Maikong-Professional Iridology Camera Iriscope Fabricant et fournisseur

caméra d'iridologie

» caméra d'iridologie

Pourquoi vendre une caméra d'iridologie est une étonnamment bonne idée

Catégorie et étiquettes:
caméra d'iridologie, caméra d'iridologie pour PC, Caméra à iris, iriscope, Iriscope , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
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  • Caractéristiques
  • Installation & Operation
  • Tableau d'iridologie COEUR
  • Liste des paramètres de configuration

iridology camera is what?

iridology camera for sale

caméra d'iridologie à vendre

iridology camera for sale

caméra d'iridologie à vendre

iridology camera for sale

caméra d'iridologie à vendre

iridology camera for sale

caméra d'iridologie à vendre

Iridology camera Cadi CV advance 2.19 -Iriscope

Name:Iridology camera surgical instruments for maxillofacial surgery Main Functions and Features: a. Nice appearance and good-looking design

caméra d'iridologie à vendre
fabricants de caméras iridologiques
Fournisseurs de caméras iridologiques

b. Cold light illuminator around camera

c. Imported lens with plating layer

d. Imported CMOS sensor with 5 Mega pixels

e. Special DSP image manipulation lens

f. Control light of 8 mm camera to turn on or not.

g. Show the changes of video quickly, clearly and accurately.

h. Able to save, print reports of customers’ information

i. Easy to operate and time-saving. Rated Voltage: DC5V 500MA Color: white Specification (length*width*height mm): Handle:157*52*39 8MMCamera:60*45 Paper Box:220*153*73 Net Weight (g): Handle: 147.60 8MMCamera: 29.00 Paper Box: 103.00 Illustration of Iridology: 204.00 Other Assessory: 74.20 Net weight of machine (g): 557.80


1. Handle(Pause Button)


3. Paper Box

4. Camera protective cover Package Assessory Illustration of Iridology Compare Chart of Twelve Iris Symptoms Warranty card CD(Driver and Software) Take Attention: Driver number:DM004 Illustration of Iridology 8MM

instrument Camera Operating Instruction Driver and Software CD

A. We suggest you use the video software in Windows XP, and the screen resolution should be 1024*768 pixels.

B. Uninstall the other digital camera driver before installing the iris driver.

C. Any incorrect installments that disobey the operation instruction lead the damage of instrument are out of compensate. Warning: : Before using instrument, the user must clean the surface of camera with alcohol; anybody who has eye disease or skin disease takes caution please. Any patient needs it under special situation, please follow doctor’s direction.

iridology camera for sale

caméra d'iridologie à vendre

iridology camera for sale

caméra d'iridologie à vendre

iridology camera for sale

caméra d'iridologie à vendre

iridology camera for sale

caméra d'iridologie à vendre

iridology camera for sale

caméra d'iridologie à vendre



What is Iridology Analysis?

What You’ll Get From Your Iridology Analysis:

Awareness of areas of toxicity or inflammation in your body (systems, organs and glands).

Learn whether you have a weak, medium or strong bodily constitution.

Suggestions for specific detox protocols to correct the imbalance.

Suggestions for herbal or dietary supplements.

A detailed evaluation of your case that’s detailed enough to give you specific things you can do to move forward without feeling overwhelmed or confused.

New to eating healthy and detoxifying?

*I suggest doing an iridology analysis at the beginning of your journey to see a before and after of your progress.

Your eyes will change with deep tissue detoxification!

Choosing an iridology camera

Essential elements to look for in iridology cameras

Our cold lighting fibre optic system minimizes client irritation and gives precise daylight illumination for optimum exposure and true colour every time. It includes variable intensity adjustment to enable even the darkest eyes to display every detail with no loss of contrast! In addition, our lights avoid the pupils to avoid putting artifacts in this vital assessment area.

Easy operatation. Get perfect focus with ease.

One of the most important features to consider is the lighting. Our fixed lighting system ensures easy comparative analysis. Side lighting option included.

Our designer has had more than 30 years clinical experience as an ND and Iridologist bringing with him a keen understanding of what professional Iridologists need.

We only use high quality current model cameras and professional grade materials. Most of our camera systems include state of the art analysis software in the price.

All of our cameras meet iridology photographic criteria. In fact, we lead the way in iris photography!

iridology camera for sale

caméra d'iridologie à vendre

iridology camera for sale

caméra d'iridologie à vendre

iridology camera for sale

caméra d'iridologie à vendre

Taking Your Iris Photos with a Digital Camera:

  • Set camera to macro setting.
  • Keep the eye close to the camera. On a macro setting, you can be 4-5 inches from the lens.
  • Turn on flash if taking photos indoors.
  • Use natural daylight. I find taking them in my car on a sunny day always works well.
  • Tenez-vous de côté de n'importe quelle fenêtre (face à la fenêtre provoquera un éclat).
  • Have someone else hold the camera if possible or use a tripod and timer. If you do not have a tripod, use a mirror to see if your eye is in the shot.
  • Hold the upper and lower eyelids open to make your ntire iris visible.
  • Prenez une photo de chaque iris à la fois.

Taking Your Iris Photos with a Phone Camera:

  • Keep the eye close to the camera.
  • Flip your camera horizontally.
  • Take photos using natural daylight. I find taking them in my car on a sunny day always works well.
  • Have someone else take your photos if possible.
  • Hold the upper and lower eyelids open to make your entire iris visible.
  • Prenez une photo de chaque iris à la fois.

Checking Your Photos for Lighting and Clarity:

  • Check the photo on the viewfinder of your camera. Use the zoom feature to see the iris.
  • Be sure the iris is clear, otherwise try again.
  • Be sure there is no red eye. If possible, turn on red eye reduction on your camera.
  • Assurez-vous que tout l'iris est visible ; sinon réessayez.
  • Assurez-vous qu'il n'y a pas d'éblouissement significatif sur l'iris ; sinon, éloignez-vous légèrement de toute fenêtre et réessayez.

Emailing Your Final Iris Photo Results:

  • You may crop the photos so only the eye is visible if you wish.
  • If possible, please let me know which eye is left and which is your right eye. I can still locate which eye based on your tear duct, but this always helps.
  • You can send 3-5 pictures of your left eye and 3-5 pictures of your right eye.

iridology camera for sale Video

tableau d'iridologie tableau d'iridologie diagrammes d'iridologie à télécharger gratuitement Tableau d'iridologie d'angle

Lieu d'origineGuangdong, Chine
Garantie1 an
Service après-venteSupport technique vidéo
Tapercaméra d'iridologie, iriscope
FonctionnalitéAnalyse de la pigmentation, analyse des rides cutanées, détection de l'humidité de la peau
ApplicationPour un usage domestique
Nom de la marqueMAIKO
Numéro de modèleMK-9822U
LangueAnglais / Espagnol
SystèmeWindows XP, Win2000, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win 10, Win 11, Apple Mac OS
Résolution du capteur CCD5,0MP
Détails de l'emballageCarton d'exportation
Délai de mise en œuvre5-7 jours (selon la quantité)
Capacité d'approvisionnement10000 pièces / pièces par mois
Taille du paquet unique33x28x12 cm
Poids brut unique2,500 kg


LOGICIEL MAIKONG IRIDOLOGIE Installation et fonctionnement


Certificats d'entreprise

Contactez-nous en ligne WHATSAPP :

Nous sommes l’une des principales usines mondiales d’iriscopes pour caméras d’iridologie, offrant des prix compétitifs et une excellente qualité. Si vous avez des questions concernant la caméra d'iridologie, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.

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