Maikong-Professional Iridology Camera Iriscope Fabricant et fournisseur

caméra d'iridologie

» caméra d'iridologie

How to choose the right iridology camera software for your iridology camera software.

Catégorie et étiquettes:
caméra d'iridologie, caméra d'iridologie pour PC, caméra d'iridologie pour PC et TV, caméra d'iridologie pour PC TV, Caméra à iris, iriscope, Iriscope
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  • Tableau d'iridologie COEUR
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iridology camera software

Why Holistic iridology camera software?

Why Holistic iridology camera software?

Over the past forty plus years, there has been a growing awareness that we are much more than physical beings. Science and the awakening human consciousness both are responsible for this increased awareness. The human experience includes spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects that are intimately interactive.

Historically, over the past 3,000 years, the practice of iris analysis was done from only a physical perspective.

Holistic Iridology® is an advanced system that encompasses not only the interpretation of genetic influences on the physical (symptoms) but also on the conscious and subconscious spiritual (connection to the Divine), mental (thoughts) and emotional (feelings) aspects of the soul’s journey throughout its lifetime.

Further, it is known that unhealthy thoughts and emotions adversely affect our DNA as well as our physical health with dis-ease and disease. Getting to the root causes and healing them on all levels is the key. You are capable of reprogramming the DNA code to transmute ancestral issues that are not healthy or not for your highest good.

Holistic Iridology® is a powerful tool of analysis, not diagnosis, to help you and others on the journey of life.

iridology camera software

Iridology softare- Iridology Station 5.2

Iridology softare- Iridology Station 5.2

The Iridology Station 5.2 software is now available in Spanish!!

Works well with our SD8004 Super Digital 18.1 MP Iridology Camera System, our eyePIX 10.0 mega pixel Handheld Iridology Cameras, and pretty much any iridology camera. Can be purchased as a stand-alone iridology software program to work with 35mm cameras as well.

The worlds’ leading Iridology software takes you to the next level! Dual-mode ~ iStudio and iBrowser! Iridology Station 5.1 now brings together two powerful programs into one dual-mode instrument! iBrowser ~ Manage and view all your digital images. Browse, organize and transfer your digital images into iStudio with a single click. iStudio ~ The most up-to-date collection of powerful tools in one Iridology Studio. Patient database, Collarette maps, Grading systems, Pupil scanning, Report generation, Emailing reports, Histogram display, “One-click” Resource files, Digital camera integration, and much more.

iStudio Tools and Features include:

Chart OverlayingCollarette Scan Map to trace the collarette for accurate chart overlaying.
Iris Scanning: Identifies the colour difference within the iris to determine lighter and darker areas of the iris. This information is displayed in graph form listing body parts and systems. Use the new Collarette, Exclusion and Aspect Ratio tools for improved accuracy in iris scanning.
Patient Database: records Patient Details, Iris Signs, Suggestions and Comments
Patient Report Printouts: option to print out patient iris images, graphs, Iris Signs, Suggestions, Comments and Iris Markings
Email reporting – generate reports to email in various formats, including PDF
Customize reports in MS Word
Iris Marking recording
Image Adjustment, Graphic and Text Tools, Image Zooming Tools
“One click” Resource files: on Constitutions, Lacunaes, Pupil Distortions, Pupil Flattening, Pupil Size, Sclera, Ellipsoids, Pupil Ruffs.
Grading Systems – 1) by constitution , 2) by nutritional zone and organ zone 3) by iris structure
Pupil Scan – grades pupil size, offset, pupil collarette position
Top bottom image stitching
Multiple Reference Plug-in Support – Constitutional Iridology by Milo Milosevic; Interactive referencing that is context sensitive to image
Analytical Reference Bar – Analytical reference material with images easily accessed from quick-retrieve toolbar for rapid analysis
Histogram Display – Measures colour density in each body organ; better-than-human-eye detection; enables before and after comparisons; research potential; unique in Iridology
AVI Movie Tutorial support – Movie demonstrations of all tools!
Operates seamlessly with digital cameras – Digital integration
More intuitive & integrated functionality – tools are just one click away!
Full Ongoing Support!
Works with Windows 10

iridology camera software

EyeRonec – logiciel de caméra d'iridologie – logiciel de caméra d'iridologie

EyeRonec – logiciel de caméra d'iridologie – logiciel de caméra d'iridologie

EyeRonec’s speciality is to supply you with high quality Iridology cameras, also known as Digital Iriscope, iris camera, eyology and sclerology camera.

