Iridology Assessment
A story unfolds in the eye that depicts a detailed picture of the body at work, in health and dis-ease. The eyes are an extension of the brain. They are the input for the brain. Through changes in the pigments and structure of the iris, abnormal conditions of the tissue in the body are revealed.Iridology is the most effective assessment technique in the world that considers the person as a whole. Humankind must be studied as a whole since the whole is more than the sum of its parts. The most efficient response in raising the health level comes from implementing both nutrition and iris analysis. In addition to nutrition therapy, various natural therapies can be incorporated into each individual’s plan of treatment.
Management of your health is ultimately up to you. The wisest way to safeguard your health is to know and understand your body thoroughly. When you take care of your body, your reward is wellness. You feel and look younger. You experience more energy and enthusiasm. Iridology assessment provides you with information about your body signals and how you can respond to them. Certain conditions can be spotted before they cause serious problems, allowing you to “nip it in the bud.”Taking charge of your own health can initially be daunting — the amount of information available is overwhelming, often contradictory, and hard to sort out. Iridology allows you to see your entire body, including every organ and system, all at once. Professional analysis by a Clinical Iridologist will show you,If you are suffering from any of the symptoms below, iridology assessment is a highly effective tool to help you determine the cause(s):
How your body sees, describes and reports on itself — problem areas, stressors, underlying factors
An audit trail of any past trauma or disease damage
Your genetic inheritance, including strengths and weaknesses
Skin Eruption
Low Energy
Colic, Diarrhea
Fevers, Cold, Flu
Chronic Fatigue
Hay Fever
The greatest feature and main advantage of Constitutional Iridology over forms of health screening is that the iris reveals potentials and tendencies that may occur if a person lives their live a certain way. Therefore, symptoms can be treated decades before they ever appear. Preventative action may be taken to improve health and avoid those diseases that might otherwise follow.
Iridology chart right eye Video