Who is the founder of Iridology and how was it developed?
Who is the founder of Iridology and how was it developed?
Assessing health through studying the eyes is thought to date back at least as far as ancient Greece, Egypt and China.
In modern times, Iridology came into practice in the mid 1800’s out of Budapest, Hungary from a physician known as Ignatz Von Peczely. As a boy, Peczely was said to have observed how the iris of an owl changed, first when it suffered a broken leg and then as it got better. He went on to make observations of the human iris, often being able to predict someone’s impending illness. After qualifying as a doctor and making many clinical observations, he published the first early charts of the iris.
Dr. Henry Lane, an Austrian medical doctor, brought Iridology over to the U.S. in the late 1800’s. Iridology became internationally accepted in 1952 through the work of Dr. Bernard Jensen, an American Iridologist who was considered to be the leading authority on Iridology in the world during his lifetime (1908-2001).
Today, we have an iridology organization, the International Iridology Practitioner’s Association (IIPA) that promotes ethics and standards in the practice of Iridology worldwide. IIPA has taken the latest research and the best works from all the Iridologists throughout history and created a form of Iridology called Comprehensive Iridology which it teaches through it’s certification program.

What chart of vitamins and minerals of the Left Eye Iris?
What chart of vitamins and minerals of the Left Eye Iris?
Le tableau d'iridologie pour l'iris de l'œil gauche définit les nombreux détails de la zone d'iridologie pour montrer comment l'iridologie est liée aux tissus. & organs of the human body-The chart of vitamins and minerals below documents the left eye Iris zones related to tissues and organs in the body from Dr. Bernard Jenson’s charting of Iridology zones. Our Iridologist who studied under Dr. Jensen utilizes the iridology chart to identify possible weaknesses in tissues and organs of the body.

What is Iridology?
What is Iridology?
Iridology, also known as iridodiagnosis, is an alternative medicine practice in which patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris are examined for information about a patient’s systemic health. Practitioners match their observations to iris charts which divide the iris into many zones believed to correspond to specific parts of the human body. Little, if any, rigorous scientific evidence exists confirming any such link between aspects of the iris and a patient’s state of health and there is no recognized causative mechanism for any purported correlation.Iridologists claim that they do not diagnose specific diseases, but rather that they “highlight” those systems and organs in the body that are healthy and those which are described as “overactive” ou “inflamed.” These are said to point to a tendency in the patient towards certain illnesses, to reflect past medical problems, or to predict health problems which may be developing.Since iridology is not a method of treatment, its practitioners have often studied other branches of alternative medicine, such as naturopathy, and used the study of the iris as a diagnostic first step. Iridology is practiced more widely in Europe (especially in the UK and Germany), where there are approximately 20,000 practitioners, than in the United States, which has only a tenth of that number.

What is Comprehensive Iridology?
What is Comprehensive Iridology?
Comprehensive IridologyTM, was developed, and is accredited, by the International Iridology Practitioners Association. This is a combination of the American and European models of iridology, and it contains the latest up-to-date information on the theory and practice of iridology that is based on current extensive research.

What it The iridology controversy?
What it The iridology controversy?
The idea of iridology, like many alternative therapies, faces controversy, and the verdict is mixed. In a number of case studies in which patients with a specific ailment were assessed by a team of trained iridologists, the iridologists were unable to identify the ailment correctly. Further, team members often came up with different answers individually. In contrast, however, other studies report more favorable results and suggest iridology is a holistic health evaluation tool that should only be used in conjunction with Western medicine or other more proven alternative therapies.