Our latest Iridology camera is the 9MP

*The Pebble’s are our latest portable iridology camera software. We have added 2 white side lighting LED’s which will assist in capturing images of true brown irises. The camera plugs into the USB slot in your computer or Laptop and will run on both Windows and Mac computers. The Pebble camera’s are the perfect camera for iridology students and experienced practitioners alike.

A message from Leo

When I first saw an iridology camera in the late 80s I thought to myself that there had to be a better way . I am sure that many of you believed the same thing. It was that strong belief that motivated me to experiment with photographic equipment for years. Ive had help from people that shared my beliefs and working together we struck gold The first EyeRonec Iridology camera was made and shown on national TV. Many practitioners all over the world started to use our cameras.

We were then asked for a beginners camera, something that new graduates and struggling practitioners could afford. Again I had a strong belief that I could do it, better than anyone else. The first camera was the Microsoft based EyeSpy followed by the Pebble-8 a giant leap in image quality.

Am I happy now? NO. I am always working on improvements as well as better ideas so that one day we will yet again move up a notch. By providing economical equipment I believe that more practitioners can show the patients their eyes live on a screen. This has a big impact on the patient so that they comply better with your recommendations to improve their health. Iridology is such a great modality that enables patients to strengthen any potentially weak areas in their body and to avoid or at least delay degeneration of vital organs. I will continue to help bring more equipment to more practitioners to help people to live a healthier life. To put my money where my mouth is I now give a LIFETIME GUARANTEE on all our cameras. Join the many practitioners already using our equipment and order one for your clinic.

Founded in 1961 by Leo Bongaards, ND MH Dip Ir EyeRonec is backed with over 50 years of electronics industry experience. You will find our products in Australian Embassies all over the world, in Australian Military Installations, in Canberras Treasury and Taxation buildings, in the Institute of sports and many other Government and Private company properties. EyeRonec provides top quality Iridology equipment, Canon Digital Iridology camera complete with LCD monitor, printer and carry-case along with great customer support and 5 year guarantee. Australian designed and made USB Iris cameras and more innovative electronic and health equipment and software. Through our commitment, 50 years of experience, original innovation and expertise EyeRonec products and ideas have been copied by many others but NO-ONE has ever provided a guarantee and service that comes even close to ours! Just check out our website and see for yourself. You can contact EyeRonec by: Phone- Australia 04 0962 2795 Int. +614 0962 2795 (9am-5pm local Sydney Time)

Based on Foreign text by unknown authors, compiled by Leo Bongaards ND
Hypocrites ( 480 360 BC) is said to have used the eyes for diagnosis and the Aztecs practiced some form of eye diagnosis around 1000 BC, Stone carvings show the use of the eye for purpose of determining illness. The Egyptians and Babylonians most likely used iridology and the Chinese and Japanese are said to have used the varying colours of the iris as part of their diagnosis

EyeRis Instructional Videos
We at EyeRonec have spent a lot of time constantly trying to improve our Instruction Manuals trying to make the process of learning how to use our cameras and software easier for our customers. However, we realize that a picture (or video in this case) tells a thousand words.

If you already have the EyeRis software or are considering purchasing EyeRis Iridology Reporting Software check out the video’s below on how to use the EyeRis software

This is a very comprehensive list of Iridology books from ALL over the world, originally prepared by Dr Waniek, unfortunately his interesting website has disappeared. We were able to save this listing in the hope that it may be of use to you. If anyone knows what happened to Dr Waniek please let me know by emailing

1. Interpretation

1.1 In these conditions Seller means EyeRonec (Sydney Australia) or any of its associated firms and companies and Buyers means the person, body, firm or company with whom the Seller enters into a contract for the sale of goods. 1.2 These terms and conditions apply to all contracts of sale entered into by the Seller and are implied into all purchase orders placed by the Buyer. No other terms and conditions contained in the Buyers purchase order or in any other communication from the Buyer will have any effect or change these terms and conditions unless expressly agreed in writing by the Seller. 1.3 These conditions bind the Seller, the Buyer and their respective successors and assigns. 1.4 Words implying persons shall include corporations; words implying the singular shall include the plural and vice versa; and words implying the masculine gender shall include all genders as the case may require.
2. Quotation and Purchase Order
2.1 Subject to clause 2.5, no binding contract for the sale of goods comes into existence until: (a) the Buyer gives the Seller a purchase order; and (b) the Seller gives the Buyer a written confirmation of the order; and (c) the Buyer has accepted the Sellers written confirmation of the order. The Buyer will be taken to have accepted the Sellers written confirmation of the order and these terms and conditions if no objection is received by the Seller from the Buyer by the earlier of: (i) 5.00pm on the 5th Business Day after the issue of the Sellers written confirmation of the order; and (ii) the date of dispatch of the goods.

