The Eye: The Blueprint to a Healthy Body The Eye
The Eye: The Blueprint to a Healthy Body The Eye
According to Iridology the iris of the eye is like a blueprint to the entire body. Iridologists believe that the eye is an intricate blueprint to a person’s inherent strengths and weaknesses. For those readers who are not aware of what Iridology is–it happens to be an alternative medical technique which utilizes the patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris to determine information about a patient’s systemic health. Essentially, Iridologists believe that they can match their observations of the eye to an eye chart, which divides the iris into zones. These zones correspond to specific parts of the human body. Iridologists believe that they can utilize these charts to distinguish between healthy systems and organs in the body and those that may potentially be overactive, inflamed, or distressed.
Iridology has a very long history, in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, writings and works on Iris markings and their meanings were recorded, mainly by medical practitioners. One of the most renowned and earliest practitioners of Iridology was Dr. Ignatz von Peczely.
According to the YouTube video, Dr. Ignatz von Peczely, a Hungarian Doctor and surgeon from the Vienna Medical College would study irises of patients before and after surgical proceedings and record his finding. In 1818 Dr. Ignatz van Peczely published his research and eye chart in the book ‘Discoveries in the Realms of Nature and Art of Healing’.
Iridology has come a long way since the 18th century, with large strides under the research of people such as Dr. Bernard Jensen. Dr. Jensen travelled all over the United States and 65 other countries observing peoples health choices, nutritional choices, and cultures. He was interested in Longevity. What he ascertained through all of his travels was that 80% of what Iridologists see in the irises tells them about their patients’ genetics. From the start of his practice Dr. Jensen has serviced more than 350,000 patients in his tenure. This includes Actors, Artists, and other famous people. Dr. Bernard Jensen’s protégé Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D. Sc. CCIIhas successfully used Iridology on Grammy award winning singer songwriter Jewel.
In the video Jewel was very honest about the fact that she was skeptical at first about Iridology. She thought it sounded like “palm reading”, but then became a major supporter when Iridologist Dr. Ellen Tart-Jensen, from looking at her eyes was able to ascertain a kidney issue that all standard medical doctors wrote off as nothing being wrong. When in actuality Jewel had been suffering from chronic infections in her kidneys. But with working with Ellen Tart Jensen and taking her recommendations on a new nutritional plan, Jewel has been healthier ever since.
We, at Infinite Iris, are proud to be promoting Ellen Tart Jensen’s newest e-textbook Techniques in Iris Analysis. The e-textbook will be available at myinfiniteiris.com in early, January, however printed hardcovers are available today at bernardjensen.com.

How can iris analysis benefit my clients?
How can iris analysis benefit my clients?
Iridology is used by healthcare professionals to help their clients better understand their own individual needs, such as their unique genetic predispositions and the lifestyle factors that may have contributed to their current situations. It can also help your clients learn what areas of their body may need support to increase vitality or to regain balance.
By sharing this information with your clients, you will be able to assist them in determining how to best maintain their health through a lifestyle that focuses on wellness and prevention.

How iridology to work
How iridology to work
Iridologists generally use equipment such as a flashlight and magnifying glass, cameras or slit-lamp microscopes to examine a patient’s irises for tissue changes, as well as features such as specific pigment patterns and “irregular stromal architecture”. The markings and patterns are usually compared to an iris chart that correlates specific zones of the iris with specific parts of the body. Typical charts divide the iris into approximately 80-90 zones. For example, the zone corresponding to the kidney is often in the lower part of the iris just before 6 o’clock. However, iridologists use a number of different maps that do not necessarily agree with one another.
According to iridologists, details in the iris are supposed to reflect changes in the tissues of the corresponding body organs. For example, acute inflammatory, chronic inflammatory and catharral signs are said to indicate involvement, maintenance, or healing of corresponding distant tissues, respectively. Other features that iridologists look for are contraction rings and Klumpenzellen, which are said to indicate various other health conditions, as interpreted in context.

Qu'est-ce que l'iridologie?
Qu'est-ce que l'iridologie?
Iridology (sometimes referred to as iris diagnosis) is based on the bizarre belief that each area of the body is represented by a corresponding area in the iris of the eye (the colored area around the pupil). According to this viewpoint, a person’s state of health and disease can be diagnosed from the color, texture, and location of various pigment flecks in the eye. Iridology practitioners claim to diagnose “déséquilibres” that can be treated with vitamins, minerals, herbs, and similar products. Some also claim that the eye markings can reveal a complete history of past illnesses as well as previous treatment. One textbook, for example, states that a white triangle in the appropriate area indicates appendicitis, but a black speck indicates that the appendix had been removed by surgery. Iridology charts—dozens of which exist—vary somewhat in the location and interpretation of their iris signs. Some iridologists use a computer to help them analyze eye photographs and select the products they recommend. Sclerology is similar to iridology but interprets the shape and condition of blood vessels on the white portion (sclera) of the eyeball.