Le support de l'iridologie est-il des changements de couleur?
Le support de l'iridologie est-il des changements de couleur?
En regardant en arrière, c'est incroyable pour moi que je pensais que l'iridologie avait une chance scientifiquement. Une fois que j'ai jeté un coup d'œil à l'anatomie de base de l'œil et du système nerveux, je savais qu'il était impossible de faire un changement structurellement, mais qu'en est-il de la couleur? Peut-être que l'iris ne s'est pas changé structurellement, mais peut-être que les changements de couleur seraient possibles pour soutenir scientifiquement. Je savais, comme indiqué ci-dessus, que sans équipement spécial, il serait difficile de prouver ou de réfuter des changements de couleur significatifs dans l'iris. La question était de savoir si quelqu'un avait fait une telle observation et si cela a été constaté pour signifier quelque chose. Afin de comprendre toutes les observations sur le changement de couleur de l'iris, il faut comprendre le processus de développement de la couleur dans l'iris de l'œil. La couleur de base de l'iris est constituée de cellules pigmentées très foncées qui sont au dessous de l'iris qui reflètent la lumière bleue visuelle arrière, donnant ainsi l'apparence d'un œil bleu. Dans les albinos, le manque de pigment permet à la lumière de réfléchir sur les vaisseaux sanguins donnant une réflexion rose. C'est le niveau de pigment dans les niveaux supérieurs (extérieurs) de l'iris qui donnent une variation des couleurs des yeux du bleu-vert au brun foncé. Tout comme les gènes ont une influence sur le niveau de pigmentation de la peau, les gènes ont donc une influence sur la couleur des yeux et la structure de l'iris. J'ai été enseignée en tant que jeune étudiant en iridologie que les différentes couleurs de l'iris étaient des dépôts de produits chimiques.
Par exemple, une tache de rouille dans l'iris était un petit endroit d'un produit chimique injecté d'un vaccin, ou une tache jaune brillante était le résultat d'un gisement de soufre dans l'œil de l'ingestion d'un médicament sulfa. Le fait est que ces spots sont des collections de mélanine; Semblable à la substance qui provoque des taches de rousseur dans la peau. Les iridologues éminents ont écrit dans leurs œuvres que ces spots contenaient des métaux et d'autres substances dans les autopsies. À moins que les métaux ou autres substances ne soient injectés directement dans l'iris, cela ne peut être vrai. Basée sur le fait que l'iridologie ne reflète pas la véritable anatomie, la physiologie ou l'histologie de l'iris, et sur la base du fait que les couleurs de l'iris ne sont pas déterminées par l'entrée nerveuse , il est devenu ridicule pour moi de croire que la couleur de l'iris est toute indication de la santé dans les organes éloignés. Certains iridologues suggèrent que la couleur des yeux et la structure des fibres sont immuables et sont utiles pour indiquer une certaine prédisposition aux troubles mentaux et physiques. Ces iridologues utilisent à nouveau des généralités et d'autres méthodes inutiles pour décrire l'utilité de leur méthode. Ils échouent malheureusement dans leurs tentatives d'utilisation correctement de la logique et de la science.

The Eye: The Blueprint to a Healthy Body The Eye
The Eye: The Blueprint to a Healthy Body The Eye
According to Iridology the iris of the eye is like a blueprint to the entire body. Iridologists believe that the eye is an intricate blueprint to a person’s inherent strengths and weaknesses. For those readers who are not aware of what Iridology is–it happens to be an alternative medical technique which utilizes the patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris to determine information about a patient’s systemic health. Essentially, Iridologists believe that they can match their observations of the eye to an eye chart, which divides the iris into zones. These zones correspond to specific parts of the human body. Iridologists believe that they can utilize these charts to distinguish between healthy systems and organs in the body and those that may potentially be overactive, inflamed, or distressed.
Iridology has a very long history, in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, writings and works on Iris markings and their meanings were recorded, mainly by medical practitioners. One of the most renowned and earliest practitioners of Iridology was Dr. Ignatz von Peczely.
According to the YouTube video, Dr. Ignatz von Peczely, a Hungarian Doctor and surgeon from the Vienna Medical College would study irises of patients before and after surgical proceedings and record his finding. In 1818 Dr. Ignatz van Peczely published his research and eye chart in the book ‘Discoveries in the Realms of Nature and Art of Healing’.
Iridology has come a long way since the 18th century, with large strides under the research of people such as Dr. Bernard Jensen. Dr. Jensen travelled all over the United States and 65 other countries observing peoples health choices, nutritional choices, and cultures. He was interested in Longevity. What he ascertained through all of his travels was that 80% of what Iridologists see in the irises tells them about their patients’ genetics. From the start of his practice Dr. Jensen has serviced more than 350,000 patients in his tenure. This includes Actors, Artists, and other famous people. Dr. Bernard Jensen’s protégé Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D. Sc. CCIIhas successfully used Iridology on Grammy award winning singer songwriter Jewel.
In the video Jewel was very honest about the fact that she was skeptical at first about Iridology. She thought it sounded like “palm reading”, but then became a major supporter when Iridologist Dr. Ellen Tart-Jensen, from looking at her eyes was able to ascertain a kidney issue that all standard medical doctors wrote off as nothing being wrong. When in actuality Jewel had been suffering from chronic infections in her kidneys. But with working with Ellen Tart Jensen and taking her recommendations on a new nutritional plan, Jewel has been healthier ever since.
We, at Infinite Iris, are proud to be promoting Ellen Tart Jensen’s newest e-textbook Techniques in Iris Analysis. The e-textbook will be available at myinfiniteiris.com in early, January, however printed hardcovers are available today at bernardjensen.com.