2.2 Subject to clause 2.5, any confirmation of the order which is taken to be accepted by the Buyer gives rise to a contract for sale of the goods described in the confirmation of the order on these terms and conditions. 2.3 Once the Seller has sent to the Buyer the Sellers written confirmation of the order or (if earlier) has dispatched the goods to the Buyer, the Buyer may not cancel or modify the purchase order without the written consent of an authorised employee of the Seller. If approved, the Buyer must indemnify the Seller against all costs and losses which arise as a result of such cancellation or modification. 2.4 The Seller is not liable for orders placed fraudulently or without authority if the order received from the Buyer is received by: (a) telephone from a person who identifies themselves as being an employee or authorised representative of the Buyer; or (b) email from an email address which appears to have originated from an employee or authorised representative of the Buyer; or (c) fax signed by a person who appears to be an employee or authorised representative of the Buyer, unless expressly agreed otherwise with the Buyer. 2.5 If the Buyer requests immediate dispatch of the goods and the details about the price and description of the goods contained in the Buyers purchase order are correct, the Seller is not required to give the Buyer written confirmation of the order and may immediately dispatch the goods to the Buyer. In this case, the Buyer, in accepting delivery of the goods, is taken to have purchased the goods on these terms and conditions.
3. Product Details
Any information about the goods contained in websites, catalogues, brochures or other written material shall be treated as approximate indications and shall not be binding on the Seller.

All products are as described and images of pictures taken with cameras are true images without any optimization or photoshopping. The equipment is suitable for the purpose and is in use by the Seller. When equipment is attached to a computer it is the computer that determines the quality of the images and performance. The Seller has no control over the computer of the Buyer and how the software and equipment will react on that computer. The Seller will not be held responsible for the operation or failure of the said computer or the ability of the Seller to operate such.
4. Price of Payment
4.1 Unless specifically stated otherwise all prices are quoted exclusive of any freight and insurance charges, sales tax, customs duty and GST which shall be added to the amount to be paid by the Buyer.

4.2 All prices of imported goods quoted are based on the FOB price of the Sellers supplier and the rates of exchange, freight, insurance and customs duty ruling at the date of quotation. The quoted prices may be varied by the same amount by which the Sellers actual costs have been varied as a result of any change in the said rates. 4.3 Subject to clause 4.4 and any statement to the contrary contained in the Sellers quotation, all accounts are on a COD basis and all goods must be paid for in cash or by bank cheque before they are delivered. If the Buyer fails to pay the full purchase price on delivery, the Seller retains the right to refuse to complete delivery. 4.4 If the Buyer has an approved credit account with the Seller the goods supplied must be paid for in cash or by bank cheque within thirty (30) days from the date of invoice or thirty (30) days from the date of shipment whichever occurs first. Where the Buyer is overdue with any payment, the Seller reserves the right to change the Buyer to a COD account. 4.5 Each consignment shall be considered a separate and independent transaction and payment shall be made accordingly. 4.6 All Sellers invoices must be paid in full by the Buyer without set-off. 4.7 Without prejudice to any other right or remedy of the Seller, the Buyer will indemnify the Seller against any costs, fees, charges and disbursements charged by any party engaged by the Seller for the purpose of the collection or recovery of moneys due and payable by the Buyer to the Seller. 4.8 Without prejudice to any other remedy the Seller has, the Seller reserves the right to charge interest on any overdue payment at an annual rate equal to 2% above the rate notified by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia from time to time as being that Banks indicator lending rate. If the Buyer disputes the whole or any portion of the amount invoiced by the Seller, the Buyer must pay the portion of the invoiced amount not in dispute and must notify the Seller in writing of the reasons for disputing the remainder of the invoice. If it is resolved that some or all of the disputed amount ought properly to have been paid at the time it was invoiced, then the Buyer will pay the unpaid amount in accordance with these terms and conditions.
5. Passing of Risk and Property
5.1 Risk in the goods passes to the Buyer when the goods are loaded at the Sellers premises for delivery to the Buyer. Risk of loss in transit is the responsibility of the Buyer.