Iridology history
Iridology history
The practice of Iridology has origins as far back as Ancient Egypt. It is here that drawings have been found relating the eye to the anatomy of the body. Modern iridology is in its infancy of less than two hundred years founded in 1861 by Ignatz Von Peczley, a doctor from Hungary. The story goes that as a young man Von Peczley had found an owl with a broken leg which he noticed to have had a black line in the bright yellow iris. As he nursed the owl back to health the line filled in with fine white lines and eventually looked like new. This observation stimulated Von Peczley to investigate the correlation with the iris and health. His knowledge as a doctor allowed him to create the first known map that connected the iris to specific problems within the aspects of his patients.
IridologyAround the same time a young Swedish boy Nils Liljequist became ill after a vaccination and needed to take quinine for treatment. He noticed his eyes changed color with the medicine and he published maps that coincided similarly with Von Peczley. Over the years iridology has expanded, matured and advanced technologically. From the Germans and Eastern Europeans to the pioneering work of the American Bernard Jensen who is the father of modern iridology, all have tested its diagnostic potentials upon hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Today practitioners in all fields of medicine are still utilizing iridology.

How long does a consultation take?
How long does a consultation take?
When an iris analysis is completed as part of a comprehensive health evaluation, the appointment time is normally about two hours. If an individual wants only an iris analysis without a comprehensive health consultation, the appointment is normally one hour.

Infinite Iris lance un nouveau site Web de formation en iridologie iriscope.org
Infinite Iris lance un nouveau site Web de formation en iridologie iriscope.org
Most people don’t realize that the Iris may have the power to show systemic health issues. Iridology is a “whole-istic” natural non-invasive form of health analysis that has been utilized on patients since the early 17thcentury. In the U.S. it is still a mostly unknown specialty even though legendary United States Iridologist Dr. Bernard Jensen, alone treated more than 350,000 patients using information obtained through Iris analysis during his tenure. Medical doctors throughout Europe, Russia and Asia have been utilizing Iridology as a noninvasive health assessment tool for decades.
Infinite Iris is excited to announce the launch of its new website promoting the study of Iridology, and world renowned Iridologist Ellen Tart-Jensen. Infinite Iris believes that this site will increase the exposure of the science of Iridology in North America as well as internationally.
My goal is a simple one: help others improve their health. Iridology combined with new nutritional elements to my diet helped me regain my health after a debilitating life-long disease. We hope that the new Infinite Iris website and the new blog will educate people on Iridology and the importance of what goes into one’s body as it affects their personal health; says world renowned educator, Iridologist and author of Techniques In Iris Analysis, – Ellen Tart-Jensen Ph. D., D.Sc., CCII.
The website will become a major educational portal, which discusses all new information, new textbooks, e-books, and media, as they pertain to the study of Iridology.
The launch of the website will be on January 11th, 2013. We would appreciate any feedback or additional information you would like to see available on iriscope.org .

Qu'est-ce que l'iridologie?
Qu'est-ce que l'iridologie?
L'iridologie est l'étude de la couleur, des pigmentations et de la structure de l'iris ou de la partie colorée de l'œil en ce qui concerne génétiquement la réponse réflexe aux forces et les carences des systèmes corporels.
L'iridologie complète toutes les sciences de la santé car elle fournit des informations, non seulement sur ce qui peut être diffusé au client, mais aussi sur la cause profonde du trouble.
De plus, de nombreux iridologues observent la frontière de l'élève ainsi que les marques vasculaires dans la sclérotique pour les aider à mieux comprendre la santé globale de la personne.
Nous pensons que l'iridologie est l'un des meilleurs outils d'évaluation disponibles pour découvrir quelles zones du corps sont génétiquement fortes et qui sont déficients. En utilisant l'iridologie, nous pouvons analyser la constitution globale en fonction de couleurs et de marquages d'iris spécifiques.

Who need iridology?
Who need iridology?
The iris is the colored part of the eye that surrounds the pupil and controls how much light falls on the retina. Practitioners with iridology training also see the iris as a diagnostic tool that can be used to pinpoint areas of health or weakness within the body’s systems. Specific areas of the iris have been mapped to correspond to particular organs, and markings such as rings, spots and discolorations, according to iridologists, may indicate ailments or predispositions to illness.
Scientific research has not conclusively proven whether iridology is an accurate method of diagnosis, and some professionals oppose its use. However, trained iridologists favor the practice as an indicator for potential health problems, especially when used in conjunction with other alternative or traditional medical practices.
Career Overview
Some practitioners with iridology training favor a direct visual approach: inspection of the iris in person during an office visit, using light and magnification, or analysis of slides of the iris. Others use methods of computer analysis such as 3-D maze spectroscopy and dynamic overlays of the iris at different stages of health or illness. Iridology certification may be useful to traditional health care practitioners such as optometrists and ophthalmologists, as well as holistic and naturopathic health professionals.

Iridology Certification
Iridology Certification
Because of the disagreement in the scientific community about the effectiveness of iridology, practitioners who want to demonstrate that they have made a commitment to professional, ethical and knowledgeable practice would benefit from seeking iridology certification. The International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA), an iridologists’ trade association, approves iridology certification programs that meet their professional standards. In addition, some practitioners choose to apply for certification from other groups such as the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board.