What can’t do the iridology?
What can’t do the iridology?
Other sites caution that iridology cannot diagnosis pregnancy, because that is a natural condition of the body, and also cannot diagnose prior surgery, as anything that happens under anesthesia will block the signals that would otherwise change the iris. In other words – iridology only tells you about the susceptibility for disease – it cannot actually diagnose a disease or any other verifiable condition. This reasoning is called special pleading – the invention of a special rationalization for each fact that might otherwise falsify a claim or belief. Iridology, apparently, can only discern those things that cannot be verified or falsified.

What is iridology? and why i use it?
What is iridology? and why i use it?
What is iridology? A question I asked myself when I first heard the term. How could that colored part of your eye tell you anything about what is going on inside your body? My doubts began to crumble when I heard the facts.
Fact 1: That colored part of your eye is not just color. It is made up of thousands of nerve fibers. Approximately twenty eight thousand individual nerve fibers to be exact. When you look closely at your own eye, what looks like individual fibers, are actually a cable of fibers made up of about twelve to twenty-five nerve fibers wrapped together.
Fact 2: These nerve fibers come from every part of your body from your skin down to your bones. These nerve fibers then travel up your spinal cord to your brain (hypothalamus) then to your iris (via the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal ganglion). These fibers change in reflex to the change of nerve energy in any affiliated area of the body.
However, the above has never been scientifically proven to have any influence on the nerve fibers of the iris of the eye. Also if you search online you will find many web sites that will tell you that the iris of your eye has nothing at all to tell you about your genetic make up or the health of your body systems. They will tell you that Iridology is a lie and Iridologists are quacks.
Now I am someone who understands that the majority of what we take for granted to be the truth has never been scientifically proven. In addition, we all know that science has brought us at least as many disasters as benefits. You only have to look at our polluted world to see that. I also understand that there are plenty of opinions that turn out to be wrong. For instance, there was once the opinion of modern medicine that the appendix and the tonsils had absolutely no useful function in the human body. In some states it was the law that if an operation was performed in the abdominal area that the doctor was required to take out the patients appendix. Then later they found out that, both were vital parts of our immune system.
So more than eighteen years ago I set out to discover for myself what was the truth about Iridology. I took a basic Iridology course offered by Dr. Jack Ritchason. He is one of Dr Bernard Jensen’s (Western Father of Iridology) first students with years of experience. I also studied Dr Jensen’s methods via his books and slide studies. Then I took an Iridology course through Trinity College as part of my doctoral studies.
I purchased one of Dr Jensen’s cameras and started taking pictures of irises. One of my first clients was a woman who came to me because she was having migraine headaches so bad that she could not drive her car to work. She told me that the drugs she was on caused her to have out of body experiences and she was afraid to be around her daughter.
I photographed both the mother’s and the daughter’s iris at her request. I charted them out as I had been taught. The mother’s case was fairly simple, her iris showed a very toxic bowel. The daughter was very interesting, as you will see. When I charted out her eye the throat area of the iris stood out as the area of most of her health problems. I thought in my own doubting mind that this was probably wrong but as I had been taught, my work here is to interpret what the iris says and leave out my opinion.
When I sat down with them to discuss what I had found I started with the mother first. I suggested some simple diet changes and a bowel cleanse and detox program. She followed my advice closely to get to the root of her problem. Within a week, her migraines were gone for good. When I came to the daughters (eighteen years old) chart the first thing I said was ‘are you having any problems with your throat’. When I said that they both started laughing and nodding at each other. They told me that they had agreed that if I could find her throat problem that they knew that Iridology and I were legitimate. It turns out that she had been hit in the throat severely two times when she was a child and it was still troubling her. I suggested she see a deep tissue massage therapist to get relief.
Here is another interesting note to this story. They went to a massage therapist I knew and the daughter’s problem was solved. Her mother was so impressed by the process that she went on to become a massage therapist herself.
After the above experience, I tell every patient when I photograph their eyes that at this time I do not want to know any of their health problems until we meet to discuss what I find from the analysis. In this way, I let their iris tell me what is wrong. Then the client and I compare notes, what they know with what I have found.