5.2 The Seller shall retain title to the goods until it has received payment in full for them. Goods belonging to the Seller which have not been paid for in full are held by the Buyer solely as bailee for the Seller and must be: (a) stored separately by the Buyer so that they are identifiable as such; (b) kept in good and serviceable condition; (c) secured from risk, damage and theft; and (d) kept fully insured against risks that are usual or common to insure against in a business of a similar nature to the Buyers business. 5.3 The fact that the Seller retains title to the goods until they have been paid for shall not affect its right as an unpaid Seller or the passing of the risk of the goods to the Buyer pursuant to clause 5.1. Furthermore if payment is overdue, or the Buyer enters into bankruptcy, liquidation, a composition with its creditor, has a receiver or manager appointed over all or any of its assets or becomes insolvent the Seller shall be entitled without prejudice to any other remedy, to repossess and re-sell goods belonging to it and to enter any premises of the Buyer without notice for the purpose of re-possession. The act of supplying and or delivering the goods to a sub-buyer shall be deemed to be an assignment of the proceeds received by the Buyer in respect of the goods from the Buyer to the Seller absolutely and not by way of security.
6. Intellectual Property
The Buyer shall acquire no intellectual property rights in any computer software or drawings, designs, technical solutions, etc. Included in or relating to the goods even if the goods have been customized for the Buyer at the Buyers cost. Such intellectual property rights are retained by the Seller or its supplier (as the case may be).

7. Infringement of Patents and other Intellectual Property
If the goods are claimed to infringe on any patent or other intellectual property rights of a third party, or where a risk of such infringement arises, the Buyer accepts that the Seller at his discretion may either: (a) obtain the right from the legitimate holder of the patent or intellectual property right to continue the use; or (b) modify or replace the goods so as to bring an end to the infringement. Should none of these options be available on terms considered fair by the Seller, the Seller may demand that the Buyer refrain from using the goods.
8. Transport
Buyer shall make his own transport arrangement. Where the Buyer fails to make transport arrangements the Seller shall (a) for deliveries WITHIN the metropolitan area of mainland state capital cities, use a freight service of its own choosing and add a standard freight charge to the invoice; and (b) for deliveries OUTSIDE these areas, the goods will be dispatched freight on, or charged to the Buyer on the Sellers invoice. The goods will be delivered to the address specified in the purchase order.

9. Delivery Time
9.1 Delivery dates are estimated in good faith by the Seller and are not of the essence of the contract. Domestic parcels are usually send by express post for next day or day after delivery, overseas parcels are send according to the amount paid by the buyer and received usually within 10 working days, not including customs delays and Tax charges to be paid by the buyer. 9.2 If delivery of the goods by the Seller is delayed for a cause other than the Sellers negligence, the Buyer will be liable for any extra charges, losses or expenses incurred by the Seller. The Buyer will not be entitled to cancel the purchase order by reason of that event.
10. Claims
10.1 The Buyer shall inspect all goods supplied upon delivery. The Seller shall not be liable for shortages and other errors in delivery unless

the Buyer submits a claim in writing to the Seller within seven (7) days of the delivery to which the claim relates. Lost or delayed parcels are the Buyers responsibility unless insurance has been paid for by the Buyer. 10.2 Goods cannot in any circumstances be returned to the Seller (a) without the prior written consent of the Seller: and (b)No parcels will be accepted for repair or refund unless accompanied by a delivery document showing the Sellers Return Authorisation number. c) All sales are final NO refund will be available unless there is an exceptional case, deemed to be valid by the Seller, goods may be taken back in stock, a minimum of 25% of the purchase price, not including freight costs will be deducted from the refund cheque or credit applied to the buyers credit card. The transaction will be completed within 7 days and be final. The acceptance of the funds shall indemnify the Seller from any further action or claims by the Buyer.
11. Lifetime Warranty

