to be resp |
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