Here are some more cases that stand out in my mind that show the power of Iridology to see inside the body. A doctor whose eyes I analyzed showed the left testicle was in distress. He revealed that he had been injured playing football in high school. His iris revealed that his injury still needed some attention. A salesman whose left kidney had been injured in an accident, whose iris also clearly showed, years after, that there was still distress. In addition, he confirmed that yes he was having problems with his kidney.
This next case is one of my most interesting because of how truthful the iris is and how accurate. This gentlemen’s eye I found to be one of the most puzzling and revealing of the power of Iridology. When I looked at the left eye I noted a great deal of physical distress, which I found out later, was due to a severe hit and run accident. He was physically run over by a car. However, there is something else here, a nerve structure that I had never seen before. Look at the eye to the left as though it were a clock then look at where four o’clock would be. See the somewhat pointed area of nerve fibers with the dark oval dot at the end. The nerve fibers here have been very disturbed by something traumatic. At first, I thought this might be a ballooned bowel (accumulation of gas or fecal material) but a ballooned bowel looks more round than pointed as this is.
When I interviewed him with the results of the analysis he revealed that he was borne with a birth defect. On the left side of his abdomen, his bowel was protruding through the skin. His mother said it looked like a bubble. He was operated on to correct the problem. However, his iris told the story of what had happened to him as you can clearly see.
If Iridology is as accurate as is clearly demonstrated here, why would modern medicine not be interested in using it as a tool to help people such as these to find relief? The reason is easy to understand, modern medicine is driven by symptoms. You tell the doctor your symptoms and the doctor tells you what disease you have. Then the doctor uses medication, operations and so on to dull, suppress or remove your symptoms.
As an Iridologist I cannot tell if you have a disease. I can tell where you are weak. I can tell where there may be distress, even though you may not have any symptoms. For instance, I had prostate cancer (see biography) but if an Iridologist looked into my iris at that time, he or she would not see cancer there. They would see that I was weak genetically in the prostate (prostate cancer runs on the men’s side of my family, my grandfather died of prostate cancer), and by the iris signs in that area of the eye, the area was degenerating . Therefore, that Iridologist would have warned me that there appeared to be distress in that area, and would have suggested what to do to cleanse and detox the area and what lifestyle changes to make to avoid problems with the prostate.
Iridology could have told my parents, when I was a child, where I was genetically weak and strong. If I had seen an Iridologist throughout my life I could have been informed long before I had symptoms of prostate cancer that my prostate was toxic and needed to be cleaned and my lifestyle was aggravating the problem. I could have done some simple cleanses and detoxes plus lifestyle changes and never have developed cancer in the first place. This is where Iridology is so valuable because of its ability to inform and educate the patient and prevent disease.
Iridology was developed to help you improve your level of health. When you are truly, a healthy person, disease has no place in your body. Cancer, germs, and viruses do not like oxygen, healthy blood flow, or a clean environment. Those diseases like toxins, low oxygen, and poor circulation, an environment that creates a mentally and physically unhealthy person. Are you creating an inner environment that creates disease or health?

Infinite Iris lance un nouveau site Web de formation en iridologie iriscope.org
Infinite Iris lance un nouveau site Web de formation en iridologie iriscope.org
Most people don’t realize that the Iris may have the power to show systemic health issues. Iridology is a “whole-istic” natural non-invasive form of health analysis that has been utilized on patients since the early 17thcentury. In the U.S. it is still a mostly unknown specialty even though legendary United States Iridologist Dr. Bernard Jensen, alone treated more than 350,000 patients using information obtained through Iris analysis during his tenure. Medical doctors throughout Europe, Russia and Asia have been utilizing Iridology as a noninvasive health assessment tool for decades.
Infinite Iris is excited to announce the launch of its new website promoting the study of Iridology, and world renowned Iridologist Ellen Tart-Jensen. Infinite Iris believes that this site will increase the exposure of the science of Iridology in North America as well as internationally.
My goal is a simple one: help others improve their health. Iridology combined with new nutritional elements to my diet helped me regain my health after a debilitating life-long disease. We hope that the new Infinite Iris website and the new blog will educate people on Iridology and the importance of what goes into one’s body as it affects their personal health; says world renowned educator, Iridologist and author of Techniques In Iris Analysis, – Ellen Tart-Jensen Ph. D., D.Sc., CCII.
The website will become a major educational portal, which discusses all new information, new textbooks, e-books, and media, as they pertain to the study of Iridology.
The launch of the website will be on January 11th, 2013. We would appreciate any feedback or additional information you would like to see available on iriscope.org .