11.1 The following cameras are supplied supplied by the Seller to the Buyer with a ‘Lifetime Warranty’:- (a) EyeRonec Pebble Pro, (b) EyeRonec Pebble 8+2. 11.2 The ‘Lifetime warrantycovers any faults or issues with the cameras listed in 11.1. The warranty will be redeemed by one of the following options:- (a) The replacement of goods or supply of equivalent goods (b) The repair of the goods. 11.3 The ‘Lifetime Guaranteedoes not include the cameras or software not being compatible with new operating systems. We encourage buyers to ensure that a new computer or operating system will work with their existing software and hardware. 11.4 The purchaser need to send the goods postage paid to the Sellers address with an authorisation number on the parcel. The Seller will return the goods repaired or replaced and tested by mail.
12. Warranty

12.1 All goods supplied by the Seller to the Buyer on an as is basis without any warranty of any kind. However the Seller shall assign to the Buyer in so far as it is able to do so the benefit of any condition, warranty or guarantee express or implied in the Sellers contract with its own supplier and arrange extended warranties where possible and and/or applicable. 12.2 Subject to clause 12.3, clause 12.1 sets out the full extent of the Sellers obligation and liability to the Buyer with respect to the goods supplied and all terms, conditions, warranties and representations that might otherwise be implied by statute or otherwise are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. 12.3 Where the law implies warranties or conditions which cannot be excluded, the Sellers liability is limited at its option to:- (a) The replacement of goods or supply of equivalent goods (b) The repair of the goods. 12.4 Cameras and Magnifiers may be repaired or replaced at the Sellers option for the live of the product. The purchaser need to send the goods postage paid to the Sellers address with an Return Authorization number on the parcel. The Seller will return the goods repaired or replaced and tested by mail.
13. Limitation of Liability
To the extent permitted by law and subject only to any exceptions contained in these conditions: (a) the Seller is not liable to the Buyer for any form of indirect loss, damage or expense (including consequential loss) sustained or incurred by the Buyer or any other party resulting out of the supply of the goods by the Seller, the use or performance of the goods, any breach by the Seller of these terms and conditions or the negligence of the Seller; and (b) the Sellers liability for direct losses is limited to an amount equal to the actual amount paid by the Buyer to the Seller (less all discounts and refunds) in respect of the goods in relation to which the liability arose.

14. Governing Laws
The construction validity and performance of any contract incorporating these terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of the State of New Wales and the Buyer shall submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the State of New South Wales.
15. Force Majeure
The Sellers obligations shall be suspended in the event of non-performance attributable to circumstances beyond the Sellers control. In this case, the Seller may cancel the purchase order and will not be liable for damages as a result of the suspension or cancellation.
16. Privacy
Information collected by the Seller from the Buyer which contains any personal information (as defined in the Privacy Act 1988 ) about the Buyer, its employees or contractors may be used by the Seller in any manner permitted by the Privacy Act 1988 and the Sellers privacy policy
17. General
17.1 If any provision or paragraph of this document is determined to be illegal and unenforceable it shall not affect the enforceability of any other provision or paragraph of this document. 17.2 Headings are included for ease of reference and do not form part of or affect interpretation of these conditions. The benefit of a purchase order or contract must not be assigned by the Buyer without the Sellers prior written consent. The Seller may consent to the assignment of a contract by the Buyer subject to such conditions as the Seller may in its absolute discretion choose to impose. 17.3 A variation or waiver of a provision or any amendment of these terms and conditions is effective only if in writing and signed by the Seller. 17.4 A failure, delay, relaxation or indulgence on the part of Seller in exercising any right conferred on it by these terms and conditions does not operate as a waiver of that right. 17.5 Any notice given in respect of these terms and conditions must be in writing and given personally or delivered to the recipients address last known to the person giving the notice. In the case of service by post, the notice will be deemed to have been served two days following the date of posting.
18. No returns will be accepted without a RA number. Email to request a Return Authority.

