What is 12MP iriscopio obermax iridology camera?
iridology camera Accessories:
1. Faire du combiné x1pc
2. 30x IRIS Lens x1pc
3. Cuir Pu Box X1PC
5. 1,5 mètre Ligne USB x1pc
6. Couvercle de protection de l'objectif x1pc
* Chart d'Iridology x1pc
* Instructions & Garantie X1pc
* CD (logiciel d'analyse du pilote et pro) x1pc
Quel est le principal avantage de l'iridologie photo?
Non seulement cela apporte des indices à votre analyse de l'iridologie, mais cela aide à créer une meilleure connexion avec votre patient. Le patient, naturellement curieux, est impatient de voir son propre iris. Avec quelques explications simples, ils peuvent obtenir une compréhension de base de votre analyse. Le lien avec votre patient renforce et sa compréhension de leur processus s'améliore.
* Système d'analyse de l'iris: technologie internationale, fonctions uniques.
* Le système d'analyse de l'iris est un outil médicinal qui vérifie les conditions corporelles et empêche les maladies de se produire.
* Nous avons fait appel à la technologie avancée de l'analyse de l'iris d'Allemagne pour conduire les gens à découvrir des sources de maladie et à nous soucier de la santé et de l'esprit corporel.
* L'instrument peut montrer l'état corporel des clients et suggérer aux clients les aliments santé appropriés ainsi que les plans pour prendre soin de leur corps.
Guérir avec l'iridologie :
L'iris parfait n'a jamais été vu et tous les individus présentent un certain degré de faiblesse tissulaire, qu'elle ait été acquise et développée à partir d'habitudes de santé et d'un environnement douteux, ou à cause de la constitution génétique des parents.
caméra d'iridologie œil numérique iriscopio obermax caméra d'iridologie caméra d'iridologie œil numérique iriscopio obermax caméra d'iridologie caméra d'iridologie œil numérique iriscopio obermax caméra d'iridologie caméra d'iridologie œil numérique iriscopio obermax caméra d'iridologie caméra d'iridologie œil numérique iriscopio obermax caméra d'iridologie caméra d'iridologie œil numérique iriscopio obermax caméra d'iridologie caméra d'iridologie œil numérique caméra d'iridologie iriscopio obermax
caméra d'iridologie iriscopio oculaire numérique obermax caméra d'iridologie caméra d'iridologie iriscopio oculaire numérique obermax caméra d'iridologie
La guérison vient de la racine du mot signifiant tout. La santé et le saint aussi !
La guérison vient du fait de prendre soin de tous les domaines de notre être tout entier, à savoir l'esprit, le corps et l'esprit.
À mon avis, lorsque vous vous débarrassez de ce que le corps ne peut pas utiliser et lui donnez ce dont il a besoin, le corps fera le reste. Le corps est un merveilleux spécimen incroyable. Chaque jour, il respire tout seul, le cœur pompe seul, si vous vous coupez ou cassez un os, ils guérissent seuls. Vous n'avez jamais à dire à votre corps quoi faire automatiquement. Notre responsabilité est de fournir les éléments du corps et vous êtes le seul à pouvoir le faire.
Spécifications de la caméra d'iridologie
1. Résolution haute, Real 2 Magepixel Pictures
2. Fonctionnement facile sans installation de pilote
3. Ensemble de cuir de luxe
iridology camera Instruction:
* Belle apparence et design innovant
* Illuminateur LED autour de l'objectif
* Lentille importée avec couche plaquée
* 8,1 méga pixels capteur CCD haute résolution
* Processeur d'image DSP spécial, stabilisateur d'image optique
* Bouton de capture unique et capture de pause numérique.
* Mise au point réglable pour donner une image claire.
* Balance des blancs et réglage automatique du contraste, filtre de température de couleur
* Fonction de comparaison d'images double
* Mode de capture 3D négatif
* Compatible avec la lentille iris, la lentille capillaire.
* Fournissez des images claires et précises.
* Facile à utiliser.
How to use he Cadi CV Advance Analysis System English Version auto iridology software?
1) Open desktop the “Système d'analyse avancé CadiCV version anglaise”
2) use select “utilisateur”,mot de passe :111111,et cliquez sur : “se connecter”
3) click “outil client”, entrez vos informations client. si ok, cliquez “ajouter”,and
4) click “capturer l'oeil droit”.–cliquez “capturer”,left eye repetition Last Step.
5) select the eye pic (right eye pic / left eye pic)
6) click “analyse”
7) click “définir le paramètre” bouton.
1st. put the mouse arrows in center of pupil, click left key of mouse,
2nd . remove arrows of mouse edge of pupil, click left key of mouse,
3rd.remove the arrows of mouse between iris and sclera, then click left key of mouse.
And click the “set parameter” button.
8) click “analyse de l'iris” button,and click “show organ” button.
then choose what part of eye do you want to analysis, view its color and
shape, at last click its color and shape, as following“Brown, lump”,
remove the arrows of mouse to your choose correct part, at last, you can see the following
analysis result picture, if you choose “color, or shape” is wrong, no any result of the part
Note: when you can read analysis result each time, please click “add to report” of right eye, store
the analysis result. Of course, you can continue to any part of right eye, repeat to choose color and
When you finish the right eye analysis, please click “analysis” again, then choose “left” of eye, to
repeat above operation ways.
9). When you finish all parts analysis , please click “analysis” again, then click “save”, to store a
complete of customer iris analysis result.