Why Consult an Iridologist?
Why Consult an Iridologist?
A Chinese proverb says: ‘A poor doctor cures; a good doctor prevents’. Even worse is a doctor who only focuses on symptoms; such as much of our health-care system today. Iridology takes this to heart. All medicine longs to prevent a disease or disorder from occurring, any type of doctor would agree that it is easier, and more cost effective to nip disease in the bud.
Iridology is ideally suited toward prevention in the true sense. We all have genetic weaknesses of some type or another, if we were perfect we would be super-beings, not human. The skilled Iridologist pinpoints inherently weakened organs or glands that may not yet be noticeably producing symptoms or even discomfort. By studying the iris markers the Iridologist can then offer suggestions on how to avoid a disease or dysfunction occurring. By identifying the external stimuli that trigger the weakness to manifest, symptoms of disease may be avoided, or at worst, delayed. This can be clarified by iridology’s simple formula:
Genetic Weakness + External Stimuli = Symptom (GW+ES=S)
By carefully observing dietary intake, lifestyle, habits and environment, the Iridologist can identify irritants to an individual’s health. Living within the personal limitations of genetic inheritance may be the best way of achieving longevity. Human beings are immensely diverse and adaptable to their environment. If we recognize and identify any weaknesses that we may have, we are better able to avoid an external stimulus that would cause disease by preventing it from progressing.
For example, a person may smoke twenty cigarettes a day and live to a ripe old age – providing he does not have a genetic weakness that involves smoking, however this condition will worsen with each generation if not corrected. Conversely, a person may never smoke, yet develop lung cancer if he has a genetic lung marker. (Disclaimer: This is not an encouragement to smoke if you do not possess a genetic lung marker or condition.)

Qu’est-ce que l’iridologie ?
Qu’est-ce que l’iridologie ?
L'iridologie est basée sur l'étude scientifique de l'iris — la partie colorée de l'œil. Comme les marques sur une carte, l'iris révèle des conditions physiologiques, des risques de santé psychologique, des défis et / ou des forces de divers organes et traits de personnalité.
Grâce à l'iridologie, nous pouvons comprendre vos problèmes de santé passés, présents et potentiels en évaluant les différents systèmes corporels. Vos tendances héréditaires composées par des accumulations toxiques dans diverses parties de votre corps sont également révélées.
La science de l'iridologie est basée sur l'analogie avec l'une des structures tissulaires les plus complexes de tout le corps. – l'iris.
Il s'agit d'une méthode par laquelle le médecin ou le praticien de la santé peut dire, à partir de marquages ou de signes dans l'iris, la condition réflexe de divers organes et systèmes du corps. Ces marques représentent une image détaillée de l'intégrité du corps; Ce sont des potentiels constitutionnels, des domaines de congestion ou des accumulations toxiques et des défis et des dons inhérents.
Les quatre principes qui forment les pierres angulaires de l'iridologie sont:
L'état des nerfs
L'état du système sanguin et lymphatique
Circulation adéquate
Nutrition – Qualité de repos, respiration – état d'esprit
La nature nous a fourni un aperçu inestimable de l'état vital de la santé du corps en transmettant ces informations à l'œil.
Les procédures de test de laboratoire pratiquées aujourd'hui, qui ne sont pas toujours nécessaires, sont coûteuses, chronophages et, souvent, inconfortables pour le patient. Avec l'iridologie, nous avons une manière simple, indolore, économique et non invasive de regarder dans le corps. Cela ne veut pas dire qu'il devrait exclure d'autres formes d'analyse. Au contraire, il peut être utilisé conjointement avec tout autre système d'analyse ou un diagnostic qu'un praticien souhaite utiliser. Maintenant, plus que tout autre moment de l'histoire, nous avons besoin de moyens précis et moins complexes d'analyser l'état d'un patient.
Quatre-vingt pour cent des maladies traitées dans ce pays sont de nature chronique. Le tissu trouvé chez les patients affligés par chronique peut être mieux surveillé dans l'iris de l'œil que, éventuellement, par toute autre méthode d'analyse.
L'iridologie donne un aperçu essentiel du développement de ces maladies chroniques ou de la diminution de cette maladie ou de cette inflammation.
La science de l'iridologie est basée sur l'analyse de l'une des structures tissulaires les plus compliquées de l'ensemble du corps - l'iris. L'iridologie offre une perspective unique au concept et à la pratique des soins de santé préventifs. Il implique une procédure de diagnostic non invasive, couramment utilisée par les praticiens européens et peut être utile dans la détection des conditions existantes ainsi que des faiblesses génétiques héréditaires. Il est connu qu'environ 300 000 nerfs de diverses parties du corps se dirigent vers le nerf optique. Par conséquent, la projection de l'activité systémique peut être visible à l'iris.