iridology camera software

SD8004 iridology CameraJoyful iridology camera software

SD8004 iridology CameraJoyful iridology camera software

Joyful Living Services, in partnership with Iris Imaging, is excited to announce that we now offer an 24.2MP Digital Iridology and Sclerology Camera Systemthat has the capability of extremely high resolution and uncompromising quality at affordable prices.
Our Iridology and Sclerology System is based on the 24.2MP Nikon DSLR. The system uses a highly rated, crystal clear 90mm lens that has even greater clarity than the 105mm macro lens for unparalleled performance and clarity.
The camera features a newly designed oversized Nikon CMOS sensor specifically optimized for low noise and high saturation, giving you the best image quality available. It also uses Image-processing engine EXPEED 3the same as that used by the Nikon D4 FX-format flagship camera and a 3-inch Clear View LCD with anti-reflective and scratch-resistant coating. You’ll have uncompromised Digital performance with power and flexibility in the palm of your hands.
We use a highly regarded macro lens along with a specifically designed flash and two high quality fiber optic strands to illuminate the eye perfectly. This allows for greater depth of field and consistently clearer pictures. The flashes are still within the pupil so no part of the eye is obscured.
The portable fully adjustable custom camera stand is made of heavy duty plate aluminum with a beautifulBrite Dippedface mount rather than the plastic found in other systems. This gives you unequaled beauty, strength, stability and longevity. It is easy to set up on any table, at any location for ultimate portability and comfort.
The lighting system gives you perfectly illuminated shots every time without flash spots on the iris. The twin head focus light is embedded in the flash ring giving you ease in focusing while being easy on the client.

The camera comes with all the drivers, manuals and instructions making it easy to take stunning pictures that will impress your clients and offer excellent clinical advantages over any other camera in this price range. We recommend the Iridology Station 5.1 software that will automatically scan the iris and compile a report that you can share with your clients making the start of your business a breeze. The camera comes with a 1-year manufactures warranty.
Because of the power of our unique Iridology and sclerology system, you can greatly magnify the size of the image on your computer screen. This gives you the option to zoom in and observe minute nuances that are simply unavailable with other cameras. Scroll down to the end of this page to see examples of the quality you can add to your practice. Now compare the images from other cameras and see why we are so excited to offer this package at this price.

Blue-Eyed Type (German: Lymphatic)
White collerette (autonomic nerve wreath), solid blue or gray/blue color with no discoloration or psora (pigments). Related to the primary color blue and the spiritual aspect of health. Strong tendency towards Western phlegmatic (water) constitution and Chinese water, metal constitutions.

Mixed-Eyed Type (German: Biliary)
Discolorations or psora (drug spots) on top of a blue background (fiber structure is visible through color). Related to the primary color yellow and the mental aspect of health. Strong tendency towards Chinese wood, earth constitutions and the Western air constitution.

Brown Eyed Type (German: Hematogenic)
Pure brown eye with pigments covering iris fiber structure. Related to the primary color red and the physical aspect of health. Probably Chinese constitutional types: fire and earth. Probability related to Western fire and earth constitutions as well.

Sclerology is the Study of the Whites of the Eyes.
The immediate and current data in the whites of the eyes effectively doubles, enhances, and verifies what can be seen in the irises. The SD8004 Super Digital Iridology and Sclerology Camera System takes excellent sclera photos as seen in this photo.

Full System:
Full System with Camera, Stand and Case: Retails for $4,600. On sale this month for $3,600. Free Upgrade Option: Upgrade to the 24.2MP. SAVE $350.


Handheld Camera: Retails for $3,600. On sale this month for $2,950 with case. Free Upgrade Option: Upgrade to the 24.2MP. SAVE $350.

If you want to purchase the stand by itself:
$800.00 + shipping

Shipping and Handling:
$100 within the United States(SAVE $50 on shipping until April 30th)

Call or e-mail for quote outside the United States

Good day Brenda, I am happy to let you know that I received the 2 shipments on Tuesday. Thank you very much for your dedication and support. The whole family was motivated by my ‘Intermediate Iridology Certificate’. I am busy completing my ‘Advanced Iridology’, reading Dr. Jensen’s Iridology Volume II and Mr. Mehlmauer’s Sclerology. Very soon, I will start studying my Muscle Testing and may contact you for assistance if need be. My SD8004 iridology camera software has also been retrieved from Customs yesterday. My elder daughter who is a clinical and IT engineer will help me set it up tomorrow with her boyfriend. We are all very much excited because we are slowly but surely fulfilling our dream. I sincerely express my deep appreciation to you and my family for your continued support and encouragement. Dr. DC Tshibangu

My name is Mara Bramante. I live in Italy. I would like to thank both Brenda and Chris for all the assistance they gave me before and after receiving my SD8004 Super Digital Iridology Camera. The camera has been my best purchase yet. It has facilitated my work as an iridologist. It takes such clear precise pictures, and above all, it is really easy to use. I have recommended the same SD8004 to 3 Italian colleagues, and I am proud to say that they are just as satisfied with the camera as I am, and they too, find working with it very simple and pleasant. This makes me very happy. While ordering the cameras, we were afraid to encounter problems with the shipment, but amazingly the delivery dates were respected and all four cameras arrived safely. What touched me is the way Brenda and Chris made sure to follow up on our orders very closely, and were always (and still are) available to answer any question or doubt. I will highly keep recommending it. Once againthank You Joyful Living !!