10) click button “customer report” button and click your replort name,
iriscope à vendre
iriscope à vendre
Qu’est-ce que l’iridologie ?
“The Iris, Sclera and Pupil of the eye show the veil the soul has created, through consciousness (or forgetfulness), that reflects the illusion which prepares the soul for attaining the reality of full enlightenment.”
~David J. Pesek, Ph.D., September 1988
Les yeux ont longtemps été considérés comme les “Fenêtres de l'âme.” But few people are aware of just how true this observation is. Accurate analysis of iris structure and pigmentation provides information about you or your clients that is hard to find through other methods. This information is so valuable that Iridology deserves to become a widely practiced assessment tool in both the physical and psychological health fields. There are a multitude of factors that influence our health and personality, and many of these factors are reflected in the iris. Look closely at your eyes in a mirror, and then at the irises of those around you. You will see many different patterns of iris fibers and colors. Like fingerprints or faces, no two are exactly alike, and neither are we! The iris structure is so unique; it is now being used for security identification at ATM machines and airports. Microsoft’s house of the future will use an eye scanner to identify residents and unlock the door.
L'iridologie est basée sur l'étude scientifique de l'iris — the colored part of the eye. Like markings on a map, the iris reveals physiological conditions, psychological health risks, challenges and/or strengths of various organs and personality traits.
Through iridology we can get an understanding of your past, present, and potential future health conditions by assessing the various body systems. Your inherited tendencies compounded by toxic accumulations in various parts of your body are also revealed.
La science de l'iridologie est basée sur l'analogie avec l'une des structures tissulaires les plus complexes de tout le corps. – the iris.
It is a method whereby the doctor or health practitioner can tell, from markings or signs in the iris, the reflex condition of various organs and systems of the body. These markings represent a detailed picture of the integrity of the body; it’s constitutional potentials, areas of congestion or toxic accumulations and inherent challenges and gifts.
The four principles that form the cornerstones of iridology are:
L'état des nerfs
L'état du système sanguin et lymphatique
Circulation adéquate
Nutrition – rest quality, breathing – état d'esprit
Nature has provided us with an invaluable insight into the vital status of the health of the body by transmitting this information to the eye.
The laboratory testing procedures practiced today, which are not always necessary, are expensive, time-consuming and, often, uncomfortable to the patient. With iridology, we have a simple, painless, economical and non-invasive way of looking into the body. This is not to say that it should exclude other forms of analysis. On the contrary, it may be employed in conjunction with any other system of analysis or a diagnosis that a practitioner wishes to use. Now, more than any other time in history, we are in a need of accurate and less complex means of analyzing a patient’s condition.
Eighty percent of the diseases treated in this country are of a chronic nature. The tissue found in chronically afflicted patients can be monitored better in the iris of the eye than, possibly, by any other method of analysis.
Iridology gives an essential insight to the development of these chronic diseases or the diminishing of that disease or inflammation.
The Science of Iridology is based on the analysis of one of the most complicated tissue structures of the whole body-the iris. Iridology offers a unique perspective to the concept and practice of preventive health care. It involves a non-invasive diagnostic procedure, commonly used by the European practitioners and may be useful in the detection of existing conditions as well as inherited genetic weaknesses. It is known that approximately 300 thousand nerves from various parts of the body make their way to the optic nerve. Therefore, projection of systemic activity may be visible at the iris.
A system of pseudodiagnosis based on the belief that each body region and/or organ is represented by one of six regions on the iris; iridologists claim to diagnose imbalances in the body by studying the shape, colour(s) and qualities of the iris. Anecdotal reports imply that diseases can be identified by changes in the iris including anaemia, cardiac conditions, trauma, liver disease, adrenal dysfunction and renal stress. Interpretation of the changes seen differs according to the iridologist: while all agree that colour changes are significant, for some, whitish discolouration is believed to indicate overstimulation, while for others, these same spots indicate an accumulation of toxins (e.g., uric acid or cholesterol); all agree that clarity of the iris indicates healthiness. Once identified, defects can (in theory) be treated using vitamins, herbs, minerals and other substances.
How ridology work?
Iridology is the study of the iris as associated with disease. The ‘iris’ of the eye, is the most complex tissue structure in the human anatomy, which is the exposed nerve endings that makes up the colored part of the eye. From the time we are conceived the iris and all its fibers are formed along with the brain before any other organ is developed, making the eyes an extension of the brain endowed with thousands of nerve endings, microscopic blood vessels, muscle and other tissues. The iris is connected to the tissue of the body by way of the brain and nervous system. The branched nerve fibers (such as dendrites) receive their impulses by their connections to the optic nerve and spinal cord. Nerve fibers in the iris respond to changes in body tissues by manifesting a reflex physiology that corresponds to specific tissue changes and locations, by way of line patterns, fiber structure and color changes in the iris. By this means the body’s inherited and/or acquired state of health sends neural reflexes to the fibers within the iris causing groups of fibers to change by way of line patterns, characteristics, shapes, structures, forms and color in the iris and that is what an Iridologist studies.
How to take Iridology Picture?
A practitioner skilled in iris analysis uses either a hand held light source and a small magnifying lens, or for more extensive analysis a specialized digital (or slide or print) camera allowing the practitioner the ability to study the iris, sclera and pupils in the analysis. Dr. Cheryl Matschek utilizes, in her practice, a specialized camera for iridology to take digital photographs for the iris analysis.
iridologie iriscope
iridologie iriscope
iridologie iriscope