What is Comprehensive Iridology?
What is Comprehensive Iridology?
Comprehensive IridologyTM, was developed, and is accredited, by the International Iridology Practitioners Association. This is a combination of the American and European models of iridology, and it contains the latest up-to-date information on the theory and practice of iridology that is based on current extensive research.

The Eye: The Blueprint to a Healthy Body The Eye
The Eye: The Blueprint to a Healthy Body The Eye
According to Iridology the iris of the eye is like a blueprint to the entire body. Iridologists believe that the eye is an intricate blueprint to a person’s inherent strengths and weaknesses. For those readers who are not aware of what Iridology is–it happens to be an alternative medical technique which utilizes the patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris to determine information about a patient’s systemic health. Essentially, Iridologists believe that they can match their observations of the eye to an eye chart, which divides the iris into zones. These zones correspond to specific parts of the human body. Iridologists believe that they can utilize these charts to distinguish between healthy systems and organs in the body and those that may potentially be overactive, inflamed, or distressed.
Iridology has a very long history, in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, writings and works on Iris markings and their meanings were recorded, mainly by medical practitioners. One of the most renowned and earliest practitioners of Iridology was Dr. Ignatz von Peczely.
According to the YouTube video, Dr. Ignatz von Peczely, a Hungarian Doctor and surgeon from the Vienna Medical College would study irises of patients before and after surgical proceedings and record his finding. In 1818 Dr. Ignatz van Peczely published his research and eye chart in the book ‘Discoveries in the Realms of Nature and Art of Healing’.
Iridology has come a long way since the 18th century, with large strides under the research of people such as Dr. Bernard Jensen. Dr. Jensen travelled all over the United States and 65 other countries observing peoples health choices, nutritional choices, and cultures. He was interested in Longevity. What he ascertained through all of his travels was that 80% of what Iridologists see in the irises tells them about their patients’ genetics. From the start of his practice Dr. Jensen has serviced more than 350,000 patients in his tenure. This includes Actors, Artists, and other famous people. Dr. Bernard Jensen’s protégé Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D. Sc. CCIIhas successfully used Iridology on Grammy award winning singer songwriter Jewel.
In the video Jewel was very honest about the fact that she was skeptical at first about Iridology. She thought it sounded like “palm reading”, but then became a major supporter when Iridologist Dr. Ellen Tart-Jensen, from looking at her eyes was able to ascertain a kidney issue that all standard medical doctors wrote off as nothing being wrong. When in actuality Jewel had been suffering from chronic infections in her kidneys. But with working with Ellen Tart Jensen and taking her recommendations on a new nutritional plan, Jewel has been healthier ever since.