I have purchased the SD8004 Super Digital Iridology Camera and would like to share something for you Brenda. I live in Botswana. I not only had no problems with receiving my camera, but would like to thank Brenda and Chris very much for their total support and help for everything. I truly love the camera, as I have found it sturdy, convenient and quite easy to use. It has made a big difference in iris photo taking of my clients and patients. Not only is there no distraction of lights in the iris, but focusing is a pleasure, not only for myself but for my clients as well. I do not have to take long to take their pictures, so in turn there is no stress on their eyes. The instructions are easy to follow. I recommend this camera for all those Iridologists that want to make their consultations easy and comforting to their patients. Brenda, I thank you so much for your time in answering all my questions prior and after buying your camera. With email access, all this was possible & hassle free. Thank you Brenda and Chris for all your support. It has helped my practice tremendously. Mrs. Allie

This is Denise Coyle, and I am a nutritional therapist living and working in Ireland. I have always been fascinated by iridology, so when I found the course offered by JLS I jumped at the chance to study. It is proving to be an invaluable diagnostic tool in conjunction with my nutritional therapy training. However, I found that as a beginner, it was taking me lots of time to study someone’s iris, which meant that I had to hold a magnifying glass and flashlight for lengthy periods in their personal spaces, something that I myself would not appreciate. I started looking at iridology camera softwares, and comparing photos taken by all different types from all different price ranges. There was absolutely none that compared to the quality and clarity of the SD8004. Yes, it is on the more expensive side, but I believe it is well worth it. My Irish family has been kind enough to let me take photos of their irises for the practice. Previously, I’d looked at their irises with a magnifier and light. But when I got the camera and saw the images produced, I was amazed and appalled at all that I had missed! There were so many more subtle markings and color variations that I would not have documented without the SD8004. I would not hesitate to recommend this camera to anyone who is serious about practicing iridology. Thanks especially to Brenda and Chris for working so closely with me to insure I got exactly what I wanted, and in a timely manner. Chris emailed to tell me the camera would be ready to use straight out of the box, and he wasn’t kidding! He even included instructions on battery changing. If you decide to go with this camera, I would also highly recommend the Iridology Station 5.1 softwareit’s the perfect complement for analysis and organization!

iridology camera software

Iridology Conclusion

Iridology Conclusion

Iridology is a safe, non-interventionary diagnostic technique, it requires no needles, and no anesthetic or drugs. Yet it may provide a valuable guide to health and disease. If every doctor’s surgery employed a trained Iridologist and diagnostician, or better yet, if every doctor studied iridology many exploratory operations would be avoided. This would save, not only financial revenue, but time and suffering on the part of the patient.

Iridology, in addition to other natural sciences is probably ahead of its time in the United States. It takes a special and futuristic practitioner to employ Iridology to its full advantage. In time, Iridology is set to establish itself as a mainstream diagnostic technique into the twenty-first century.

iridology camera software

Lieu d'origineGuangdong, Chine
Garantie1 an
Service après-venteSupport technique vidéo
Tapercaméra d'iridologie, iriscope
FonctionnalitéAnalyse de la pigmentation, analyse des rides cutanées, détection de l'humidité de la peau
ApplicationPour un usage domestique
Nom de la marqueMAIKO
Numéro de modèleMK-9822U
LangueAnglais / Espagnol
SystèmeWindows XP, Win2000, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win 10, Win 11, Apple Mac OS
Résolution du capteur CCD5,0MP
Détails de l'emballageCarton d'exportation
Délai de mise en œuvre5-7 jours (selon la quantité)
Capacité d'approvisionnement10000 pièces / pièces par mois
Taille du paquet unique33x28x12 cm
Poids brut unique2,500 kg

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