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“Ciencia y Practica de la Iridologia Bernard Jensen” is a book written by Bernard Jensen, an American chiropractor who was a proponent of iridology. As I mentioned earlier, iridology is a form of alternative medicine that involves the examination of the iris of the eye to diagnose medical conditions. Iridología
L'iridologia è una pratica che prevede l'esame dell'iride, o la parte colorata dell'occhio, come mezzo per analizzare e interpretare le condizioni e le caratteristiche di salute. Bernard Jensen era un naturopata e un chiropratico che era noto per il suo lavoro in iridologia. Ha scritto diversi libri sull'argomento, tra cui “La scienza e la pratica dell'iridologia,” which is considered a …
Iridology is the study of the iris, or the colored part of the eye, as a means of analyzing and interpreting health conditions and characteristics. The iridology chart, also known as an iris chart, is a visual tool used by iridologists to examine and analyze the iris for indications of various conditions and characteristics. Here is a diagram of the …
Le pratiche di medicina alternativa, come l'iridologia, non sono regolate allo stesso modo delle pratiche mediche tradizionali. Ciò significa che chiunque può affermare di essere un iridologo e offrire servizi di iridologia necessita di istruzione o formazione specifica. In conclusione, non è necessario disporre di una licenza per praticare l'iridologia in California.
To take a picture of the eye for iridology, the practitioner will typically ask the person to sit in a chair and look straight ahead. The practitioner will then hold the iridology camera up to the person’s eye and take a picture of the iris. The process is usually quick and painless, and the person being photographed should not experience …
To take a picture of the eyes for iridology, practitioners typically use a special tool called an iridology camera or iriscope. This device is a specialized camera that takes pictures of the iris. The pictures are then analyzed by the practitioner, who looks for patterns, colors, and other features in the iris that are believed to be indicative of specific …