Qu’est-ce que l’iridologie ?
“The Iris, Sclera and Pupil of the eye show the veil the soul has created, through consciousness (or forgetfulness), that reflects the illusion which prepares the soul for attaining the reality of full enlightenment.”
~David J. Pesek, Ph.D., September 1988
Les yeux ont longtemps été considérés comme les “Fenêtres de l'âme.” But few people are aware of just how true this observation is. Accurate analysis of iris structure and pigmentation provides information about you or your clients that is hard to find through other methods. This information is so valuable that Iridology deserves to become a widely practiced assessment tool in both the physical and psychological health fields. There are a multitude of factors that influence our health and personality, and many of these factors are reflected in the iris. Look closely at your eyes in a mirror, and then at the irises of those around you. You will see many different patterns of iris fibers and colors. Like fingerprints or faces, no two are exactly alike, and neither are we! The iris structure is so unique; it is now being used for security identification at ATM machines and airports. Microsoft’s house of the future will use an eye scanner to identify residents and unlock the door.
L'iridologie est basée sur l'étude scientifique de l'iris — la partie colorée de l'œil. Comme les marques sur une carte, l'iris révèle des conditions physiologiques, des risques de santé psychologique, des défis et / ou des forces de divers organes et traits de personnalité.
Grâce à l'iridologie, nous pouvons comprendre vos problèmes de santé passés, présents et potentiels en évaluant les différents systèmes corporels. Vos tendances héréditaires composées par des accumulations toxiques dans diverses parties de votre corps sont également révélées.
La science de l'iridologie est basée sur l'analogie avec l'une des structures tissulaires les plus complexes de tout le corps. – l'iris.
Il s'agit d'une méthode par laquelle le médecin ou le praticien de la santé peut dire, à partir de marquages ou de signes dans l'iris, la condition réflexe de divers organes et systèmes du corps. Ces marques représentent une image détaillée de l'intégrité du corps; Ce sont des potentiels constitutionnels, des domaines de congestion ou des accumulations toxiques et des défis et des dons inhérents.
Les quatre principes qui forment les pierres angulaires de l'iridologie sont:
L'état des nerfs
L'état du système sanguin et lymphatique
Circulation adéquate
Nutrition – Qualité de repos, respiration – état d'esprit
La nature nous a fourni un aperçu inestimable de l'état vital de la santé du corps en transmettant ces informations à l'œil.
Les procédures de test de laboratoire pratiquées aujourd'hui, qui ne sont pas toujours nécessaires, sont coûteuses, chronophages et, souvent, inconfortables pour le patient. Avec l'iridologie, nous avons une manière simple, indolore, économique et non invasive de regarder dans le corps. Cela ne veut pas dire qu'il devrait exclure d'autres formes d'analyse. Au contraire, il peut être utilisé conjointement avec tout autre système d'analyse ou un diagnostic qu'un praticien souhaite utiliser. Maintenant, plus que tout autre moment de l'histoire, nous avons besoin de moyens précis et moins complexes d'analyser l'état d'un patient.
Quatre-vingt pour cent des maladies traitées dans ce pays sont de nature chronique. Le tissu trouvé chez les patients affligés par chronique peut être mieux surveillé dans l'iris de l'œil que, éventuellement, par toute autre méthode d'analyse.
L'iridologie donne un aperçu essentiel du développement de ces maladies chroniques ou de la diminution de cette maladie ou de cette inflammation.
La science de l'iridologie est basée sur l'analyse de l'une des structures tissulaires les plus compliquées de l'ensemble du corps - l'iris. L'iridologie offre une perspective unique au concept et à la pratique des soins de santé préventifs. Il implique une procédure de diagnostic non invasive, couramment utilisée par les praticiens européens et peut être utile dans la détection des conditions existantes ainsi que des faiblesses génétiques héréditaires. Il est connu qu'environ 300 000 nerfs de diverses parties du corps se dirigent vers le nerf optique. Par conséquent, la projection de l'activité systémique peut être visible à l'iris.
A system of pseudodiagnosis based on the belief that each body region and/or organ is represented by one of six regions on the iris; iridologists claim to diagnose imbalances in the body by studying the shape, colour(s) and qualities of the iris. Anecdotal reports imply that diseases can be identified by changes in the iris including anaemia, cardiac conditions, trauma, liver disease, adrenal dysfunction and renal stress. Interpretation of the changes seen differs according to the iridologist: while all agree that colour changes are significant, for some, whitish discolouration is believed to indicate overstimulation, while for others, these same spots indicate an accumulation of toxins (e.g., uric acid or cholesterol); all agree that clarity of the iris indicates healthiness. Once identified, defects can (in theory) be treated using vitamins, herbs, minerals and other substances.