No matter what your age, health is one of your greatest assets while you’re living your journey on this planet. For generations, man has been ignorant of his/her body’s proper nutritional needs. It is not difficult to understand the proper foods man should be consuming, which is simply reflected in the physiological design of the human species. Once called omnivores by many, humans are actually frugivores. Man’s diet should be predominantly fruits and vegetables, instead of dead animals, their milks, and dormant foods (grains & beans).
Because of the type of foods and chemicals man has been (and is) consuming, humans have created a state of toxicity, genetic weakness, decay and degeneration of cells never before seen in any species.
Understanding this and what one must do to reverse this is vital in the preservation of our species and one’s experience of True Health. There is so much misinformation, mainly because of big business, that man is confused and frustrated.
Our clinic has been dedicated to truth and using Regenerative Detoxification to assist humans and animals back to health for over 40 years now. Health becomes very simple when you understand how one loses it. I’ve spent decades assisting thousands in restoring and regenerating the tissues of their physical bodies as well as connecting them with God again.
True happiness is a combination of physical, emotional and mental balance with a broader understanding of who you, as an individual, really are. I hope you enjoy our website and if you need assistance or have questions, please feel free to call our clinic.
May the Blessings Be,Robert Morse, N.D., D.Sc., M.H.
Please note that Dr. Morse is no longer seeing clients so he may focus on research, writing, and educating. Our other counselors were carefully chosen and trained by Dr. Morse for their knowledge, experience, passion and dedication to helping the suffering find true health.
2)What are Dr. Morse’s qualifications?
Dr. Morse has been an Author, Lecturer, Teacher & Practitioner for over 42 years. He is degreed in Naturopathy, Naturopathic Medicine, Biochemistry, Iridology, Reflexology, Nutrition & Fitness, and as a Master Herbalist. He teaches others the secrets of Detoxification and Tissue Regeneration, and how simple good health really is. He is also the creator of Dr. Morse’s Herbal Formulas (formerly God’s Herbs Botanical Formulas), which have received worldwide acclaim while being used by physicians, clinics, and individuals throughout the world. Dr. Morse is on a mission of teaching others about healing through all the natural gifts from God. You can see more information about Dr. Morse on our Counselors page.
3)What are Attila Balazs’ qualifications?
Attila has worked in the field of detoxification and regeneration for over 9 years at his family’s detoxification facility, the Salt Cave in Naples, Florida. His passion and desire to continue his education have fueled him into studies of Herbology, Biochemistry, and Iridology. Having completed multiple International School of Detoxification Level I and II courses, Attila has walked the path he teaches. Since 2013, Attila has intensely studied Detoxification and Regeneration as well as Iridology, directly under the guidance of Master Herbalist, Iridologist, and Bio-Chemist, Dr. Robert Morse, N.D. Attila is actively working toward the ultimate goal of receiving his degree as a Naturopathic Doctor, with future plans to become a Master Herbalist and Iridologist.
4)What are Dr. Morse’s qualifications?
Dr. Morse has been an Author, Lecturer, Teacher & Practitioner for over 42 years. He is degreed in Naturopathy, Naturopathic Medicine, Biochemistry, Iridology, Reflexology, Nutrition & Fitness, and as a Master Herbalist. He teaches others the secrets of Detoxification and Tissue Regeneration, and how simple good health really is. He is also the creator of Dr. Morse’s Herbal Formulas (formerly God’s Herbs Botanical Formulas), which have received worldwide acclaim while being used by physicians, clinics, and individuals throughout the world. Dr. Morse is on a mission of teaching others about healing through all the natural gifts from God.
5)Dr. Morse’s iridology Training Courses.
1 This Week: Iridology and Regenerative Detoxification 3 Day Intensive
![dr morse iridology 2 class_1024x1024[1]]()
Hello Everyone!
We just want to remind everyone that most of the staff is hosting the Iridology and Regenerative Detoxification 3 Day Intensive in Punta Gorda, Florida. If you have left a phone message or emailed one of the staff members and have not received a response, please be patient. All calls and emails will be returned once we are back in the office.
2 Iridology and Regenerative Detoxification (February 15-17, 2016)
Due to overwhelming request, Dr. Morse has lifted the requirement for certification prior to being able to register for the Iridology and Regenerative Detoxification class in February. However, we still strongly recommend that you have a firm understanding of the following before registering for this class:
- The lymphatic system and its role in detoxification
- Kidney filtration
- Acids and bases in the body and their effect on cells and fluids
- The importance of raw foods and herbs in detoxification
- The Healing Crisis—what it is, what to expect, and how to slow/stop one
- The cellular botanical formulas
Please understand that there will not be question and answer periods to address these topics, therefore if you do not have a strong foundation in these concepts you may have difficulty following this course. The emphasis of this course is Iridology, Iris Mapping and learning to write protocols, and a base knowledge in the above concepts is critical for this
3 Level One Alumni: Come Join Us at the Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center in Punta Gorda, Florida
October 16 through 19, 2017
In Level One we learned that the body is the healer, and that energy is at the core of true healing. We unlocked the “mystery” of disease and learned the importance of consuming proper chemistry and supercharging detoxification and regeneration with tissue specific herbal formulas. Prepare to go farther, learning the highest order of healing and how to become a true healer on every level!
Now that you have completed Level One, take a journey into Iridology and Regenerative Detoxification! Learn the basics of Iridology, the ONLY way to assess the soft tissues of the body. Complete in-depth workshops on Regenerative Detoxification for advanced degenerative cases, mapping the iris to identify areas of weakness, and using that knowledge to prepare herbal protocols that will help achieve TRUE healing. Join Level Two Alumni as they bring you into the experience of successful clinical practice and jumpstart your own Detoxification Specialist practice, propelling you into becoming a thriving entrepreneur!
- Deepen Your Knowledge of Causative Factors, and Use it to Cure, NOT Treat!
- Advanced Regenerative Detoxification with Chronic and/or Severe Degenerative Cases
- Effectively Using Diet and Herbal Protocols with Chronic and/or Degenerative Cases
- Iridology: Learn What It Is and How to Make It Your Greatest Tool for Assessment
- Iris Mapping
- Using the Iris to Formulate Powerful Diet and Herbal Protocols
- Learn Practical and Efficient Methods of Setting Up Your Business Office from Level Two Alumni and Begin Monetizing Right Away
- Enjoy Fun and Informative Break-Out Workshops
As a Level One Alumni, you are an active participant in a unified force in a new, 21St-Century industry of wellness education, regenerative detoxification, and co-empowerment. As a graduate/alumni of the International School of Detoxification, an open door stands in front of you to be among those of us in this movement activated by Robert Morse, ND.
Cost of Course:
$795 Standard Tuition (Level One Certification Required)
$650 Returning Level Two Alumni (Must be Level Two Certified)
Level One Certification is required to register for this event, and certification will be verified. If we are unable to verify Level One certification, registration will be cancelled and all fees paid will be refunded without notice. A $35 service fee will be assessed for cancellation charges. To register visit the Education Page of our Website and scroll down to the 2017 Level Two Live Intensive.
Note: The Class Listing on the Education Page will not be visible if you are not Level One Certified.
Registration requires a $250 deposit, which is non-refundable. The balance of tuition price may be paid any time prior to the start of class (you will be sent instructions for paying the balance after you register). Alumni/Returning Students: Please pay only the deposit amount to register, and contact Shannon for instructions on paying the balance. If a cancellation occurs prior to September 25, 2017 you will be afforded a credit towards an herb order or any of our clinic services. Cancellations after September 25 will not be eligible for credit or refund of any kind.
Course Includes:
- 4 day intensive training and workshops by Dr. Robert Morse and Level Two Alumni from the Association of Regenerative Detoxification International (ARDI), 9 am to 4:30 pm daily
- Iridology Simplified by Dr. Bernard Jensen
- Iris Chart
- Case Materials for Protocol Workshops
- Fresh Fruit Provided by ARDI During Breaks and Lunches
- Fireside Chats with Clinic Counselors
- Morning Meditation and Movement (optional)
Tuition does not include transportation, evening meals or accommodations. Iris photos and Iridology Reports will be available, additional charges will apply.
4 Level One Alumni: Come Join Us at the Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center in Punta Gorda, Florida
September 26-30, 2016
Space is Limited, Reserve Your Spot Today!
- Deepen Your Knowledge of Causative Factors, and Use it to Cure, NOT Treat!
- Advanced Regenerative Detoxification with Chronic and/or Severe Degenerative Cases
- Effectively Using Diet and Herbal Protocols with Chronic and/or Degenerative Cases
- Iridology: Learn What It Is and How to Make It Your Greatest Tool for Assessment
- Iris Mapping
- Using the Iris to Formulate Powerful Diet and Herbal Protocols
- Learn Practical and Efficient Methods of Setting Up Your Business Office from Level Two Alumni and Begin Monetizing Right Away
- Enjoy Fun and Informative Break-Out Workshops